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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Count me in as the 6th? :p I will be free from Wednesday onwards (training day on the Tue unfortunately)
  2. Pretty sure you can play during any window from what I've read. Just that the other windows have more antisocial times.
  3. Controllers need to evolve functionally where needed while still keeping most of the things that worked along the way that people came to like. In the case of the PS4 pad, it took on changes that were needed and requested by PS3 users (changes to the sticks, triggers) and had some additions like the touch pad and share button (used a lot by many). Controllers don't need to change for the sake of change, or to have a gimmick. Nintendo thought they did because of the success of the Wii. But as time has revealed, the Wii motion control remote was interesting at the time but ultimately not much more than a fad. A lot of people don't want it anymore and it has lost nearly all of the popularity it once had. Contrast this to many of the buttons or features of standard pads which have been retained generation after generation; these were not fads and have stood the test of time. Of course, gaming will never stagnate even if the exact same controller was used each generation. What matters is the software. As long as new and thoughtful ideas surface we can't say that gaming is stagnating due to controllers staying the same.
  4. So true. It's a feature often requested by those who speak loudly but really I doubt it has very little sway in getting lots of people to buy your console. As is the case here - PS4 continues its lead while Microsoft aren't really closing the gap at all. No, far more important is what system your friends have so you can play with them and what new games each system is getting. And one of those companies not trying to pull a fast one with policies, heh. I get that it is held up as a poster child for fan service, I just don't buy that most gamers value it so highly. In the case of X1 disc BC, I think it's more of a convenience thing, since most probably still have their 360s lying about. You don't make waves just with convenience.
  5. Still holding out for Shadow Hearts 1 and 2. It's really unlikely, but it would be awesome.
  6. Gutted I never got a code. Edit: turns out I did get a code (also Shorty was there to help, thanks!). But...all the times it's up, I won't be able to play! Bit gutted really!
  7. It's not catering to people's needs, really. Nobody in any way needs the perks it is offering. It's catering to laziness and weak will; it's pretty much a microtransaction in toy form. You tell me that nobody has ever looked at an assassin's creed game and felt a little disappointment that microstransactions are available to unlock all the chests. Going by what you're saying, nobody should ever be bothered by microtransactions because they are optional. But I don't think that's true - we are fans of the games in general, and we have opinions about what we expect from games, and also, things we don't like to see. We see microtransactions as the dev selling out some integrity/immersion (because it makes no sense in terms of the game) to make a buck, even when we're not going to use them ourself. I would argue that Zelda is a very accessible game already. You can stuff oodles of faeries and potions into your pockets and gain a load of heart containers. I am not advocating that this game should be difficult as to exclude people from enjoying it. I think the right level of difficulty is there to make it playable by all. So really, I don't think hating on a tap-to-heal feature is me wanting the game to be difficult so people can't enjoy it. Rather, me not liking that they have included that feature. I think Nintendo are subtracting from the integrity of the franchise by doing this, personally. Nope. There's also a whole extra area locked behind an amiibo. Make sure to read up on the situation before you start slagging people off over it.
  8. Again, that's not what I'm complaining about, is it? Are you deliberately misconstruing my point or are you actually not understanding it? If people who aren't good at games want to play on a different difficulty then that's fine with me. What I dislike is a series shoeing in a 'tap to heal' feature. Whether I choose to use it myself is besides the point - my beef is with the addition of the feature itself, which has all the hallmarks of a microtransaction and has no place in a game like Zelda. Within the game itself, it also just makes no sense to exist - why would tapping a purchased toy in real life heal Link? Tbh, that is more my issue than the perks it provides. It is not so much a difficulty slider given the general accessibility present in Zelda games already. If I understand your point, nobody should have an opinion on anything that does not directly affect them, even if it may have wider implications something down the line. That goes against everything we see in reality, and I'm pretty sure you know it.
  9. Again - less of the obnoxious tone please. Claiming that 'there is something wrong with people' because they have a different view to you on this is deplorable. You need to work on your attitude because from where I'm standing, it stinks. Expensive day 1 collectors editions are quite different to sealing away areas or levels. That said, I have not once said that things like bonus levels provided with games like COD when you order from certain retailers is a good thing, so I have literally no clue why you're offering that as a counter point. I'm also not sure how you can defend Nintendo when they have moved from having a franchise that didn't do these sorts of things to shoeing in amiibo into their main franchises and linking content to the £10-15 toys. Can anyone say this enhances the gameplay? Also, regarding one of your points, aniibo can most definitely be considered to be DLC, or at least unlockable content. It is completely undeniable that levels, modes and gameplay have been locked to the things - just because you get a toy out of it too, we cannot ignore that they are themselves purchased and provide content. Regarding the minimum competence level - not sure why you need to liken everything to a tenuously related real life situation. Mr-paul has covered pretty well what I think about the amiibo use here - it's nothing to do with wanting the game to be less accessible at all. The game is pretty damn accessible already - this inclusion is more like an app store microtransaction in my view and feels very out of place in a game where you normally heal by faeries and potions.
  10. True, but at the same time you could argue that Nintendo of more recent times have shown the opposite to be true. I guess what I'm saying is that we don't know either way other than it is required to unlock this area, at the moment.
  11. The content locked to amiibo for Splatoon didn't really need an amiibo to use the content, just unlock it. So I don't think there's any reason to naturally assume that the amiibo itself will be a key part of the gameplay in that dungeon/area.
