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Everything posted by Zelda_Rulez

  1. From Gameinformer
  2. I thought that was possible. Here's an explanation on how to get this to work. http://www.wiisave.com/faq/index.php I haven't tried it myself yet though.
  3. I love the assist trophy reference.
  4. For the fourth one: Cybernoid II for the ZX Spectrum. Recolored version for the ZX Spectrum 256 :p.
  5. That review is crazy.
  6. Yeah, he was a rare enemy in it I believe.
  7. Well actually I'm a bit relieved they didn't show all characters because I didn't want secret characters to be revealed already. Although trying to stay unspoiled will be hard if the PAL release is very after the American one.
  8. These all are really good. Great job.
  9. Twilight World?
  10. They'll probably release another special VC game. Not for free though.
  11. Thanks, finally managed to grab one. Now I just want one more 100 points card and I've used all my stars.
  12. I certainly wasn't expecting it this fast, I was expecting it to be in the beginning of 2008 to be exact. But it's an amazing feat.
  13. Looks interesting, I hope it gets released here.
  14. And here we have another game mode update. :p
  15. Agreed, I hope it stays a rumour. The trailer looked very good.
  16. Tournament was already confirmed: http://www.smashbros.com/en_uk/gamemode/various/various06.html
  17. I had 1250 to expire this month, but I checked again and it's at 0 now. I hope it stays that way.
  18. Yeah they have, but it's to be expected because they have 2 more months to fill now.
  19. I noticed a cousin of mine also didn't get a case with it, he bought his Wii a couple of months ago.
  20. If you log in on the site and go to your stars page, it will tell you how many stars will expire at the end of this month.
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