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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. I'm going to have to go with the controversial decision and go for underwear. I finds socks annoying and rarely wear them i like my feet to be free and like to pick up things with my feet as well, socks restrict this action. I do like socks to keep me warm at night though, during the winter months. but it's a lot less embaressing if your caught without your socks on than pants
  2. I love your New Sig! Legally Blonde FTW I think it's going to have to get my second ever: 7 BEARS OUT OF 7
  3. This is a good and bad thing for me (i'm easily distracted)
  4. I've just entered the thread! Glad i've missed all the Spoilers So i went to play this to day and just didn't have the energy to play! (haven't been feeling to good) got a few more stars yesterday. I still Love this game, i only get to play it at the weekends at the moment!
  5. Wish i had joined in the earlier games! but the rules looked confusing to me I love the Mafia game! and Chair Driver. I need to think of a character that no one would think i would like? hmm that rules out a few... *strokes his chin and contemplates his thoughts*
  6. My day has been ok. I have been feeling Ill all day and have spent most of it in Bed! (except when i went to eat ) Pitta Bread cures me better than any medicine I was too Ill even to bother Play Mario Galaxy!!! My headache has subsided now and i shall try to play some Galaxy later on tonight. I've spent my day playing Tingle and Watching The Simpsons, I'm so close to seeing all the episodes now. (also watched some anime) Edit: Good News about your Dog Haggis.
  7. Count me in! as i have no social life.
  8. Thanks! Looks Cool. :awesome:
  9. THAT IS AM AWESOME IDEA! :awesome: I'm really interested! I have loads of characters i can think of who i want to be! How will it work, what if you don't know much about the character we have chosen should we give you details about them?
  10. Ah good i thought it was! but my mind was getting confused with a film which i don't even think exists I haven't seen any trailers for it! does anyone have a link to it?
  11. Is I am Legend, the Will Smith, Last Man, New York film? can't remember?
  12. Don't feel guilty, someone had to win! and you were clever enough to trick us! so it's all good. I don't feel like you "stole" the win.
  13. Yes! He did a lot for the good! *bowsdown to Tellyn*
  14. Congratulations Cube! Woo! i Survived Can't believe i made it all the way to the end! That was really fun. I'm up for another one.
  15. I got my commercialised advent calendar today complete with tasty chocolate that takes me up to the New Year. It's sad that christmas keeps getting earlier and earlier every year! a few years ago i saw some places up with Christmas Trees up in October!!! Too Eary. I love Christmas but i'm not yet in the Christmas spirit yet either.... When i break up from school and decorate the christmas tree while wearing my santa's hat and listening to christmas songs that's when i'll get into the spirit of christmas. We put out the Nativity scene each year and keep Baby Jesus wrapped up in a cupboard until the big day. I went to Belgium in the Half Term to Brugge (wonderful City ) and there were all year christmas shops but they were non intrusive and were absolutely magical to look at through the window, they had some of the most beautiful decorations inside that wipe the floor with a lot of the tacky stuff we get in England. The only downside was the decorations cost a huge amount of money! (so we didn't buy or touch anything )
  16. I love all three of those cars, although i don't know much about cars those look great. I Don't have a car myself, as i don't know how to drive. But we used to own a: An awesome car! i love it's design. I even have a small model of it, to remind me of the good times. Wish we still had it now it was so fun to ride in
  17. My day has been good! I went to see my schools play today which was Very entertaining! I also managed to find the perfect opportunity in class today to shout out: THE CAKE IS A LIE!!!
  18. CONGRATULATIONS DOM!!!!!!!!!! Stay away Ellmeister is mine!!! Love you Dom! I LOVE YOU ELL. Love you Dyson. :awesome:
  19. I'm seriously confused by Haggis now! but the latest information he has presented to us, seems to prove his innocence for now! And if he was edgeworth why would he back fire his own objection?
  20. Ah ok sorry to accuse you! (you'd better be good now. ) To be fair i didn't vote for Thunderer and i'm good!
  21. I believe that the last reamining mafia person is Haggis, Cube narrowed it down to either Haggis or nando but i believe nando to be good as he was part of the football team (with me) and that was set up to do good! also nando is Spyro who is good Haggis however was online at the time of OBJECTION! and remains suspicious to me!
  22. In my normal day life i'm good at keeping secrets! when somone tells me something and tells me to keep it secret i will definately do it as i don't want to break someones trust in me. although i sometimes forget what they hav told me... I can't keep my own secrets however! If i was in a government position and i had to keep a secret from the whole country and my family i don't think i would be able to do it and if i got caught and put under torture i reckon i would crack to easily..i'd be useless! Another situation is if i was a priest who have to do confessions! if someone came in and told me they have murdered someone, i don't think i'd be able to keep that a secret and would hvae to giv up my priesthood. I suppose it depends on what the secret someone tells me is.
  23. Strider Plays Neo Cortex? who is good!
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