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Everything posted by DomJcg

  1. FAIL It's not, it's a prequal, set before the da vinci code, its a separate story with the same character read more my day, got up at nine, revised from 10 til 1 and shall be revising 4 til 7 wop
  2. Liar game is reaally good, if alittle technical, i loved rounds 1 and 2, 3 was hard to follow but i liked the twist, and so far i reallly enjoy the new revival round
  3. Spiderman yes,but i was also talking about when magneto kills quicksilver, i loved that bit
  4. I'm so sorry man =[ i only just got your message =[ i said text me damn it! i was watching euro vision, Glad to see you had a good night though
  5. It actually just gets better and better, the fact its set in the backdrop of genosha all the more so.
  6. Dan, you'll like house of M, theres a particularly powerful bit near the end which i loved. But oddly the fallout is so much more huge than the event.
  7. Hmm, possibly dante, but i think its also about the 'good guys' that are currently outside with mr alpert. The bastards
  8. Well, went to a club last night (um saturday) a bunch of people went inc my former interest, we had a couple cocktails and sat down and cleared the air about alot of things that had happened over the past week. I've learnt to never assume again, and today she and my friends girlfriend came round and we all watched the eurovision =] twas fun.
  9. I think you look fat in them anyways =] well, as for the whole gaydar, there are as ell says that can't possibley be more gay, and i when i asked my friend if he would ever go for that type of thing he said, he's too gay. So yeh, more harm than good.
  10. Tbh, i can see an end in sight, when the battles over i think it'll end, no other enemies or whatever.
  11. So worth everything...ever I cannot wait for 6, reeeally.
  12. Sorry, i probably forgot, her ex rang her and brought up bad blood and she didn't want that again and blahblahblah. And i was semi in a relationship with the girl who said she didn't want anything anymore (the one whose ex rang) but now, am obviously not :P I think that cleared it up?
  13. I hate ell Um, exams start on the 4th and finish on the 13th, i have 7 of them, yay... on atleast two of them i need 10 % to pass =D
  14. Heathers is brilliant, "that is so very!"
  15. Well, after i got a bit burned by a girl who was very willing to start dating and then changed her mind because her ex rang her (i should be in a soap..). People have been asking why i'm not dating one of my best friends. The weirdest part is that even her boyfriend thinks we should date, and while i'll admit theres something there, i'm more than happy to ride this out and continue being friends with her, not because it would ruin something, but because i'm not wanting a relationship at the moment. life
  16. My day should consist of revision, but i've been revising since 9:30, so fuck that =] Saw star trek last night and got drunk, the two overlapped by the tiniest of amounts. Realised the girl that doesn't want a relationship with me has more in common with me than i realised. But she started smoking (since whenever she decided to talk to me about having no relationship) and thats just not on, i am glad i'm out of that now =] might go to the gym later, seen better days really =/
  17. I wouldn't say it was that wasted, its 5pm on a saturday, i have to be up at 9, 9 on a sunday! regardless, i'm back off to uni tomorrw woop woop
  18. I have the that, and the issues proceeding from it (i have like 200 x men issues, those essential things). And yeh it was the first to show such a dark future, but it was more the fall out from it aswell.
  19. Girl i was kind of seeing has been giving me the cold shoulder, what fun also packing for uni! regardless of personal problems i can't wait to be back
  20. Dude, i don't know what to say =[ text me if you want to talk about it man.
  21. Wait till uni my friend i got a month off at christmas and easter, plus i finish in mid june
  22. hahaha, my sisters finish on the 18th of JULY, back september 4th me, i get june 13th to sept 30th...
  23. Lol summer i have exams But you could road trip it?
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