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Everything posted by Nexus
As tempting as metroid sounds, i think i might be getting cod 4, i had to cancel an order for it because someone on this forum, not naming names, sold it to their friend. I might up getting none, i may choose to save my money, but the input was certainly helpful, corruption and mass effect are things i will likely return to at a later date, i mean ive still got resident evil 4 to play, no more heroes and brawl next year, but thanks for the input, if i do get any it will be Call of duty 4. Im off to play some Wiffle Ball.
i am simply not sure which one to purchase, if anyone can give their oppinions it would help, Warfares the most affordable, £25 on Game now. I havent touched my Wii (he he) for months now, im getting Galaxy soonish (powerplaydirect.com!) Corruption might help me get back into my Wii. Effect im not to bothered about right now, but its ceartainly something i want to come back to, oh i have absolutely no interest in Assassins Creed or NinjaBreadMan 2. Thanks.
exactly! there was so much more emotion and i go as far as to say beauty, in ww. the b&w clashing with colour was magnificent.
games you enjoy, that could embares
Nexus replied to Kirkatronics's topic in General Gaming Discussion
probably the pokemon games, i love them all so much (especially yellow and snap) but i love them quietly. Sometimes just being a 'gamer' i am quiet about, i mean its not the most attractive thing to say in the world. e.g: man 1:hello i have a yacht, ha ha ha, sips champagne, and nibbles on caviar man 2: i still play pokemon, moves to the corner, pulls out gba hand goes in pants, you know the rest not saying im like that, which im not (shifty eyes) but im sure you know what im saying, from now on i will try to be more proud of my gaming background. -
HeY GuYz ArEnT wE fOrGeTiNg SHADOW DA HEDGEHOG!!!!! but seriously that game failed, best sonic game was the orginal or gba port, sonic advance was fun, and when you connected it up to the cube and had chao gardens, that was awesome. Sonic rush was a good game, just far too short imo, a lot of fun, but there was no replay value there, multiplayer was dire as well. Loved the 3-d/2-d boss battles, my personal favourite bit of the game. Sonic and the secret rings has been getting good-ish reviews, i was going to pick it up at one time and then realised that i was not going to pay over £30 for it. i think sega is finally starting to realuse that they have failed with the sonic series for a little while and are now starting to recover.
my opinion would be that ww is a much better game than tp, why? well i'l be the first to admit i was sceptical when looking at ww visuals, and said out loud oh too many times 'why?' But as soon as i actually picked up the controller and looked at the game properly, not just screens on the net and in magazines. After playing the magnificence that is ww, i had ridicuosly high hopes which were unfortunately left short, tp seemed too miss out on the zelda spirit of things, and after half way through the game the control scheme felt more like a gimmick than a proper control scheme. And i longed to pick up a gc pad. the whole story felt drawn out, and pretty much unentertaining, the final battle was dreadful, it had no involvement about it, just two guys clashing swords in a middle of a field, the giant boar was my particular favourite of the end 4 bosses. Yes the triforce part ww was really dissapointing for me, ww any day for myself, why? beauty, involvement, gameplay and just everything makes a beautifylly enthralling game.
lighting, explosion and smoke effects looked really good aside from the giant smoke cloud in the background which looked lame. Night vision mode looks really good also. seems call of duty is coming along really well. on a completely different note my dad met colin mcrae today, i told my dad to tell colin that i loved the demo of dirt, his reply was; 'oh, is that out already' and he signed a dvd to me il post pictures tommorow, too tired now.
alrighty i'll give it a shot tommorrow, if it works congrats if not, shakes fist.
i was wondering if anyone could help, exams end tommorow, and ive been trying to get my 360 chat thing to work about 2 weeks ago, and i couldnt get it to work properly, can anyone help, and to save time: all family settings and what not off, the guy i was trying to talk to is on my friends list and i cant think of why it dosent work, we've had to keep sending voice messages to on another, so any help? thanks!
