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Everything posted by Stealthttd

  1. ill join yours if ur still on
  2. I can be on to play just give me a time :p my friend code is posted above just pm me
  3. the way the online works is u vist someone eles game and play with them. So if they are not as far as you then your just replaying the game for them :p... And if they are way ahead of you and u join there game u can raid there shops cause they would have better items.. lol.. i just beat the game on hard alone playing with people with out friend codes is to hard cause u cant talk..I find that playing on just wfc im picking up the other people and taking them were we are suppose to go more than not..
  4. im almost at done with the game on hard mode and its much better the 2nd time threw for me new armor to make is whats really fun for me and bosses are harder as well witch is fun.. Also i just found i can fight all the rof bosses witch is a nice bonus.. here is my friend code pm me if u add 1591 0610 1135
  5. <sarcasm> I love Nintendo they do no wrong. Nintendo is god... anywho says different should be have the banhammer used on them WAM!! </sarcasm> Now that everyone is happy :p Really negative feed back about nintendo is a good thing.. a great thing even.. If a rep from nintendo ever came on these forms atm and they read that everyone was happy with them i would cry prob. I mean did u hear your selves last week when capcom said resident evil fans would be happy.... what was everyone hoping for?? the most they were hoping for is a remake of a game and everyone didnt think that making a new resident evil was even in the cards. When wii has half of the console user base and is hoping for a remake of a game and that would be a huge plus that is sad times. for the first few years of wii dev.. 3rd partys have thought of wii as an after thought.. sometimes i feel they just put out stuff so they can make money to spend on hd games. and body here who is fighing about how no one should be sad about there wii atm need to get there head out of the sand really. such fanboyism..
  6. I think what makes me sad a a wii owner is all the junk that gets dumped on it all the time.. Most games made are lazy cashing in games and it gets to the point were its sick. I remeber when resident evil 4 came out again everyone was like if this game sells it will show capcom and they will make new better games.. years later we get a hotd clone with resident evil's name slapped on and a couple of ports of games that we already own. Thats what is sad. the postives i look at is there is alot of stuff i dont know.. I dont know what the hell retro is doing atm... nintendo says they have a new zelda in dev.. stuff like that I have only ever owned a nintendo system and wii is by far the sadest of them all just by the amount of cheep cashing in dev dump on it.. yes even nintendo. Its a sad day for gaming for me when profit>quilty. But then again they are a company out to make money thats what they want most so i cant blame them
  7. well last i checked wii wasnt getting the next SC game, tho i might be mistaken tho. So this is a welcome addtion for me. I could care less if it is SC with Castlevania people put in bring on the fun.
  8. XG2 was a great racing game back in the day IMO, that and ridge racer have to be added to the list for me I played both way more than i ever did waverace witch was a great game just not very fun to me.
  9. hey havnt been on in a while to busy playing games :-P.. but if i were to add stuff to the next zelda game i would want... 1. Bigger world ala elder scrolls... Zelda is a much bigger name than elder scrolls so i dont see why production vaule shouldnt be as high. In this big world i think there should be more cities and bigger cities. There should be shops sidequest and people to talk to in every town. And this can be done because games like world of warcraft do it quite well. 2. I think charter customization is a must. Being albe to get new armor have more than 3 choices of swords. Keep in mind i dont think that the armor should take away entirely from links basic look, but improve on it threw out the game. Kind of how in OOT you got the diffent color tunics but a bigger change than just colors. Its always fun to get better stuff. 3. battle system.. while it is near perfect I would like more depth. not just the lock on hack and slash games. I think i taking stuff that i like from other games and trying to add them to zelda i understand this. That just has to be done tho zelda was epic when oot came out. huge game but now its a pretty small game compared to other games out today. Its played it to safe and has been passed up.
