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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. *HIGH FIVE* Go TK! : peace: Woah that is a lot of plays! I'm at over 16,000 plays. I have a lot of catching up to do! :p
  2. Woo! I've broken my first 1000 plays barrier on Last.Fm with Girls Aloud!
  3. Burn After Reading I thought it was very good. I found it very funny, my kind of humour. Though I didn't quite get what was going on :p, It was still very engaging. I'll have to watch it again. 5 and a Half Bears out of 7!
  4. Haha! Brilliant! ^____^ I'm in the mood to watch Kenan and Kell now! : peace: I'm watching some Clips on Youtube, trying to find that clip as I can't remember either! Ooh yeah Desperate Housewives Season 5 Episode 1. It was great! I'm loving this five years into the future thing. I feel it really works! That new creepy guy Edie's new husband has an odd face he doesn't seem to fit. :p I love Gabriella's new storyline it should be funny. Susan is as good as ever!
  5. WHO LOVES ORANGE SODA!? Classic of the day, I loved Kenan and Kell. and Sabrina for that matter!
  6. Awesome. :awesome: You better not pass my plays on last.fm! I'm so close to 1000. It's been stuck in my head for ages. I love their dresses in the video! It's actually one of my favourite songs from them so I have high hopes for the new album. Yes that was a bit strange I didn't actually know Sexy no no no was from Tangled up until I got it. Perhaps people couldn't think of music videos for them. I love Girls Aloud music videos. I've yet to get The Promise, I'm waiting until the Album is released to get all the songs.
  7. Me three Dyson. Though because I've gotten used to his style now it isn't as new and exciting any more. Still quite funny though.
  8. Do I know what I mean? or Do I know what you Mean? I don't know any more. :p I'm glad you know! What I do know is Muse are Brilliant. ^___^ and Weekend Wars is a very well constructed song.
  9. *on the same wave length* Okay I've just listened to the song again and firstly I forgot how awesome Muse are. : peace: Second of all I can see where your coming from with Butterflies and Hurricanes it definately has a big build up but breaks out much more in the middle of the song and then again right at the end. Thirdly I feel Space Dementia is along the same lines as well! Though neither are quite like MGMT in the sense I was talking about. I get what you mean though. I hope again you get what this mess of a post means again. :p
  10. I love the whole build up of Weekend Wars and how it explodes at the end. If you get what I mean? Yes I'd have to say Kids is another excellent song closely followed by time to pretend in third for me! Awesome, I love her. All her songs are excellent. I love listening to Morning Dream when I wake up it's magical. Tangled up Grew on me as well! I love the 3 songs you have mentioned! I'm glad I gave it a chance this summer. ^____^ It had some really good tracks on the album and now that I really like Girls Aloud I can't wait for Out of Control as I think The Promise is great and the other snippets of songs that I've heard I've liked the sound of also. From Tangled up I also really like Fling and Black Jacks. : peace: These are the Snippets from the Songs from Girls Aloud new album:
  11. I listened to Sell Out, Take on me, Don't Start a Band, Beer pretty much the first page of Youtube! Good stuff! The cheekiest band of the day has to be Go Team! always end up listening to a random song of theirs after LadyHawke for some reason. MGMT grew on me now I really like them. I love Weekend Wars!
  12. Thanks! I listened to Reel Big Fish (Dyson's suggstion) and also Platty's suggestions Just what I was looking for. I was actually dancing to some of the cheekiest tunes. I shall check out Streetlight Manifesto!
  13. Dante your cat is in an awesome pose! :awesome:
  14. That's awesome!
  15. The best part of the Tate morden was when they had the funky slides! :awesome: No-one cared what it was about, it was just fun to go down shouting WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Also I love people who have serious discussions about what is on display. Always cracks me up when all it is, is a bit of broken wood on the floor! Anyway my day has consisted of Working for school in the morning and watching TV in the afternoon along with some stand up comedy on Youtube! Oh and making some sandwiches which I somehow manage to mess up. YAY!
  16. I use mine properly, I think! even the location. I really have no idea where I live! :p
  17. mini ReZ! Aww! Adorable. :p On a slightly unrelated note Moogle is Hot. :awesome:
  18. ReZ Avatar: Very Rez and insanely colourful! good stuff! 5 Bears out of 7 Signature: Very well made. ^___^ It's excellent! : peace: 5 and a half Bears out of 7 Cake: Sounds awesome! :awesome: 6 Bears out of 7 My cake has to be a Haribo cake, it's a normal chocolate cake but with Haribo inside. I had it for my birthday once.
  19. Looking through the thread it has been inconsistent as to whether people give the movie title or not. but fair enough. as I didn't know where it was from!
  21. Woo! okay here is my quote: "It's not about money...."
  22. EVERYONE!?
  23. I'm on it! (finally and seriously this time. ) I'm so lazy it's only 6 episodes. and I don't want a Don anywhere near my ass. :p I'm sure I'll love it. : peace: Hehe, he has to it's your Birthday. I don't mind the story being confusing as I'm so easily confused anyway.
  24. I still haven't watched FLCL! *hangs head in shame*
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