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Everything posted by Kav

  1. 8 point gap, grrr. 2 horse race, eh @dazzybee?
  2. Kav


    The laughs had on Party Chat were fantastic! I'd definitely not have been on a fraction of the time had it not been for all you guys on here!
  3. I've not slagged off local multiplayer @dazzybee, if anything I've recognised it's value in that I've said how the joycons being two controllers give it greater value for money. Living with children I recognise this even more... however, what is worth noting is that the kids prefer to play locally on the Xbox One than they did the WiiU! When I say multiplayer I encompass online into it because online is a part of it. I'm talking about it as a whole.
  4. @dazzybee the OS is a part of the hardware, the hardware bloody encompasses it so yes, one can cite it as part of the problem! Also, do you know how many friends I had round to do local on WiiU? None! Most of my mates that are gamers live in different cities these days after moving for uni/work, those that live in Manchester have kids or work shifts so them coming over wasn't really the norm... so we game online. On the PS4 I can put on a game, create a Party and chat to my mates even whilst playing different games. Even whilst not playing, I could be on the web browser streaming something to the TV (I've done this a lot with @Blade ) but still chatting. Nintendo have said you can chat whilst online in compatible games. So it's not a Party Chat, it's like how it was in some games on the WiiU. Also, on the PS4 I don't have to use a separate device to do so. You say my "knee-jerking" is getting worse but evidence points to it being more on the money than other people's blind and unwarranted optimism. Just a query @Ronnie what evidence suggests the online set up will be "likely good"? If you consider the industry standard set up, how is it looking the way you suggest?
  5. Kav


    When Destiny first came out I bloody loved it, thought it was great... but by the time the first DLC dropped I was done with it. I played through that DLC once and dropped it, I didn't even put it on for the second lot of DLC which I had already paid for via the season pass. Traded it in and washed my hands of it... it was far too grindy and repetitive... unrelentingly repetitive! Destiny 2 would need to change a lot to tempt me back in.
  6. I'm pretty sure the WiiU did from what I recall... apart from the at 1 patch I don't really recall having to wait for any others, including downloads.
  7. Then instead of complaining, ignore it! Whether it's the 17th time or 17 thousandth, if it's a valid complaint now as it was then, it's acceptable for it to be mentioned. Outside of games I have an interest in I'll not mention it, but in games I have an interest in I'll continue to post my opinions. And given this is new hardware, I'll post my opinions. I do have some positive ones too which I've said, it's handy being able to play on both the TV and portably, having the joycons work as 2 controllers gives more value to them. The design is lovely. Again, I've ran out of thanks and I couldn't agree more.
  8. I think it's more time for you to realise people have opinions and are ok to share them on a discussion forum. Sure, discuss the issue, but to complain about people complaining? It's a bit silly isn't it..? Endless complaints could be avoided if Nintendo have this online app/service work the same across the board for all their games. If they deal with it on a game by game basis however, then I can see complaints being brought up in each games individual threads. ...and thus, you'll have to suck it up. Love this (ran out of thanks) Absolutely, very well said.
  9. Yeah I know, haha. I can't believe how long people have been waiting already!
  10. This is probably why I'll never love Nintendo like I once did. They used to reign supreme as multiplayer kings (N64 days especially)... but with their attitude toward online gaming they'll never reach that peak again. Not when the competition do it so much better! Granted, I'll probably keep getting their hardware as long as I can trade in their previous one for a good price, if only for Zelda and the hope of a Metroid game (where the fuck were you on WiiU Samus?! Haha).
  11. The hardware is well made and visually appealing, I'm not saying it isnt, but it's sorely lacking on features that other consoles have. Also, I worry that things like HD Rumble & the IR pointer (now it's on the bottom of the controller) will have driven up price and not be used in any meaningful way, akin to the Gamepad... I doubt it'll justify a higher cost for the system. It's not just that one dud, it's the series of continued missteps they take... online, poor software schedule (yes, I think it's poor, especially release), what I mention above. Reggie's stupid comments and other's lack of understanding when it comes to the online side of gaming. Only the physical design of the hardware is good so far. Nothing else has suggested they're moving forward in the industry.
  12. You'd be very incorrect then. It's all on the forum, you could go back and see. I was hyped for each and loved each of them. It's the WiiU generation that has soured Nintendo for me. Prior to the WiiU I was actually hyped... now I know better. 99% of the people have been Nintendo fans.
  13. The more I hear from Nintendo on the Switch the less I think of the system... it just sounds like a WiiU2, in that you can take the Gamepad with you. Every interview I read just enforces my train of thought in that Nintendo have lost it. They no longer have what it takes to be relevant in gaming from a hardware standpoint and will slowly and surely decline into obscurity. They haven't the foggiest! Sure, I'm getting the system but only because I'm trading in my WiiU and 3DS, there's no chance I'd bother otherwise. I feel it's going to be another disappointing gen from Nintendo.
  14. Finished the current books of A Song of Ice and Fire, really enjoyed each of them, book 4 especially was a real page-turner! I can't wait for the next! I've started reading "Missing, Presumed" today. I'd been recommended it so I'll see how it goes.
  15. What's been said about the camera and controls is why I'm yet to pick this up. Plus a back-log of course, haha.
  16. Indeed! Don't start thinking higher than your station now Ramar. :p
  17. Burnley gave us a right game there, their goal was great, what a free kick! Still, extended the lead.
  18. Kav

    Splatoon 2

    I really hope they add some custom classes so you can change weapons/clothing during matches or at least in lobbies. This was my second biggest gripe with the game... but I'll not mention the first, haha.
  19. Summed up perfectly for me too, probably my 3rd favourite Zelda behind Ocarina and TP.
  20. What a great lock screen... [tweet]829909853648805889[/tweet]
  21. I'd have hoped that the Switch could run ports, sure at less of a graphic fidelity but at least with similar performance. It seems not even that would be feasible though.
  22. Sounds like there'll be no Project Cars 2 for Switch, it doesn't sound powerful enough once again... http://nintendoeverything.com/project-cars-2-creative-director-would-love-to-do-something-on-switch-but-dont-count-on-a-port/
  23. Kav


    It looks nowhere near as bad as Ronnie has made out...
  24. Has anyone got any Switch carry cases ordered? I'm looking for one to get for sure but would like a good browse first.
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