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About Acidyl

  • Birthday 07/27/1980

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  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    Nes, Snes, N64, GCN, DS, Wii
  • Other Systems Owned
  • Favourite Game?
    Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
  • Gender

Game Info

  • Wii Console Number
    1036 3517 3131 8660

Acidyl's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. I'm still in doubt about getting this one. The setting really isn't my style, but the gameplay looks fun. Maybe I'll get it tomorrow; but there is so much other games I need to finish....
  2. I wasn't to impressed at first with wiimotion plus; but now I realise I was trying to waggle my way through it again. I don't say you have to be stand up to play it; but now it really helps alot if you do the real moves. It just gets better and better; can't wait for some real action/adventure games to use this.
  3. Well; in case anyone has the same issue; the update had nothing to do with it. I just took it back to the store and they replaced it without a problem; after trying resetting it and all. The new one seems to respond faster too; my first was probably a complete bust.
  4. Anyone else having issues with the date and time setting? I could set it fine before but then needed an update when I tried to use the dsware. I now can not set the time and date right anymore; anything else gets saved fine (username, color; country; ect:) did the update screw it or is my system screwed?
  5. Just played my first hour with this gem. and here's my score for it: graphics: genius music: genius gameplay: I could say genius, but that would be rating it to low. GOTY?? Game of the fuckin decade.
  6. I just saw it too, oh well, sin and punishment should be worth it, but still, expensive.
  7. 23-26 aug http://www.gc-germany.com/
  8. Star Wars bounty hunter. Fun, not to easy or to hard, nice story, you're fett, woohooo
  9. this week: Breath of Fire II - SNES, 800 WiiPoints Galaga '90 - Turbogrfx, 600 WiiPoints Volleyball - NES, 500 WiiPoints
  10. -lack of certain genres for the moment like good realcar (not mario kart or f-zero) racing games (hell, i'd settle for a better looking port of gt4 from ps2) - lack of something that could really set off nintendo online, for instance a version of the upcoming team fortress 2 (it's cell-shaded) - lack of a non-nintendo game that even remotely looks like it's build was started on the wii devkit and not the gamecube devkit. - lack of even the smallest of hd (10GB or so) so that there could be small patches to wii games, demo's and some room to at least keep some upcoming wiiware titles on it and not constantly save to SD cards. - difference in VC titles coming available in different regions, it's a service on the WORLD WIDE web for christ sakes.
  11. Super Metroid: BEST ACTION-SHOOTING PLATFORM ADVENTURE GAME EVER. Seriously, it's because of games like this one than I have owned nothing but nintendo consoles so far. I do wonder what will happen with the series when the metroid prime trilogy is done, hope it doesn't take 8 years again.
  12. ... the head of PSP japan is gonna need the good stuff to sleep tonight..... damn, DS OWNS japan now.
  13. The arcade version was good fun.
  14. With the risk of somewhat ruining the topic, I mostly remember some excellent videogames music, like batman stage 1-1 for the nes or the woodman stage in mega man 2.
  15. We should have had super paper mario by now, I don't care how much text there is to translate. And when we'll finally get it in september, we'll cry again for not getting metroid prime 3. Of course, there is a nice collection of available games (both wii and vc), it's just it's two best games are still gamecube games.
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