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Everything posted by Zelda_Rulez

  1. It was announced at the press conference, that the Zapper would be bundled with a game, for about 20 dollar, IIRC.
  2. Here are some early sales numbers. The game apparently managed to sell 200.000 units on it's first day. Source: http://www.jeux-france.com/blog163219_Xiaomay
  3. I don't know for sure, because I didn't notice any lines on screen even without the RGB cable. Maybe someone else knows?
  4. I got the official one for 29.99 euros.
  5. I don't think this game will do that as MP2 didn't either. And this game is said to be focused more to the hardcore than casual so..
  6. I have the official one, and the image quality is really good. The Game cable is cheaper so it could have less image quality, but I don't know for sure.
  7. They're probably doing that.
  8. You could try downloading the video.
  9. I just ordered Second Opinion. Can't wait to play it. If it's good, I'll definitely get this one.
  10. Yes, maybe something like Viva Pinata would work IMO. It fits the style of the previous Animal Crossings.
  11. It would be a bit annoying to get the mushrooms every time. Maybe they'll appear in random locations every time you enter a world?
  12. I had that same problem on my GameCube with Rogue Squadron 2, I wonder why that happens with the Wii as well.
  13. We've seen more than 20% by now if you count the stages that aren't on the website yet. Those stages seem to follow the same lay-outs as well.
  14. I just read on GoNintendo that in an interview with Beth Llewelyn, online play couldn't be confirmed or denied. I wonder why they can't just confirm it.
  15. Source: IGN Glad to hear this, maybe they'll show something at TGS.
  16. Nice update. This probably confirms Tom Nook won't be a playable character,as he's in the background.
  17. Not looking good then. Then again almost every Nintendo console has had two Zelda games during it's lifetime. Only the SNES didn't. And considering Zelda's popularity they'll probably make another one, it'll be a few more years before we see it though.
  18. I just went here to post this. This is great news, I liked the previous games. Although I never did finish them, maybe I'll get back to them.
  19. I believe this is the source: http://www.gamesarefun.com/gamesdb/blog.php?id=45
  20. Yes, I just read the thread at NeoGAF. The game supposedly also has an extra mode involving the new character. It's a bit unclear to me now.
  21. Great walkthrough. Good to see the Spring Ball back. I think he was playing on a lower sensitivity alright, the bounding box was rather big. Edit: I just watched the trailer, and I couldn't help but notice the remix of the Tallon Overworld playing. I loved that song in Metroid Prime.
  22. The game was in the top 10 for the UK charts, and at number 4 in the German charts, IIRC. It's doing great in Europe as well.
  23. After seeing the scans, the rumors of this being a port of the PS2 game, are luckily not true.
  24. After watching some of the videos, I am really hyped for this game. I can't wait to play it. It looks really great as well, just like a 360 game IMO. I hope third party developers are taking notes.
  25. Yes, this game will raise the standard for Wii games by a mile. I hope the third-party developers will take notice.
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