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Everything posted by elniro

  1. you've seen first 5 eps, i think thats the major introductions done, the movie is really standalone, should be able to find out on the net Although if u want to watch it chronologically its set before the last 2 eps
  2. i saw this vid a while back, i couldnt really believe it, cos if ronaldinho was that accurate he should be able to score on nearly every shot, but like people said pressure of defenders, keepers, etc would affect him. But the stuff Ronaldinho does in adverts and stuff is amazing, and on the pitch hes funny, sumthin happens he jus waves finger or shrugs, smiles, and shakes a hand loll
  3. I think lot of people watch it, im at episode 187 or sumthin, but i've just been skippin the filler eps recently i just download them so i can have complete naruto library and to check if the most recently available episode is not a filler. I dont watch the dubbed version, like most anime they air on tv, they crap it up
  4. lolz, nya hopefully be as funny as fumoffu
  5. i've wanted to learn japanese past the basic words i picked up while watching anime, but i sucked at learning new languages at school and im lazy, so if im afraid of spending so much time tryin to leaarn japanese and hardly gettin anywhere
  6. theres actually a FMP OVA supposed to be coming out in May. People were saying that there wouldnt be another FMP series for at least 2 years, but since a new OVA is already planned so early, a new FMP series could arrive sooner than expected
  7. Not only in the World Wars, at lucerne (dnt kno exact date) 2000 Swiss soldiers were fighting alongside french soldiers trying to protect the French king, and u kno what the French did? They frickin took the king and ran away leavin those 2000 soldiers to die. Tossers
  8. Yea i dnt like random insane stuff either. Take FLCL for example i hated it cos it was so random but most other people loved it and it was one of their favourites
  9. they want to make a live version opening to promote the simpsons cartoon?? I dont see any point as the cartoon is promoted enough, but it'll be interesting to see how it'll turn out
  10. I wouldnt give my right arm for anything really, but for me the most anticipated is the new zelda
  11. well should really, cos some people wouldnt have seen that particular series or are in middle of watchin it, and they wouldnt want important parts or the ending spoiled
  12. HAPPY B-DAY MAN!! celebrate it like a champ (or a samurai in ur case lol)
  13. I havent watched any GITS myself but i read in NEO mag i think, that the films are unrelated to the series.
  14. My favourite clothing is my all black "Shady" hoody. I wear it all the time and its nice and heavyweight, good stuff in this cold weather
  15. elniro


    I wanna get a wolf head on my shoulder blade and a panther/or tiger on my arm, but cos it does cost a lot of money i'll have to wait till i get a job and get together some money and stuff
  16. Stuff by Jedi Mind tricks, Demigodz, and AOTP lot will inspire me to wanna write my own verse and stuff. I cant remember the songs which inspired me to do other stuff or feel really good. I think the Armageddon theme track would be one (forgot which aerosmith song it was). I cant think of any others at moment
  17. I remember i discovered worms wen i was very young playin in the mud loll anyway first game of worms i played was armageddon in like yr10 after i went to my m8s house. It was real fun and i loved it, i dunno it just left me after a little while, got bored i guess
  18. I just have problems tryin to purely sleep 8 hrs without seeming to wake up inbetween
  19. Well for a start watch the rest of bleach until the current ep lol And it depends really on what sort of genres you like, if you look through this thread there have been lots of different recommendations for all sorts of genres and interests
  20. My main XP user account works fine, but the others have messed up. The start menu has no icons, and in the taskbar only 3 icons are present. Even though im connected to the internet it wont work, and Outlook Express seems to think that there was no identity for that account. I think my idiot brother did something, but i dont know what. Has anyone had this problem or knows how to fix it? thanks
  21. i was playin football with a tennis ball in the front room and i kicked the sofa by accident and my toe nail came off. And wen i was really small i think sumone accidently split steamin hot tea on my head... bastard Most recent injury was wen piece of plastic made small hole in sole of my foot, there was no pain jus flowin blood
  22. My first was a Kano one. Then Roll Deep. It's only because im at uni and they were performing, although im not really into them, i only like a few Kano tracks and 1 or 2 Roll Deep tracks, i just went because they were here and the atmosphere would not be normal. If Kanye West does perform in the area here then im definitely going if the price is not ridicolous (which i hav feelin it may be)
  23. sheer brilliance! Goku really is so strong isnt he lol
  24. Yea it can be risky, a car u buy for a certain amount of money and u can only sell it off for much lower. So it can be risky, otherwise nice one on that profit u made and wtf sort of reply is that from the guy above me
  25. no lol In Japan there was a break in airing the series halfway through, due to some issue with the channels, so while it was being transferred to a different channel there was about a month or so break before they showed the next episode of samurai champloo. And i followed the series when the first episode was fansubbed, hence there was a break for me too
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