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Everything posted by gekko

  1. Definitely buying this - please add me to the 'yes' list.
  2. Played it for about half an hour last night. I agree it wasn't that responsive and it doesn't feel that natural. Early days yet but I'm a bit disappointed so far.
  3. Anyone played this yet? Just got it today so will be trying it out tonight.
  4. Like everyone else on here who's played it, I loved it apart from towards the end. Not sure how they managed to send it so downhill after the really strong start. I really like this type of game and I'd buy it again regardless of what I know about the end just because I think it's important to support those who are making games that are different. If this sort of thing is your bag then I'd recommend Shadow of Memories/Shadow of Destiny (another game with a diff name in the US), which is a pretty old PS2 game. Same interactive story style with lots of time travel and multiple endings. One of my first and favourite Playstation games.
  5. I'm glad this has been put back as I was looking at my pre-orders and starting to worry about financing all these purchases! I'm going to have plenty of games to keep me busy until the end of the year so it'll be something to look forwards to in January.
  6. gekko

    Wii Fit

    Not putting this out for Christmas is a big mistake. My mum bought a Wii but has only played Wii Sports. She's only interested in games that involve you moving about and exercising and also she works long hours and hasn't much spare time for gaming. This would be perfect for her but I can't see her buying it any other time apart from Christmas when she's got time to play it and all the family is around to join in the fun. More serious gamers are going to have a great Christmas with Galaxy et al but with not much for casual gamers to get their teeth into, I don't think its going to be a 'Wii Christmas' like last year was.
  7. Thanks for that Owen. All sorted now!
  8. The form doesn't like my serial number for some reason. I must be inputing it wrong but I've tried different methods with no success :-/.
  9. I've had the black screen thing happen once too. The remote turned off so I rebooted my Wii. It does seem a bit slow to load though, which made me wonder if I'd been a little hasty in rebooting.
  10. I'm just back in Flipside after beating the Chapter 1 boss. I'm a bit behind everyone aren't I? Enjoying it though and with my other half away for the next three nights I'm hoping to get stuck in, in between watching Champions League.
  11. I have a colleague who firmly believes that the Wii is for casual rather than hardcore gamers. He's big into PC gaming and reckons Nintendo games are kiddy and aren't immersive enough. He's actually got a DS but I've given up trying to argue with him about the Wii as I don't really care. I love my Wii and am playing it heaps at the moment, much more than I ever played my PS2. I'll take Mario over Halo any day - for me it's just more fun and that's what's important.
  12. Hope we don't have to wait too long for it - I'm really excited about this.
  13. The hard level is definitely more challenging and you lose points for doing a 'bad' line. I'd like to know a bit more about how the scoring works though - is it just picking up whether you make a sound at the right time and if that sound is a higher or lower note to the last one? I wonder how sophisticated it is. To be honest I'm pretty bored of the track list. I wish there was more choice but that might just be because a lot of the music on there isn't to my taste.
  14. To be honest with you, there doesn't seem much point now that we are entering a big release phase. There are so many games to be playing over the next three months, there's not really any need to import. The biggest advantage in doing this would have been earlier this year when there wasn't much happening here.
  15. I played it last night for an hour with my other half and really enjoyed it. I didn't realise how terrible my voice was but I'm still clinging on to the hope that I just haven't found the right song yet! I sound like I'm auditioning for X Factor and trying to convince Simon Cowell that I really can sing, don't I? Anyway, no worries because you'll get a gold medal however bad your singing is. That's the bit I really don't understand - I've tried the easy and medium levels and got gold every time even though I sounded terrible. I'm really hoping the hard level is a little more challenging. It's still great fun though but I need to unlock some more songs as some of the 'best' ones aren't available right away. Not done the dancing much yet and not tried the story mode at all so can't comment on that. I think there's more than an hour in it - that's a little harsh. I can definitely see us having lots of fun with it for a month and then I'll take it to my folks at Christmas and we'll enjoy it all over again. I'll try and post a more comprehensive review next week when I've played it some more.
  16. Game now arrived so will be playing it tonight. Has anyone else on here (apart from Owen) played it yet?
  17. I was thinking it was Game & Watch multi-screen Donkey Kong, but actually I remember playing this: Game & Watch widescreen Parachute.
  18. Metal Gear Solid. Played one, can't remember which. Hated the camera angle - third person and also got part way through and then couldn't figure out what I was supposed to do next. Was just wandering round a forest like a loon.
  19. gekko

    My Sims

    I agree. Sims as a format was getting very tired but bringing in elements of Animal Crossing and Harvest Moon could make it very cool. I love the characters - much more fun looking and sounds like there's huge scope for design creativity. I've not read the review through yet but it reminded me of the way you build stuff in Second Life.
  20. gekko

    My Sims

    It's got a great review in ONM - 94%! Seems very generous - can it possibly be that good?
  21. I got an email from Amazon this morning saying that it had been delayed by the suppliers so I won't get it until early next week. Is it out in the shops yet? I really wanted it for the weekend (although got a cold now so prob not such a good idea!). I got it for £32.99 off Amazon before they put the price up so reluctant to cancel my order.
  22. It's a great game - you should definitely buy it if you haven't played it before. I've just beaten the first boss and got my first star.
  23. Just downloaded this the other day. I'm not very far on yet but I absolutely love it and have now put a pre-order in for Super Paper Mario on the back of this.
  24. I'm now half way through the game and really enjoying it. I found the remote action a bit clunky at first and I'm still having some issues with it if I'm honest. It's a lot easier now, probably because I've mastered the spells but it doesn't always react very quickly, which is a problem when you are battling with Malfoy or Crabbe and Goyle. Fortunately, this isn't a frequent occurrance and if you don't want to risk losing a fight you can just run around avoiding their spells whilst Ron and Hermione finish them off! Apart from that, using the remote as a wand is fun with wingardium leviosa probably the most useful spell in the game. Some of the tasks are a bit repetitive and boring but there are plenty of other things to do. There's a lot to collect in the game, which really adds to the main story and means that running from one end of Hogwarts to the other in order to undertake a task is not dull as there's plenty to waylay you. There's a really useful stats screen so you can see what you have left to collect/complete at any one time. The Maurauder's Map is good but the accompanying task list can be a bit confusing as it's not always obvious what the task is and what you need to do to complete it. Ron and Hermione are supposed to help you out if you get stuck but Ron just talks about the DA constantly and Hermione is always banging on about going to the library! Fortunately, the tasks aren't very complex and you can usually figure out what to do easily enough. The great thing about the game is that you can play it for 10 mins or a couple of hours as there are lots of bits to it. It took a while to get into it as the first task has you spending ages recruiting DA members and does go on. Once you've done that though, things start to move a bit faster. If you are a fan of Harry Potter then it's definitely worth picking this up. It's not without its flaws and is pretty easy but wandering round Hogwarts casting spells is lots of fun.
  25. Should be arriving from Amazon today. Couldn't resist a bit of Wiimote wand waving and I've read good reviews. Will report back in the next day or two once I've had a chance to play it a bit.
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