games i have(ps2):kingdom hearts 1 and 2, devil may cry 1,2 and 3, final fantasy x and x-2, gitaroo man, okami, buzz (shudders),metal gear 2 and 3, dragon quest, final fantasy xii, ailen hominid, sotc, ico, rez, tenchu, burnout 3, dragon ball z budokai (shudders),pop 1 and 2 and guitar hero games i want(ps2):we love katamari, amplitude, gow 1 and 2, odin sphere can anyone think of any other suggestions?
damn exams! 1 more week and it'll all be over, i dont think i'll move from this seat, gears of war (drools) i cant wait to start playing (drools again)
kingdom hearts 1, 2 not so much only for the steamboat willy world devil may cry, the whole 3 are good, 3 is a prequel to 1 so you may want to start there final fantasy x best 'proper' rpg on ps2?(stay away from x-2!) jak and daxter series (personally i preffer them much to ratchet and clank) shadow of the colossus (best game on ps2) ico (also in top 10) fahrenheit (mutliplatform though) burnout 3? gitaroo man rez (best rhythm game on ps2) guitar hero we love katamari is supposed to be excellent okami tenchu (good stealth/ninja game) metal gear solid 2 god of war god of war II i cant think of many more really, those be the best
zelda, elebits looks really good, mecury meltdown is getting good reviews, people seem to like smash football, nice variety there, rpg,fps,puzzle and sports games stay away from red steel! those are the better games on wii oh sonic is supposed to be good, but the ones above are what i'd go with
IGN US reviewlooks pretty good, i'l download the demo after exams, 8.4 is pretty good actually. it looks to be a nice compliment of realism(forza) and arcade racing (pgr3) so pgr3 + forza x motorstorm=dirt i liked colin mcrae 3, that was fun, but this looks alot different, change is good
found a confirmed november release date somewhere i cant seem to remember though =P but im still pretty pleased with that, if its anything like a splinter cell/pop cross over il be happy, it looks truely epic. environments look very similar to kingdom of heaven, everyone should go watch that film in preparation for assasins creed. best first 30 minutes of a film evr, then gets a bit silly. but assasins creed is so on my wishlist
ok.....wow....that south park one is especially well done, shesh. Ive always wondered, how does one take a screenshot from a game and transfer it to your pc?
so can you import images from an sd onto forza? or are those skins already on forza? or am i missing something?
it seems keeping my ps2 was justified, that along with ffXII and god of war. the ps2 is at its best in its dieing moments.
i loved it too, almost rebought it a while ago, if it comes on vc its mine (never going to happen) hoth was great, i couldnt sit still weaving my way through the at-at's kotor's were supposed to be good, battlefront 1 was fun, second one failed, republic commando looked fun, and the rts star wars game actually looked pretty good
dont know if theres any point me posting this but what have i got to lose gamertag=seventh nexus
shadow of the colossus hands down beautifully crafted power and evocative soundtrack, coincides with your emotions of regret and sorrow. kow otani is a genius. final fantasy music cannot go unmentined, kneels to nobou otematsu, he to is a fantastic composer. makes music a big a part of the game as the dialogue. red steel as much as it pains me to say had a exaggerated, but still very entertaining soundtrack.
drools over images (oh and fat its me (luke)) by the way i cannot enforce how badly i am anticipating this game, but yeah, im trying to stay as far away from the story as possible, im think im just going to not look at anything bioshock related, mabye/mabye not play demo 'if' they release one. Still i want it now.
im only going to be able to get 2 nes games or a n64 game, but it will encourage more people to start it and see what its actually like, i guess they need the assurance of a ceartain amount of money before they can do anything. Or there making too much of a profit and dont want to jepardise it, i dont know, just crazy theories.
caught the bioshock interview over on ign, that game looks to be the next revolutionary title, 360's first, i think it may actually be a contender for best game ever, ive got very high hopes for it. Most intriging plot since SOTC (joint first favourite game- with ff7) i honestly cannot wait for this title, halo 3, pheh, i might as well not even buy it (take that back) but bioshock looks utterly incredible, words cannot describe my feelings for it, the whole moral dilema thing i find really appealing, oh, (sticks hands in pants) damn GCSE's 1 more week and there gone is shadowrun any good by the way, ive heard mixed opnion, comparisons drawn to counter strike, saying its a manic version of that, with magic.
when are they going to do that star points too wii points thing they promised many a month ago.