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Everything posted by Zelda_Rulez

  1. 1st one is Phantasmagoria 2nd one is The Dig, I hated that part because I didn't know in what order to put the bones in the shell, so I had to try randomly. :p
  2. Panel de Pon could fit in as well, with Lip being a new character. But we don't know if that theory is true yet. The icon could stand for Touch Generations though and still fit in with the list. :p
  3. This stage looks fun, but why the DS icon? I can't see someone like Dr. Kawashima getting in, but you'll never know of course. We already got an Animal Crossing icon so I don't think this one points to that as well.
  4. Little Big Adventure 2
  5. My first character to play as will be Link, he was my first for Melee as well. After that I mained Ganondorf and Marth and sometimes used Captain Falcon but all those three aren't even announced yet and two of them will probably become unlockable(Ganondorf, Marth).
  6. Mario?? :p
  7. I will definitely buy Zack and Wiki!
  8. Video of all Final Smashes for characters on the demo except Diddy's: You can see some other costumes as well. And I really like Ike's Final Smash.
  9. Just read that at GoNintendo. I'm a bit annoyed at his comments.
  10. Correct, to be exact it's Freddi Fish and the Case of the Missing Kelp Seeds. This was the full picture: http://www.mobygames.com/game/windows/freddi-fish-and-the-case-of-the-missing-kelp-seeds/screenshots/gameShotId,57008/ Anyway congrats for guessing it. Scores Scores Zechs Merquise: 31 theguyfromspark: 23 Hellfire: 13 darksnowman: 13 steggy: 11 Coolness Bears: 10 Happenstance: 9 /nando/: 9 Patch: 9 4q2: 8 peterl0: 8 Mcj Metroid: 8 immy: 7 Jonnas: 7 EchoDesiato: 7 Shino: 7 Tales: 6 Gentleben: 6 The Villan: 6 Jamba: 5 welsh_gamer: 5 Deathborn: 5 Brass_Monkey: 4 YanRuo: 2 Ollie: 2 Zell: 2 Tetzcatilipoca: 2 thirtynine: 2 rapunzel: 2 Zelda_Rulez: 2 Mundi: 1 Petey_Piranah: 1 Daft: 1 Emasher: 1 tapedeck: 1 Sheikah: 1 Oditri: 1
  11. After reading some of those impressions it looks like Bowser is going to be a lot better than in Melee.
  12. It doesn't sound that bad, just a bit slower than Melee and I probably won't even notice that while playing. At least I didn't notice in the videos. :p On a side note: I finally managed to increase my Ganondorf Home Run record in Melee from 1667.1 meters to 2569.5 meters.
  13. No, but you're right in thinking it's an adventure game.
  14. I'm hoping this is true, because we need some more RPG's.
  15. I've tried to get a picture of my own, I hope it'll last a bit. I've shrunk it otherwise it would be guessed in an instant :p.
  16. Wow at the Wii almost managing to outsell the X360 in this month. Metroid Prime 3 is still doing well I hope it's still in the charts next month.
  17. That reminds me to download the channel, since I'm at home now. :p I pre-ordered the game from gcshop (a dutch store) for about 41 euros, maybe I'll get it one day before the release form them as it happened before.
  18. I'm definitely getting: Metroid Prime 3 Super Mario Galaxy Harvest Moon MM Zack and Wiki I could get some other games, but I think this should be enough to tide me over till 2008 when Brawl is released.
  19. I think it would be hard to make a whole moveset for Lil Mac in the sense of it being varied. A lot of his moves would involve punches, let's just say he gets Petey's specials then what's left for his A moves? More punches, his Up+A would be an uppercut as well? They could have chosen to add some kicks in as well, but I think this would ultimately make a bit of a boring character as he doesn't really have any really flashy moves.That's maybe why he didn't make it, but still just my opinion.
  20. http://wii.com/jp/articles/mario-galaxy/crv/vol3/page3.html#id=cv_mg-3-02-egg The main theme sounds amazing.
  21. I already have it on PS2 but for those who haven't played this yet this is good news.
  22. I think he has a chance of being a costume change of PT.
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