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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. Oh, Sony. Y u do dis?
  2. Just read over at Eurogamer that CD Projekt Red explained why they went first-person. They don't have to explain or justify anything. If they think FPS is the way to go for Cyberpunk 2077 then that's how it's going to be. I don't understand what the big deal is.
  3. Loot boxes suck, no matter if you can grind in-game to get items. Their very existence enables gambling to kids and that should be prohibited.
  4. It's fair to say that I am sooooooo excited for this.
  5. Looking good
  6. Today's the day. Haven't been in World Cup-mood for the past few weeks, but when I woke up this morning I was pumped Will watch the opening match with a mate a one or two beers
  7. Easier relics my ass. Those jet pack levels are the bane of my existence. I think I'm just too stupid to get used to the controls. Took me 20 minutes to get a gold relic on the second jet pack level. Can't wait to do the first... (I'm collecting the relics in reverse order, i.e. I've started with the final level - which was surprisingly easy; third try)
  8. Because it's now a 2019 title and that Direct was only for 2018 relea...oh wait.
  9. Looks really cool. I'll keep my eye on this.
  10. Started and finished Crash Bandicoot 2 today. Got all gems, as well. A much, much better game than the first one, which was great itself. The difficulty in the second installment is spot on. There's something for everyone: beat the game only collecting the crystals (necessary to unlock the bosses); not that challenging collect all gems; some of them can be tricky get all gold relics; not tried it, yet, but read that it's challenging (though not as tough as in the first game) Time to start the relic hunt But probably not today. Also: Look how cute he is
  11. No idea if Pokémon were involved, turned the stream off after a couple of seconds. But yes, it was Smash.
  12. Guess what they're showing at the Tree House event right now.
  13. Don't tell him what to do. YOU'RE NOT HIS DAD!
  14. While this is insanely fast and on PC, it gives a good idea of how to build to get the high ground in one on one situations. It's very difficult on console (especially since Epic still hasn't included the option to adjust weapon and build aim sensitivity separately) but the "layout" remains the same. Being able to build this 1x1 "layout" is a must-have skill. Also: Slow down the video and watch the first two seconds; he builds two ramps and behind the second he builds a wall that connects. Why is this good? It gives the ramp a "shield". Destroying the ramp is now more time/ammo consuming. In order to push, you have to get that down in your muscle memory. Usually you should build two ramps next to each other and behind each a wall: build two ramps next to each other build walls behind each ramp (during both steps keep running up the ramps) build two ramps connected to the first two build walls behind each of them rinse repeat First few seconds show this (he actually also builds floors, but that's more difficult to get right; I'm lucky if I can push relatively quickly without floors). (by the way, this is what thumbnails and videos look like in the Fortnite YouTube community, apparently...they suck )
  15. First of all: Child-zombies? Great...game won't come out in fucking Germany. Second of all...don't care too much...still looks boring.
  16. Cannot freaking wait.
  17. Direct and to the point. I like that.
  18. I'm with you. He needs his own games.
  19. I see. In Germany the medical and layman term is the same. Good to know. It wasn't that far, door high, so about 2m. Well...I'm not the star player but I'm important for our defense. I'll see the doctor again on Monday. I'll make my decision whether I'll play or not after that.
  20. Eurogamer gameplay preview and interview Cross-gen confirmed?
  21. I mean, yes it's stupid, annoying and Sony is rightly being called out for their practice regarding cross-play. But people make a bigger deal out of this than it actually is. The amount of people switching from PS4 to a different console just to play Fortnite is going to be negligible and as we've seen in recent months Sony doesn't lose sales just because of their stance on cross-play, even with the bad press they get. The only real issue is the fact that they lock out players from using their Epic account with the Switch version. How is that even possible? Epic really can't have a say in what happens with their accounts?
  22. Should be piss easy, actually I've played the game to death back in the day and managed to get all Platinum Relics Good times. As soon as I'm back from work I'll start with Crash Bandicoot 2. Can't wait to finally give this a go.
  23. Probably got sniped? The kill feed on the lower left corner shows who killed you and how. Yeah, it's difficult at first. I always recommend watching Tfue's gameplay on YouTube. He's insanely good. Plays on PC and is annoying (I don't like his personality, at least the part of it you see during his videos) but it helps to see how he builds, moves, approaches enemies, etc.
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