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Everything posted by Patch

  1. What? We're two posts in and there's already a complaint with the scores? Yeah, mcj should probably be higher. There have been (purposefully) no rules about scoring in these topics. See, I'm not on these boards often enough to be the best person to keep track of them, so I've been reluctant to religiously monitor the thread and keep score all the time. To me it's always been about the fun of the game rather than who is the best. So OK, I will try to keep score as best I can. I'd appreciate it if other people could step in when I'm not around. Shame. Another 5 then: 1. [ATTACH]3154[/ATTACH] Endless Ocean 2 (cropped). [ATTACH]3155[/ATTACH] The Curse of Monkey Island 3. [ATTACH]3156[/ATTACH] 4. [ATTACH]3157[/ATTACH] 5 (cropped). [ATTACH]3158[/ATTACH] Chinatown Wars
  2. Here are the scores from the previous round back in 2009. Thanks to mcj metroid for the reminder and well done to nando, who is the official Ghost of Gaming Past. 2009 Scores / nando / 18) goaferboy (13) Moogleviper (9) D_prOdigy (9) Shino (9) darksnowman (8) Happenstance (7) steggy (5) Coolness Bears (5) Deathborn (5) mcj metroid (5) Patch (5) dwarf gourami (4) Chris the great (3) Jonnas (3) ShavenWolf (3) welsh_gamer (2) Pookiablo (2) Mundi (1) tapedeck (1) Dyson (1) The next round is already under way and the scores so far are as follows: Scores Coolness Bears: 4 Epic fail: 3 Patch: 2 darksnowman: 2 Happenstance: 2 Fused King: 1 Shino: 1 deathborn: 1 I'll post some more pics at lunchtime.
  3. OK, when mcj's round is over (and if no-one posts a fresh set), I'll start a new thread. When that happens, is it a good idea to lock this one to prevent confusion?
  4. Thanks Grazza. I must admit I'm something of a buff-aphobe when it comes to RPGs. That is, I find it hard to get out of the mindset of attack, attack, heal, attack. Perhaps because that's all you could do in the first RPGs! So I have to really force myself to learn what all the abilities and spells actually do. Insulate is a good example. I only learned what it did recently, when I had the Archfiend in the Monster Arena. He would cast Insulate and Kaboom quite merrily, whether he had sufficient MP or not. When I was wiped out for the umpteenth time, I figured I would look at what Insulate actually does! Insulate, Kabuff, Sage's Stone, deep breath. Gotcha. ;-)
  5. Thanks Grazza, some really useful info there. This has been a real low point for me, but I'm quite keen to try again now. I've been playing this game for so long, it would be criminal to give up now.
  6. Another option if it helps: If you have a Gamecube, you could look to buying a Gameboy player. That way you can play Gameboy games on your TV in all their pixellated glory! I think these will be pretty hard to find mind.
  7. Those are hard indeed. 6. Odama 8. Streets of Rage (sublime!) That's all I got.
  8. *Sets alarm* There are some really good Name-That-Gamers on this board, so tough ones will be good.
  9. D'oh, sorry. We've barely started and already I've screwed up. Scores Epic fail: 3 Coolness Bears: 1 Fused King: 1 Happenstance: 1 Shino: 1 darksnowman: 1 mcj, you deserve to be top of the list really, considering your answers from a few days ago. Mentally add 4 to your score if you feel like it!
  10. All correct! Scores Epic fail: 3 Coolness Bears: 1 Happenstance: 1 Shino: 1 darksnowman: 1 I see what you're saying darkle; resetting the scores after the thread's been dead for a while perhaps should warrant a new thread. I honestly don't mind if we start a new thread or not, as long as there isn't a technical issue? What do you think?
  11. All good guesses, but none of them right.
  12. Epic is correct. It's Wii Fit: [ATTACH]3149[/ATTACH] Scores Epic fail: 3 Coolness Bears: 1 Some more (all cropped): [ATTACH]3150[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]3151[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]3152[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]3153[/ATTACH]
  13. Ikaruga, Scribblenauts and Lego Star Wars are correct.
  14. Thanks darkle. I don't mind keeping the scores, as long as you all have patience with me - keeping track of things can be a bit chaotic sometimes. All of these are cropped. 1. [ATTACH]3144[/ATTACH] 2. [ATTACH]3145[/ATTACH] 3. [ATTACH]3146[/ATTACH] 4. [ATTACH]3147[/ATTACH]
  15. Are you playing with the analogue stick Grazza? I tried that for a short while and found it too hard. So I went back to the slightly less hard control method (D-pad). Maybe the analogue control is superior if you take the time to get used to it. For a first timer, using the D-pad is the thing most likely to put you off playing it IMO. Even when I got to the end of the game, I found myself occasionally aiming to walk in one direction whilst actually moving in another. The game is an action puzzler with an overworld, villages and dungeons in the spirit of Zelda. It starts off quite slowly, with the feeling that you'll be killing those damn bubble enemies forever, but quickly gathers speed after the first couple of hours. There are some fiendish puzzles and head-scratching moments and I'm with Grazza about the visual style and music. They're definitely two of the game's strong points - it still looks and sounds good by today's standards. It's one of my favourite Megadrive games and probably in my top five of that era. I reccommend it to anyone who enjoys Zelda dungeons.
  16. Cool. I played Pacman and Space Invaders until my hands were sore. Those joysticks sure were durable though. I think a clue is needed for Fused King's conundrum. Or some more quotes from the same game perhaps? And I'm still interested to know where Goafer's quote #2 comes from. 'OK Mr. Hotshot games player, now what?'
  17. Yep, all correct. Special thanks to mcj who let the others have a go before steaming in at the end there. Just kidding mcj, you really know your games. Were you an Atari child too?
  18. All correct so far. Number one is Worms 3D, but I'll accept the name of the series.
  19. Some more pics and mcj nowhere in sight. 1 (cropped). [ATTACH]3136[/ATTACH] 2. [ATTACH]3137[/ATTACH] 3 (cropped). [ATTACH]3138[/ATTACH] 4. [ATTACH]3141[/ATTACH] 5. [ATTACH]3140[/ATTACH]
  20. 1. sounds a bit like Mario 64 when you try to enter the castle?
  21. Haha! Reading back, I think most of that thread was me and dsm talking about streets of rage, so maybe this should be the exclusive Landstalker thread from now on. I honestly have no idea about Madame Yard's Ballet School now. One thing is certain - it's rooted as one of my funniest gaming memories. The dungeons are something special aren't they? There's nothing there that hasn't been done before, but it's done so vibrantly and with such a clever mix of puzzles and action that they're instantly enjoyable from start to finish. I was always sorry when it was over. Mercator is a good milestone to get to. You'll be finished in no time. Unlike me and DQ8...
  22. Yes! Go for it! I think I'm the only one on these boards to finish it on the VC - and post about it - and I enjoyed every minute of it. The 'difficult' isometric viewpoint is not any more difficult than it was when it was first released. And there are very few places where it's not obvious where the platforms are. I can only think of one place where repeated trial-and-error jumps were necessary. I'd love to hear of your progress. Here is the thread I used from ages ago (I'm the thread hijacking master): Olde Landstalker thread
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