I finally got to 120 stars on my first playthrough yesterday. I had to do all the purple comets, they weren't very difficult. I found the Dreadnought one the hardest and to my own surprise I managed to do
The trailer is up here:
It's in 720p and in the source code it said Tales of Vesperia Xbox 360, that's removed now but it's not a Wii game then.
I don't really need Cel-Link in the game, but that hasn't got anything to do with me disliking the cel-shaded style. I loved WW. I just think one Link in the game is enough. But I would rather have a new character like Vaati or Midna making it in.
It would be a shame if Megaman doesn't make it in. But he says another few months when it's out next month in Japan, maybe this was made some time ago although that doesn't seem so.