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Everything posted by CVD

  1. I'm sorry mate.
  2. Is it another double epsiode next week on Sky?
  3. http://www.apple.com/uk/ipodnano/
  4. Papaerboy was one of my most played games as a kid back on the Sega Master System. Can't wait to re-live it again AND EARN ACHIEVEMENTS!!!.
  5. Superstar mode is a fantastic, really addictive single player mode. If you intend in playing more multiplayer, I'd get the Wii version (if you have one). The minigames in the Wii version, especially 2 vs 2, make up for the downfalls.
  6. I'm almost at 50 wins at pro ev online. I'll get to 100 eventually. A lot quicker when I start playing Dan at it.
  7. Nice thread, I shall check out some of those theming sites, I've yet to explore that stuff on my Mini.
  8. Triple H out for half a year, tore his quad muscle again WWE.com
  9. Wrestling is fake, movies are fake, video games are fake. People watch wrestling as entertainment, get over it.
  10. Yea, roll on Thursday...
  11. Forget pandas, it's the seals we have to cull first...
  12. Here's your answer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnapzB-4tAk
  13. Got to agree with Bowser, don't even touch GoW unless your playing with a mate (unless its a ScottyMate, because he's a prick). It's so much easier and enjoyable in co-op than on your own. CTU Mason and myself recently finished it on insane (after dying about 37 times in the minecart act), there's no way I could have done that alone.
  14. I can play after midnight, I'm out all afternoon and evening.
  15. Get it, I miss the old Scotland/England matches from PE4.
  16. Just downloaded it, watched the first two matches and ordered the DVD from Silvervision for a tenner. Best ladder match I can remember watching.
  17. http://www.mygamercard.net
  18. I've not watched smackdown since I was in the crowd in manchester in november, so I won't be buying. Rarely a single brand PPV warrents a £15 purchase, especially one with no world championship match.
  19. My Amazon pre-order arrived this morning. Bring on Christmas morning.
  20. ECW's December to Dismember tomorrow night. Can they really warrent a PPV purchase with just two matches? Sure, it's free on sky sports here and the extreme elimination chamber should be amazing, but a one hour PPV??
  21. I'm actually going to the Glasgow show solely for Biffy. Seen them 4/5 times now, this should be just as good. And emo? Not el Biff.
  22. Watch out guys, that's another snaker on the roads.
  24. CM Punk is awesome, it's only a matter of time before he becomes champion. I totally forgot about that chairshot to Kennedy. I don't know what was fucked up the most, the dented Chair or Mr Kennedy. Kennedy.
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