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Everything posted by Meik

  1. Eh? I'm not one of your blind dates.
  2. Anyone down for a few games tonight? I'm up for a bit of shooty shooty action.
  3. I posted the picture of the 26" Samsung, yes. Here it is again: As far as i'm aware the 23/26/32 TVs are all the same apart from the size. I've had mine for a month now and I honestly couldn't be more pleased with it, the picture is amazing. You'll be fine using the component cable that comes with the premium pack. Response time is fine, there is no ghosting. I give it 2 thumbs up, though if you're willing to spend £500 on the 23" i'd suggest you get the 26", you can find it for 570-600 online.
  4. I just got 438,635 on Geometry Wars, I was so close to that shitty half million medal. Screw the other games on the 360, i'm hopelessly addicted to this.
  5. Base score: 10 HM-FUSION: -1 HM-FUSION: -1 HM-FUSION: -1 HM-FUSION: -1 HM-FUSION: -1 HM-FUSION: -1 HM-FUSION: -1 HM-FUSION: -1 Lack of Bauer: -1 Final score: 1
  6. [ url=http://www.yoursitehere.com ] [ img ] http://www.imagesitehere.com/yourimage.jpg [ /img ][ /url ] Edit links to whatever and remove all spaces.
  7. That is correct. The Samsung also has a VGA input, so you can buy a VGA cable which arguably gives a slightly better picture as the 360 itself scales the 1280x720 signal up to the TV's 1360x768 resolution when using it. Component does not do that, the TV does the upscaling for it. I own both cables and a Samsung 26", I find that the VGA does give a slightly sharper picture but slightly washed out colours for some reason. I'd use the VGA but I use my TV as my PC monitor so that isn't feasible for me.
  8. Xbox Live co-op is going to be patched in if you don't want a second controller.
  9. There is no best class, all are viable in different situations. Hunter and Rogue are indeed the most noob-friendly, though. As for race, pick what you think looks cool.
  10. http://boards.gamefaqs.com/gfaqs/genmessage.php?board=516505&topic=24920497 Like Jon said, get your multiplier up. Try not to get hit, every time you do so your multiplier goes down.
  11. Here is the proof. Lololol, owned, etc. Also, this cracked me up when I saw it.
  12. Ehh? I thought you retired ages ago.
  13. And what if I don't, huh? What if I keep my decorations up for another week? What are you gonna do about it? (I took them down yesterday)
  14. I'm sure it's better than ending up on my plate.
  15. No Deal. I mean, let's think about this. You could be a millionaire. Edit - I just played and got myself a dollar, awesome.
  16. I will if others are, as always.
  17. Ooooh. Ba-zing.
  18. I got glitches out the wazoo and the framerate seemed rubbish when I first started. For some reason it seems to have settled down after a fair amount of play, though. Though it's probably just because i've got used to it.
  19. So how did you come across this opportunity? I'm a bit confused as to how you won a trip to E3 by beating 4 crappy Halo 2 players. Also a bit confused as to why you didn't go for the sword at the start, you were right next to it when you spawned. Fun little video though.
  20. I totally forgot he was in The 3 Musketeers. Holy shit, I need to rent that movie.
  21. That shitty Quorn Sausages advert with the kid doing the hoovering. "THIS IS ALSO SURPRISING - QUORN SAUSAGES HAVE LESS THAN 5% FAT!!11one!1111" There's also no meat in them you fucks.
  22. I'm still hoping that Dennis Hopper will be in it, that will get me watching.
  23. Quoted for truth, well worth the download just to see the stunning graphics.
  24. Kameo is by no means a classic but I certainly had fun playing it. What exactly do you dislike about it? I do agree with the length however, it took me 12 hours to beat it with all fruits/elixers. That is without playing co-op or replaying levels to get an A rank.
  25. Base score: 2 Originality: +1 Hand-drawn: +1 Not knowing what the fuck it is: -1 The fact it reminded me of Oddworld for some reason: +5 The fact you have "^.^" in your location: -5 Points awarded to make up for me being a jerk about your location: +1 The fact it isn't over-photoshopped: +1 Erratic placement of links: -1 Overall score: 4 out of 10.
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