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Everything posted by Zelda_Rulez

  1. Be glad we don't have to wait 6 months :p
  2. Wow, amazing update, they're really pulling out all the stops when it comes to music selection. The Zelda series already has about 4 songs, and so does the Mario series. I like that you'll be able to choose the music for every stage! I like the Pokemon song as well. Especially Sakurai's commentary :p I just noticed that each stage has an icon with the game it originally came from, that's a nice touch.
  3. That's the same mission I'm stuck on now. I watched some tutorial video about how you go about removing the Triti, but I always seem to miss one so it grows back like crazy.
  4. I just can't see Nintendo doing this with the way they've used WiiConnect in the past and it's never mentioned as well. There's so much potential for this ,but it will probably never happen. Space on the Wii is a real constraint, though.
  5. They type speculation out as facts, nice going. :p
  6. Isn't Normal in Prime 3 like Normal in the first two, with Veteran being Hard like in the first two and Hyper being even more difficult?
  7. Review from Gonintendo: http://gonintendo.com/?p=24391
  8. I was the same way in that battle, for me that fight was like I had a real sword in my hands. Until August I only had Wii Sports and Wii Play together with Zelda, so Wii sports was really the best way to use the controls for me. But now I've got Trauma Center and that uses the controls in a great way as well. I love using the defribilator in that game. And I can imagine when I get Metroid Prime 3 next month I will be wowed by the controls even more. So, I like them a lot as you can really be immersed in a game when they are used properly.
  9. I really hope stunts aren't like power moves like in Mario Tennis. They really break up the flow of the game.
  10. Has anyone played one of the former titles, and if so how were they?
  11. Great update, I wonder how Mario's former down-B is activated now? The Pokemon Stadium 2 looks to be a fun stage as well. We haven't seen the electric one yet.
  12. I want more Rpg's on Wii, so I hope this will turn out to be true.
  13. When I first played this game 5 years back on my N64 Bowser was the only boss that killed me. I beat him on the second go though with some luck. I don't know if I was unlucky or underleveled but he wasn't easy for me. I even beat the Dojo master at full power IIRC.
  14. I've seen them in the scans but the quality is much better like this. The fur on the mole looks fantastic!
  15. Yes, I'm 100% sure he will be in.
  16. Odin Sphere was only released in Japan and the US in May. But there's a good chance it will still be released in Europe as a lot of Atlus games are. I hope this one will be brought over as well. Edit: another title by them Grim Grimoire will be released in Europe.
  17. This game was announced in Famitsu. Factsheet
  18. I think it will be something between Samus' and Link's B attack.
  19. I seriously doubt that, because every current X360 owner would have to buy Halo 3. That will never happen before year's end. And the original Xbox had a larger installed base as well, at least when Halo 2 was released.
  20. LucasArts seem to "dislike" Nintendo so it could take a while before we see this happen.
  21. I wasn't expecting anything from this, even though I knew about it for some time. I'm not even expecting anything from E for All, to be honest.
  22. It was about time Meta Knight got added to the characters, he appeared a lot in screenshots after all. I think Fox will be downgraded a bit, but maybe not as bad as Kirby apparently was between Smash 64 and Melee.
  23. I hope they don't :p
  24. Ah, that clears it up a bit. What a mess :p
  25. Did it outsell Bioshock for that week, or did it sell more than Bioshock did in it's first week? That isn't really clear to me.
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