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Everything posted by Owen

  1. My 3DS is crying for this! Not long now!
  2. Would like to know some more details personally...a release date being the main thing, haha.
  3. Personally, i don't want any rehashes (as much as i would probably buy Sunshine or Wind Waker again) I want originality and freshness now!
  4. I'm going for Nintendo: Beam Stream Wave or Frequency
  5. Wonder if my predictions from 2010 will be correct...will Link fly a plane or is your sword your means of transport? Will you be able to fly around a huge world and land where-ever you wish? Hopefully find out tomorrow!
  6. This game (or should I say novel) is absolutely superb! Already becoming a cult classic in America...this is vastly becoming one of the best DS games I've played! It's like 'Saw'...rather twisted too but the actual story and writing keeps you reading on and on! Haven't come across many puzzles yet but they are very clever and quite difficult..when you do! Superb so far!
  7. I've gotta wait till Christmas Day! Think I can do it...just about! Haha Haven't received any post yet! Thing is DK will come with a t-shirt making the package bigger...might come by van cause of snow? Not sure!
  8. I've cancelled my pre order. I've gone a bit Kinect mad and technically I would be buying this just for the motion plus controller at £35. However I've spent so much money making sure all my wii motes have motion plus already that It seems daft buying this at the moment....I'll get it eventually.
  9. Wow..the game absolutely rocks! The minute you start listening to the opening scene you can tell how much love has gone into this...graphically outstanding too! Feels like 'old' Nintendo platforming, which i haven't felt many times on the Wii just yet. Any negatives? Well...it is a little too easy..if the difficulty doesn't notch up, you'll probably fly through it, with 100% collectable items on 'every' level... Still..whats the rush? A game like this doesn't come on Wii too often..sit back and just enjoy! Hell of ashame Europeans have to wait till 2011 for this...i believe alot of people on this forum needed this game...RIGHT NOW! Does make you think what is America going to get when Europe get this in 2011...bit of a worry..but hey ho!
  10. Apparently this is coming out in Feb 2011...a month which is already 'crammed' with high quality games....including a certain Killzone 3! Really shouldn't have been delayed for it's own sake.
  11. So am i...but i can't...wish it had come out sooner (although it wouldn't have been an anniversary) but still i'm only interested in about 3 more DS games now and getting ready for the 3DS next year!
  12. Haha love it!
  13. Chrimbo for me! Really hoping it lives up to expectations and has that re-playability factor like the original Goldeneye!
  14. Brilliant! Just posted about this in the Wii thread..so pleased it's confirmed here! Great xmas prezzie!
  15. 25th Anniversary Super Mario All-Stars Collection coming to Europe December 3rd..it's been posted on Nintendo Sweden..so hopefuly we'll get official confirmation soon!
  16. It's been confirmed that Europe are getting this in 2010 (i believe it's November), Eurogamer just had a news post stating this fact but was then taken down! Goldensun DS is also released December 10th 2010 (just so you know).... Anyway, I'm hoping 'Flingsmash' has alot of variety and obviously uses the motionplus superbly cause the lack of games using that device so far is criminal! Could be a dark horse?
  17. Yeah it'll be approx $300! Hopefully £179-£199 here. I'm actually relieved at a March release, gives me time to try and save some dosh! However i'm shocked it ain't out in Japan this year! Who'd have thought?
  18. I was gonna say Nintendo have done a very clever but crafty tactic. Most of the launch line-up will be N64 games made for 3DS! These are already complete...Zelda, Starfox, Pilotwings, Starfox etc... The line up is already stellar...the only negative is waiting probably a few more months for the original titles.. This is the only reason why I'm leaning towards a 2010 release...Nintendo are able to get it out quickly cause the games are mainly re-made ones..
  19. Capcom Europe are supposedly announcing 2 new games tomorrow at 7am. Be very surprised if these aren't for 3DS.
  20. My head is safe! December 3rd 2010 confirmed!
  21. Definately December 3rd 2010 in Europe. I will eat my head if thats not the date. Golden Sun is apparently December 10th. There was worries a couple of weeks ago that it wouldn't make 2010 in Europe..but a news post on NOE's official site confirms we will get it this year..so it's all good. What a great Chrimbo game!
  22. I think it's probably safe to assume Japan will get it first and in November. Very dissapointed at the rumoured Spring 2011 for Europe...but hey ho! Never understood whey Nintendo releases handhelds here like Feb/March, missing the Christmas period...but it's never stopped it's success...so...
  23. My most wanted Wii game of 2010 i think! Cannot wait for it!
  24. Apparently next wednesdays 3DS event is for Japan only..with no confirmation/details for other regions...lovely.
  25. I'll be VERY shocked and quite taken-a-back if Europe don't get this in 2010...seriously 'Wii Party' alone isn't going to cut it for the rest of 2010. Why is Europe waiting for a release schedule anyway? I'm guessing it's to give us some positive news over the negative we will get next wednesday! haha
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