Superstar mode is a fantastic, really addictive single player mode. If you intend in playing more multiplayer, I'd get the Wii version (if you have one). The minigames in the Wii version, especially 2 vs 2, make up for the downfalls.
Got to agree with Bowser, don't even touch GoW unless your playing with a mate (unless its a ScottyMate, because he's a prick). It's so much easier and enjoyable in co-op than on your own. CTU Mason and myself recently finished it on insane (after dying about 37 times in the minecart act), there's no way I could have done that alone.
I've not watched smackdown since I was in the crowd in manchester in november, so I won't be buying. Rarely a single brand PPV warrents a £15 purchase, especially one with no world championship match.
ECW's December to Dismember tomorrow night. Can they really warrent a PPV purchase with just two matches? Sure, it's free on sky sports here and the extreme elimination chamber should be amazing, but a one hour PPV??
CM Punk is awesome, it's only a matter of time before he becomes champion. I totally forgot about that chairshot to Kennedy. I don't know what was fucked up the most, the dented Chair or Mr Kennedy. Kennedy.