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Everything posted by Zelda_Rulez

  1. 2nd is Full Throttle
  2. I finally get the chance to play the game again today, now that exams are over. I'm just after getting the second ship upgrade.
  3. I can see him arriving on his motorcycle.
  4. I'm guessing a new item for tomorrow. It's been about 40 days since we got one.
  5. Hard to believe it's just 2 weeks away now. I can barely wait any longer.
  6. I believe it's done automatically.
  7. You can see swimming in this video from E4All as well: http://eforall.gamepro.com/player.cfm?vid=116920 You can see one swimming to the stage from 00:40.
  8. I'll raise you this: http://project-apollo.net/text/rpg.html
  9. He could be hinting at Balloon Fighter not being playable this time. Otherwise they would have saved the fish for it's own stage I think.
  10. Looks like a fun stage. I wonder what he's hinting at with the fish?
  11. Good to see classic back. And like Petey said the lottery is basically confirmed now.
  12. I think Crono and Geno have the best chances for making it in as a Square-Enix character if there will be one. And Phoenix Wright has to be in in some form.
  13. Everyone is finishing the game so quickly. :p I just got to the second landing site on Elysia. It could be that they haven't configured the Friend Code setting in the options of Prime 3. Although now that I think about it Din's name did show up on my game.
  14. You can read that two ways. :p But I hope it's one year after 2008.
  15. If there's any stars like the poisoned water red coins one or the pachinko machine in Sunshine it could take me a long time to get them all.
  16. At first I was pushing the direction of the wall jump and the jump button too close together, so nothing would happen. When I take my time and press direction and jump afterwards it's really easy.
  17. I find the game opening up more and more when you get to Elysia.
  18. It was in this update before: http://www.smashbros.com/en_uk/stages/stage07.html
  19. This is amazing He manages to stun me every single time over how much there will be in this game. And we still have about 4 months of updates left. fixed
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