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Everything posted by MadDog

  1. Ok ill tell you my role: Remember when the fish said that he knew one good person? It was me. He was The Priest. Yes I was the Verger.They could target one person and if they was a different religion, i would kill them(Strider was the only one :P) So when the fish died i got his power. Which of course is investigation
  2. I Did? :shakehead
  3. And yes i meant Cube :S
  4. I agree with you, Esequiel has been creepy from the start:shakehead
  5. He didnt die, Did he :S
  6. Why dont you trust me?
  7. I investigated DomJcg last night and found out that he has failed the sixth commandment (Do Not Murder) So he has killed somebody. I think hes in the mafia. Vote:DomJcg
  8. True but im delighted with the result :D After recent results :D:D
  9. Even without that sending off, Liverpool well deserved a win!!!
  10. Yeh 85th And 90th i think. But as i said earlier we was all over them :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
  11. STE-GERRARD GERRARD!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. 2-0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GERRARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT A GOAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. CMON LIVERPOOL!!!!!! Were all over them :D:D:D:D:D:D:D The second was a pull on the shirt, it was definatly a yellow.
  15. Ellmeister is in the mafia. I investigated him last night and it said that Gizmo targetted him last night ill also answer any questions now since i havnt been on to answer them :S
  16. I like Texas Hold Em Poker :P
  17. Vote:Zell I dont think a "potion maker" will be a good character
  18. Whys it not enough??
  19. Dejavu 10/10 Awesome. I love denzel washington after watching this
  20. All we have on MBAM! is that she can force people against their own will Also, haggis is obviously not evil as in one night i was controlled and forced to vote for him and someone else was forced to vote I think esequial is evil
  21. I was doing well,in the green. But the last minute of the song just ruins it Ill try again tomorrow:) I did TTFATF on medium today :D:D And my first song on expert (When you were young):D:D
  22. I tried TTFATF twice today on medium(i suck) 1st- 95% :/ 2nd- 99% :( It was the third from last note that screwed me. I was so pissed off lol :P
  23. Vote:Mcoy He is definatly a roleblocker
  24. Have a ace birthday :D
  25. Im going to keep my vote as it is
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