  12. Ha, the Yoshi doll. I loved aiming for that. Anyway, most of those are cosmetic or curios, no? Goofy, but for me don't have the same effect as 'tap purchased amiibo to heal and not die'. I take your point though, Zelda is not as rigid as some series, but it still doesn't sit right with me. Given the small Wii U userbase it doesn't seem like most people are buying amiibos for the Wii U content, so do Nintendo really need to tie these things to them?
  13. I suppose whether it's a primary or secondary feature is not really what matters to me. That it exists is, like I say, breaking the fourth wall between the player and game and is something that I feel should not really be there. It can't be explained within the scope of the game other than Nintendo wanting to add value to their toys.
  14. An awful lot of people care about what Nintendo are tying to amiibo, actually. It actually surprised me when I saw I wasn't just one of a small number of people a little disgruntled about it over when EG posted an article about this. I dislike D1 DLC for obvious customer-shafting purposes and generally any purchasable gameplay advantages (some devs can be pretty opportunistic with their pricing and hooking people with microtransactions, not to mention they detract from the point/integrity of the game). I'm not that bothered about cosmetic DLC within reason (e.g. matching the tone of the game - again, the immersion factor). I'd say that's a pretty common viewpoint often shared by others.
  15. How is it the same as using a red potion? You earn a red potion in game by doing stuff, while the other way you pay with real money to get it, very much breaking the fourth wall with the game. It's obviously not seriously game breaking but can it be explained in any way other than Nintendo wanting to add value to amiibo? Don't worry, this isn't just a Zelda thing with me - the existence of 'pay to unlock all treasure chests' in Assassin's creed evokes a similar feeling. Why would these chests be delivered to the character if real money is spent?
  16. Yeah, it is a bit pricey. There's quite a lot of other remakes where you get more than one game for 25ish or less. I know Wind Waker was a very good remake and there are some bad remakes, but there's also a lot of good remakes for cheaper too. I got Wind Waker when it was bundled with a Wii U for quite a bit off so it wasn't so bad.
  17. That's a very typical, carefully worded post from you. Essentially your posting style can be summarised as follows: 1. Pick out a point somebody makes, 2. Extrapolate it to impunity, 3. Pass off a seething grudge/hatred that you've been harbouring for a while in an obnoxious tone. Whenever you make one of these posts, do you honestly feel good about it? I mean, really? You insult people because they disagree with you about game design? The funny thing is that this shouldn't need any justification at all. Apparently, disliking dumbing down of franchises or shoe-ins of day 1 DLC means that you are automatically a snob, or hate people not good at games. A villain of sorts! I for one will gladly champion whenever devs opt to maintain a minimum level of competence required in games rather than seeking profits through lowest common denominator design. Not to mention a certain level of immersion - knowing that tapping an item in the real world can achieve the same result in game, or that such a thing exists, does indeed take something away I think. If you don't feel like that, cool. But there's nothing wrong with people that do!
  18. Huh? Reactions seem pretty justified to me. As was previously mentioned, there is an area/dungeon/call it what you will locked behind the amiibo. Obviously we don't know how big an area it may be until release, but it's still the very thing people were annoyed about! Let's be honest, it's not about the reward (a wallet) - it's the actual content; the gameplay that people are not happy about not receiving unless they buy an amiibo. And you know, I can totally understand those complaints. The standalone experience is very overpriced. For a full price game you are getting a remake of one game; for the price of £25 or so you can pickup remake of all 3 Uncharted games. For £20 or so you can pick up FFX and FFX-2 remastered. I don't think it's wrong to complain about the extra cost on top of full price to get an amiibo for the extra content. Nintendo are taking people for a ride. As for the pay for a figure that heals you in game...I don't think anyone at all is jealous that they are not getting that perk without the amiibo. The complaint with that one is that it cheapens the experience (yeah, even if you're not actively using it yourself). It is rather sell out for the Zelda franchise.
  19. I think it's about time we brought him back...
  20. As with Final Fantasy, VIII is the best.
  21. Please do not change the subject. Whether they have a a Direct as well as a press congress is their choice, and a different matter. What we have been commenting on is your insistence that a press conference at E3 will have the same effect a Direct. It will not. What I was getting at regarding the "influencers" is that they influence people. So when you say E3 is for influencers but ultimately has no additional effect on the "people at home" relative to Directs, it doesn't make sense. Influencers influence the people at home.
  22. Not sure why you're still taking this angle even after Goron has put it so eloquently. There is clearly a world of difference between the 2 delivery methods. Regarding the bolded, let me ask you. Who do you think influencers influence?
  23. I like how you say 'as discussed before...', as if a consensus was reached and you are just helpfully passing on said information. Well as the rest of us discussed...there is a reason why taking out an advert in the paper does not incur the same cost to the advertiser as an advert on TV during prime time. To say that all information dissemination methods are equal because it all gets out on the internet anyway is sheer fantasy, easily up there alongside some of the most ludicrous things I have ever heard you say on here. Anyway. I agree that if they want to release this year (which just feels weird to me) that they need to get moving. Saying that, I do not believe they have given the Wii U a long enough run to ward away the sense of 'I got spanked for buying the thing'. I honestly can't see myself buying one for a long time.
  24. DS games were sold at £30 compared with the £40 of HD console games, despite being much cheaper to make. SD cards are (and were) extremely prolific and as a result didn't cost much. Handhelds were also very much still in and Nintendo produced a blinder with the DS. Combining all these factors, it is hard to see an anywhere near similar result happening this time round using hologram cards.
  25. Never gets old to see the FIFA game of 2012 on Wii U's list again. Like time travel.
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