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Everything posted by canocha

  1. Why is there a "O" button and pointer on that video?! I guess this was going to be a PSP or PS2 game... and maybe it will be.
  2. I almost bet that SE will "WOW" us with Crystal Bearers!
  3. I know that its in real time.. but i think the models looked better, maybe due to the post processing effect.
  4. Someone at neogaf posted some stuff about Ecco 2 (DC) that never came out! I would like Ecco 2 Wii!
  5. The GC version already has most of the locations and models... so they won't have to update them just use, the already present, GC models! Btw could they use the Cut-scenes models??
  6. Propeller Arena was actually finished!!
  7. Is that even Crash? Looks more like a relative or something!
  8. One of the scans mentions "Radical Entertainment".
  9. Gamespot knows something we don't know...
  10. More Scans: Source Gonintendo Its not looking that bad...
  11. Those snakes jumping out of boxes... GOD DAMMIT! I jumped everytime! Verdugo scared me too... I still think that kicking doors is more badass then shooting them!! Still fun!
  12. You can use Friend Codes or play it like Tetris and Mario Kart DS.
  13. Capcom could just make RE5 for Wii with RE4+ engine... (But they could also port Okami... )
  14. Cloud? I don't think so! Crisis Core is comming out this summer and its rumored that FF7 remake is actually comming (sony is so desperate to sell some consoles) You could probably see one from Crystal Chronicles... (i want Crystal Bearers footage or pics!)
  15. Have you guys played the DC version of Ecco (not.. Echo)? Its really amazing! Nice graphics, music and it was fun and hard!!
  16. Capcom is still thinking about it
  17. Theres nothing wrong with you.. but something is wrong with Capcom! Okami is perfect for Wii.. can't Capcom see that?! It would sell alot better!
  18. Some new pics too. IGN hand-on does not sound that bad!
  19. 1st picture.. nice detail on their faces, but the rest their bodies They could use some nicer textures on the Wii..
  20. This one wins!
  21. Remake looks more gloomy and moody, but UC is in 3D and has destructible environments and vibrant colors! Edit: Two new pictures?!
  22. But sometimes you have to press like 5 times really fast a direction.. that would be rather hard with wiimote!
  23. Trailer OMG i laughed so much!!
  24. Space Channel 5 Part 2 its actually very good!! (Played the japanese version!)
  25. Its "CHU" :p Yeah Space Channel would be nice... but i dont think it would work with wiimote that well.. unless it uses the nunchuck for up,down, left right and wiimote for some other moves.
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