You can see swimming in this video from E4All as well:
You can see one swimming to the stage from 00:40.
I think Crono and Geno have the best chances for making it in as a Square-Enix character if there will be one.
And Phoenix Wright has to be in in some form.
Everyone is finishing the game so quickly. :p I just got to the second landing site on Elysia.
It could be that they haven't configured the Friend Code setting in the options of Prime 3. Although now that I think about it Din's name did show up on my game.
At first I was pushing the direction of the wall jump and the jump button too close together, so nothing would happen. When I take my time and press direction and jump afterwards it's really easy.
This is amazing He manages to stun me every single time over how much there will be in this game. And we still have about 4 months of updates left.