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Everything posted by CVD

  1. Great event (How tall is the new Hell in the Cell?!) and near enough every match was at least 'watchable'. Trish got the cheesy ending she deserved and the TLC match had an insane ending. But for gods sake, give the Highlanders the tag team belts!!
  2. Unforgiven tonight, anyone watching? Hell in the Cell and TLC should be good viewing.
  3. Pretty much £40 everywhere in the shops. Try the supermarkets though, they're always cheaper.
  4. If anyone wants to sell their old Nano to put money towards the new one, get in touch.
  5. MPEG4 and some other silly format.
  6. Saints Row is a really enjoyable game, I just seem to suck at it.
  7. Are any of them at an additional cost, or all free? Should hopefully be getting a Mac soon.
  8. iTunes Movie store and new iPod is coming out on Tuesday, nothing to do with Nintendo... at all.
  9. CVD


    Can anyone explain the Mac Mini upgrades? I'm tempted again...
  10. No arcade game out tomorrow, but there's finally a new UNO game deck being released. Can't wait.
  11. Mountain Dew owns.
  12. This should be in tech, no? Get a Samsung.
  13. Fookin shat. (I'll try).
  14. These things are quite possibly one of the best inventions ever. I'd love to have one, but the prices at the moment are still a little steep. This John Lewis one looks pretty good for the money, still expensive I know. Anyone got a digital frame that they could recommend?
  15. CVD


    Cheers for the tip-off Haver, as long as the price doesnt jump too much I might just get one in time for Uni in October.
  16. I'll be buying saints row tomorrow from work when i finish, can't wait.
  17. I'll admit, I always pre-order from GAME. The double points thing really racks up your total and I've always recieved the game on the Thursday before release, which is good considering I reside in Scotland.
  18. Street Fighter 2 Auto Uptade is out. Sadly, it doesnt fix the offline difficulty, just some lag issues.
  19. You going in November to the TV tapings?
  20. I hope your right, as Kurt Angle is one of the few wrestlers I've never seen live and really anticipate seeing him this November in Manchester. He better be back by then, he's the greatest wrestler in WWE history.
  22. It's taken me at least 4 hours to do one scenario in Texas Hold Em. Fuck it, I'll just go all in and see if I win.
  23. CVD


    Did you order from the official Apple site or just buy it in a shop? I might also look into getting a built PC for as cheap as possible, but the Mini seems pretty awesome.
  24. CVD


    Few more questions: Can I run a half-decent MSN on a Mac? What port would I use to connect it to my VGA monitor?
  25. CVD


    Since I started Uni last year I've been using my Dell Laptop as my main computer: holding all my music, video and other documents. But now the storage space is running dry, and I'm going to need a main computer as a backup to store all my files as I take the laptop to Uni everyday, and keeping 10s of GBs worth of Music on it just isn't neseccery. So, I've been looking into getting a MacMini as they're pretty cheap and I (think) can use my existing Samsung 26" TV (LE26R41BD) as a monitor. So basically, if anyone has any experience of a MacMini or could recommend something just as good and cheaper, it would be mucho appreciated.
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