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Everything posted by Saminthehat

  1. I never actually experienced it with rumble. Still, I'm looking forward to playing the Corneria level.
  2. Hey! I'm good with PCs!
  3. Really? That's good news.
  4. Oh, good point.
  5. I know this has been done numerous times over the net but where do Ubisoft stand on a BG&E sequel? Have we got any sources with hints or rumours from Ubi staff? I really hope Ubi think twice on passing this up because the first installment truly was a phenominal game and really deserves a sequel (watch the ending-then you'll see).
  6. Yeah, it requires at least, like, 1.5ghz about double that of the Wii's processing power. not to mention RAM and VRAM.
  7. Cool, I definately get that, that is if my dad doesn't mind. He hates everything Kill Bill and refuses to believe how anything like it can be called entertainment. He just needs to realize that the world has grown up.
  8. I briefly had a tortoise and I have to say I loved him! We called him simply 'Tortoise' (pronounced 'Tor-toys'). Shame his real owner found him.
  9. Correct me if I'm wrong but essentially the only thing that SD cards and SDHC cards have in common is form factor. Don't get the two mixed up!
  10. Yeah IMO Wind Waker visuals were leagues better. I don't care if it is 'cartoony'.
  11. Has French Maid TV been posted yet? I find that really funny http://nokia.novymobil.cz/cnt/phn/motorola-V500-f-53bd9dee1a.jpg
  12. Lemur's are pretty nifty. I'd love to have a (tame) bush baby. And screw the Yoshi, I'd rather have a head crab from (HL2)-one called Lemar.
  13. Hehe, I love Wallace and Gromit-but that's for another thread.
  14. Me too, that would make my day/year.
  15. Yeah definately. Hehe, I was hoping for a proper explosion from the 5 step exploding heart technique
  16. If I was going to get a sheep, it would have to be Shaun from Wallace and Gromit. He's a legend!
  17. Maybe so, maybe not. The way I see it, there's a difference between fighting and violence. Violence is when an undefended person is aimlessly killed, fighting is more action packed with kung-fu, swords you name it. Basically Vol1 had a great intro (made me laugh:grin:) and had other memorable moments such as the fight in Japan (before the '88' show up). Vol 2 had too much violence and trauma IMO. I mean, I was hoping for a great sword fight between B****** and the eyepatch women but it lasted for 10 seconds before Uma ripped out her other eye ending the fight. The final scene gave me the same feeling. Or it could just be that we have different opinions
  18. Oh, then I am clearly in a minority. I suppose the Pai Mei parts were pretty interesting.
  19. It's great! Fits every situation don't it?
  20. Hehe, don't be silly! Yeah, me and spirited are in the same Science and CT classes.
  21. Printable CDs Now I can make my own authentic compilations as birthday presents.
  22. Nah! Vol 2 hasn't got enough fighting, too much story telling.
  23. Yeah, free jerseys.
  24. lol, that's great. But I'm sure Valve said that HL2 Ep3 was the last Half Life game in the series.
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