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About Jonnas

  • Birthday 10/21/1989

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    Videogames (As if you didn't know :p), Movies and Books.
  • Occupation
    Civil Engineer


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    GameBoy, GameCube, NDS, Wii
  • Other Systems Owned
    Mega Drive
  • Favourite Game?
    Super Smash Bros. Melee
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
    Kirby «(^º^«)
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  1. I thought I was going crazy, because those images and clips did not match my memories. Those bears were very different than what I remembered. And turns out there's a good reason for that. Who knew there were so many bear-themed cartoons during those times?
  2. Whelp. I knew it was a matter of time. It was a good run of a service featuring games available at all times with certainty. I wonder if we'll see more such announcements as we transition into the Switch 2
  3. On a similar vein as bob's Spider-Man 2 woes, SNK has actually launched an Open Beta for Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves just yesterday. I giddily signed up and... ...it doesn't run on my PC Low video card memory. The true price of keeping my hobbies relatively cheap and frugal. Other realistic options that will allow me to own a playable version of this game include getting myself a Steam Deck (or similar handheld PC), or cross my fingers that this'll get a port for the Switch 2. Will have to give either option some serious thought. I knew this was a risk when I first put this game on the pledge, but I really wanted to have faith. Kinda sucks that this is the first update I have for my pledge. On a brighter note, I'm already playing another title that's also on it (and this one, I can play on one of my current consoles).
  4. I played Dr. Mario 64 not too long ago. My general sentiment was that this focus on Multiplayer was a mistake, and it ill-suits this series, which is all about relaxing catharsis and taking your own rhythm. The multiplayer mechanics themselves were also far more frustrating than competitive. That said, there is a mode in this game that works: Flash Mode. Basically, there's three specific viruses that each player needs to get rid of, and whoever does it first, wins. It's a much better idea for Dr. Mario multiplayer, and it's a shame that the game didn't go for that ruleset as the default. Despite my criticisms, I do love Wario Land 3, and this game happens to be the one other piece of media that acknowledges its existence. I'll always be fond of it for that reason.
  5. Just checked with Wind Waker (which was showing 41 tracks) and... yeah, after digging further, it actually had 144! Maybe it's a sign that I really should just start Favouriting games...
  6. Getting some Captain Toad vibes from that trailer
  7. I've never even watched or knew about this show growing up. But somehow, seeing them animate something new in a 80s/90s style really brought a nostalgic smile to my face. This is such a cool trailer.
  8. My app is in Portuguese, and the page I checked says "Em Destaque" ("In Highlight", as in, "on the front page", or something similar). It also says "26 total tracks", so I definitely thought that was the complete list. I explored a bit further, and found a list that had 54 tracks. I guess that's what was happening, blatantly wrong wording.
  9. Doesn't show up on the game's tracklist. Had to search for it as well. Thank you very much Absolute banger indeed
  10. I had Pokémon Stadium 2 back in the day. Really cool minigames (Mr.Mime's is absolutely fantastic), incredibly challenging Gym Leaders (PS1 had some bullshit difficulty, but PS2 had some brutal, calculated difficulty, with well-thought teams), the fun Challenge Cup (where rental Pokémon were randomly assigned to you), and it even allowed me to use Mystery Gift on the N64 itself! For a kid like me without Game Boy Colour (the device's infrared reader was required to activate Mystery Gift), that was a heck of a cool feature. But now, the only reason I ever booted it up on the NSO was to play some minigames. Who knows, maybe some day I'll get the itch to re-engage with the battle system, but it's hard to tell.
  11. Oh, they didn't include the Colosso Battle theme Maybe it'll come with Lost Age?
  12. I never played this game, but Matt McMuscles did a video on it a week or so ago (impeccable timing) The most fascinating bit was how moving the fighting away from the ring really messed up everything the developers knew regarding AI behaviour, pathfinding, etc. You'd think experienced developers would immediately expect these to be issues.
  13. This is going to be a fun thread I dabbled a bit in competitive Pokémon back in the RSE era, but only a bit. Just enough to understand some basic terminology, at least the one that was used at the time (nowadays I see terms like "RU", and I rarely remember where that tier is) I suppose the only Gen 1 and Gen 2 Pokémon to qualify for this thread would be Legendaries like Mewtwo (and maybe Gen 2 Snorlax?), so this is all going to be stuff I'm only barely aware of. I know about Garchomp, at least.
  14. I have seen so many ads for this Donald Duck game back in the day. I liked the boxart and the colourful look, but I've never seen it in stores, or in reviews, or anywhere. It seemed to exist exclusively on those ads. In a way, reading this review gave me a weird sense of closure. I'm just glad to know it's decent. ...I guess I'll keep on moving ahead.
  15. Starfox Adventures will always be the game that wowed me with its graphics, and convinced me that the Gamecube was something special. Dinosaur Planet on the N64 wouldn't be the same thing. That said, I do wish this prototype version makes it into future Rare collections somehow. It's a fascinating bit of history.
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