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Everything posted by Rowan

  1. Too many players quitting their top division team
  2. Kinda glad I didn't go into my local Gamestation today then if it's really busy. Will these people really make money by trying sell on the games they bought? Good Luck to them. Surely GAME themselves could go and trade the games in at HMV/Cex etc if they'll get more money. Sad to see GAME/Gamestation it go but even sadder now people are trying to make money off the companies trouble.
  3. I wouldnt mind one (Silverdale Hotpot)
  4. Had an incredibly tight match at the end of my Official Xpert Team's season to decide who was champions. We were 3 points clear of second place who we were playing in the final round. So we had to ensure not to lose by 3 goals to win the league. The match ended up as 0-2 defeat to us meaning we were champions by goal difference 43 to 41:grin: If my opponent had scored just 1 more goal, both our goal difference would have been equal and they would have won the league on goals scored 50-49:o. Very tight indeed. Enjoyed my friendly against Recall. They scored first but we came back to win 3-1 overall. It was a good challenge for us and hopefully will be the start of regaining back our form.
  5. I'm looking for alliance members too. Anyone who is going to be in the middle or lower league just tag me.
  6. I'd only ever consider restarting once I won the league, it's just a shame once your team is no longer active all your records get erased.
  7. Anyone looking to code who has no experience I would recommend Code Year. A new lesson once a week http://codeyear.com/ I quite like the potential the Raspberry Pi offers, it can only be a good thing to get more young people into coding and computing rather than IT skills.
  8. I've just hit 50 hours in the game. I'm fairly certain I'm getting close to finishing as I completed one of the main side quests today however the final reward for it was not that great. Guessing I'm one of the few people on the forums who got this before/on launch but yet to finish it. I'll be happy to give my final thoughts once completion but I presume everything has already been said in the spoiler thread!
  9. Gutted to be out. Am open to friendlies.
  10. Dreading tomorrow's match. Hoping my strikers put in an overdue shift in the game.
  11. Please could the draw be tonight? Happy to tune in during half time of the England friendly. I don't mind the draw not being live either, I just want to know who im playing so that I can send/wait for an invite.
  12. Very good performance and tactics from us today. I don't mind the draw being tonight.
  13. There's an England game on Wednesday so not sure if that may force you to change your mind.
  14. Tactics are set but don't really have much confidence at all. Anyone heading to the bookies tomorrow would be unwise to place a bet on a Silverdale home win.
  15. EU users have to redownload the maps from the store. I wouldn't have found out unless I checked online just now so hopefully there'll be an ingame patch to force the update for those that don't know they have to redownload. http://www.naughtydog.com/site/post/flashback_map_pack_2_update/
  16. Rowan

    SSX (2012)

    Quite enjoyed the demo, certainly feels like a next gen SSX title. I liked being able to use the classic controls but may give the new controls a go as well, I'm used to SSX on GameCube and admittedly I'm missing the controller already compared to the Dualshock because of the placement of the control stick. It does look like they have made the game slightly easier in the fact that tricks execute a lot quicker meaning less chance of bailing but also you don't fall off the edge when grinding. Finally, I feel that there is still something missing at the heart and soul of the game which is the lack of voice acting, Hopefully they're in the full version so will watch out for video reviews to ease my thought. My gut feeling is that the game is going to drop to below ?20 really quickly so I think I'm going to hold out until then. Still got Zelda and Uncharted to finish so I'm in no rush to go out and buy it.
  17. Has anyone managed to play on the new maps yet? I played a good 3-4 hours this morning in the hope one of Plaza/Temple/Train Wreck/Village would come up to vote but they never did. I don't think it's my installation because I managed to walk round Plaza in a custom match. Do you think it's because I downloaded and installed the map pack before installing the 1.05 patch?
  18. Pretty happy with a 1-1 draw. But to be honest I feel like my team deserve higher than 4th spot. Shame.
  19. Brilliant stuff @Jimbob. Thanks for doing it.
  20. Anyone able to record the draw? Surely this is going down in Xpert and N-Euro history I really should be doing my coursework but I'll watch the draw instead.
  21. Rowan

    SSX (2012)

    Demo out 22nd. Looks good The demo will probably make or break whether I get this game though. I want them to bring back the frequent speech that you hear the characters to say ingame. Miss hearing lines like Moby wanting a cup of tea after landing a trick.
  22. Dug deep to turn it around, goalkeeper injured again which is a shame. Looks like either 1 of me, Essex or Madpool can take 2nd. Congrats on the title Haden
  23. Everything went right today. Took a risk playing my injured goalkeeper as well as my young striker which payed off. Also played a defender who isn't the highest skill but seems to work really well with the rest of the team. Just a shame Haden won because we're basically out of the title race. We'd need Haden to lose 1-0 against Madpool, then both Haden and Madpool to lose by 5 or 6 goals in their final match, while hoping I can get score 5-6 goals in both my final 2 games. In other words it isn't going to happen. But 3rd/4th place is still a very successful season for us.
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