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Everything posted by Rowan

  1. Think its fair to say that everyone is craving for some new footage. I just spent the last few minutes going through the soundtrack on the official website again, sounds so good Hopefully we'll get more video footage or more importantly a Euro release date before Christmas.
  2. Yesterday was pretty relaxing, gaming and TV watching. Today I do more revision for my Mock GCSES. They start from Monday and I finish on the 19th. The exams on Monday are RE and Maths so I'll be concentrating on them this weekend.
  3. The site said I had 7700 stars today, however before the relaunch I had about 4500. Anyways, I ordered the special Mario in his kart plus the DS accessory case.
  4. I would guess that the only reason why it takes longer logically is that they have to get translators to ask them to translate the site into several languages.
  5. I really don't hope that the more that we anticipate about the new site, the more disappointed we will be when it is fully relaunched. But alas, disappointment is only 10 stars on the catalogue.
  6. I really enjoyed playing on Princess Peach's Castle so I hope that stage returns along with the likes of Mute City and Pokemon Stadium.
  7. Seinfeld DVD I ordered came this morning. Unfortunately I cannot watch it until tomorrow due to TV and homework. Hopefully the leather case I ordered for my Creative Zen will come soon.
  8. The game does look to be in very high demand. I just checked Amazon and Play and they have both stopped taking in pre-orders for Mario Galaxy. Have their been many other games where a similar thing has happened?
  9. Looks like they will be out of stock again soon. I'm shocked by how fast the Wii sells. I remember doing a quick check in my local Argos: Wii Out of stock....32 PS3s in Stock.
  10. I have the same model as yours but only goes up to 54 Mbps. Possibly solutions is to rotate the router onto its side so that the aerial can point higher (will try and get a picture of what I mean), plus you could also change the location of your router or laptop/computer if possible and see if you get a better signal. Sometimes if there is a wall between the router and your laptop then could be a reason why the connection drops. Also not sure if this applies here but a common misconception regarding the speed is that the 24...54...108 signals are the wireless signal connection speed, not the actual speed of your internet. Like many has said above, the speed is much more consistent if you are wired up. At the moment I'm using wireless and it is a tad slower than if I was connected with a wire to the router, Hope this helps
  11. Rowan

    DVD Wii

    I'm not really bothered by the fact that at the moment the Wii cant play DVDs or CDs. Connected to my TV is a fully functioning PS2 which I use to play DVDs. When the DVD Wii is released, how much more would it cost than a normal Wii?
  12. Is there a way to download the videos from the website but still in widescreen? I tried a flash downloader but that didnt work properly on the site. Then I tried using using the videos on IGN and Gamespot but they squashed the video. I'm hoping to put the vids on my MP3 player. EDIT: Don't worry, just noticed Gametrailers does it
  13. Still haven't received my Wii Jackets. Hoping its just a delay in the post or something. (I got the E-Mail on the 19th October)
  14. Can't wait for this game. How many more days until Christmas?
  15. I do like these new stages, but I also wish for some which arn't so crazy. I do like the simple stages as well as the more creative ones. In Melee a few of my favourite stages were Princess Peach's Castle and Final Destination.
  16. I got my confirmation email on the 19th. So hopefully my Wii remote jackets should be coming this week.
  17. Sad to see Martin Jol go. Who do you think will be the next Premier League manager to be sacked? I reckon it will be Rafa because Liverpool are struggling in the Champions League but also finding it hard to win games at home in the Premier League.
  18. I'm thinking about getting this Creative ZEN, do you think that this is a good choice? http://www.amazon.co.uk/Creative-ZEN-8GB-MP3-Player/dp/B000V9IAYS/ref=pd_bbs_sr_2/203-0617652-9136745?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1193395602&sr=8-2
  19. Don't really mind how many different maps there are for Break the Targets. No one buys the Smash series for mainly the minigames to they?
  20. I keep watching that 3 minute trailer Looks really good! Do you guys think Luigi will be playable? I think he will but only for a particular star or something.
  21. This looks like such an amazing game. I got no idea how I can survive until Christmas Day waiting for the game!
  22. Love the fact that Intro animations are back
  23. I love how previews and articles can completely change the opinion of a game. I read the CVG one and thought Ugh! But having just read the Pro Evo one I'm thinking Wow! I love the idea of sending players on dummy runs. But Konami said that they are hopefully going to release this game for Spring 2008 Which may mean I still have to get Fifa 08 for some football action.
  24. Just saw the Sonic Trailer...WOW! Also I noticed the famous bumper from the series which could potentially be an item. I really hope that the stage for Sonic will be just as good
  25. Great to see Sonic in Brawl. But the trailer doesn't work when being viewed on the Wii! So if there are delays for the game to January in Japan, we can hope for a February release?
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