  10. i was stuck at 98% at 1 time aswell.. there is one item cant remeber off the top of my head near the start of skytown.. sorry the game is not in so cant tell u were but its gonna be off the ledge to the left and u have to screw attack to get it.. and then the last item u get after a boss fight so at 99% go finish the game...:-P
  11. this is gonna be a wii ware right?.. no way this will be sold in stores no way what a waste of a dvd... I say its wii ware 10$ and will not believe it is not until i see it in the stores and when that happens i might stand there and stop anyone from buying such a bad looking game until they kick me out
  12. ok i might be wrong maybe am but i just watched the weapon trailer of the game at ign and i swear the last few seconds of the video... isnt that the police station? it is right.. its been a while since i played resident evil 2 but that is right.. don't u put the unicorn coin in that statue to get the spades key or what not... i was just shocked to see it in there if it is cause i thought re2 was going to be left out Edit here is what im talking about.. not the best pic but the best i could find
  13. now that wii supports usb keyboards has anyone tired a wireless one? I was thinking about buying one but i want to make sure it will work first anyone know?
  14. Thats right Bungie are now independent.. Microsoft own the rights to halo so no chance of that making it to the wii... but they have said that a game called pimps at sea is owned by bungie and can go multi platform.. just saying it would be great if they made a fps for the wii with a great online mode.. what do you guys think http://www.maxconsole.net/?mode=news&newsid=21529
  15. Im sorry but most of that is just plan crap.. i mean all of it is except the controls.. if that is what they wrote they need to get a new job.. u are alone 98% of the game.. i enjoyed the new characters and by the end of the game it made me well sad i wont say why but yeah they made me care.. The frist part of the game felt like the start of halo? well halo felt like a starcraft fps.. this is just a halo fanboy doing a metriod review nothing to see here moving along
  16. I loved one and 2 both great games so this makes me so glad.. if there was one thing that i didnt like about it was how u moved around in first person.. but now with the wiimote getting those gosties will be fun fun and not "ahhhh dumb camera move"
  17. time splitters 3 with online mutiplayer..even tho i have it on xbox wii controls would make it better
  18. well u can only take so much time... even if u take your time with the game and dont play it everyday.. the total play time is going to be the same u just spread it out.. I didnt rush threw the game by any means i read every log and scaned almost everything.. I just dont see how someone can spend 2 times as much play time looking at the same stuff.. hyper mode should of been the frist mode imo cause with the bosses able to put up a fight plus not knowing were i was going.. i think i could of spent maybe 23hours on the game.. Its no were as hard as prime 2 was back traking dosnt take lots of time beacause there are so many landing pads to fly from one place to another with" ok if u use ur scan visor in every room it pretty much highlights every passage way... I mean if u read the visor stuff its all pretty stright forward.. the one part i did get stuck at is
  19. I dont knw 30 hours is alot... I did 100% items and only missing 5 scans.. finished in 17 hours.. second play threw on hyper mode im just flying threw cause i scaned most everything and know the puzzels... so 30 hours seems like alot even for a new player
  20. Can i dream... Starcarft II on wii... that would be so cool.. I mean n64 got the first one so there is always a chance right..... other than that i want some more epic games... and online with voice chat
  21. so i beat the game yesterday 100% and now im about 15% threw hyper mode.. hyper mode is so much more fun the bosses really give a fight i love it.. I wish hyper mode was there from the start but i guess it gives me a reason to play threw again...i think vet was pretty easy.. i mean i didnt die one time witch is not the case with the other to prime games...the bosses were quite easy not because they were weaker then the bosses in the first 2 games but the wii most makes it so much easier to control samus..walking jumping and shooting all at the same time good stuff... :-p....great game... anyone have it wanna trade friend vouchers? i got 16 of them that need tradeing yep yep
  22. played all day today great game thats all i have to say..so happy that i got a deep game on my wii.. its been so long since loz:tp... :bowdown:
  23. The computer is easy to beat imo.. they are dumb.. they buy stuff they dont need just to buy it.. its like they roll they move they do what they do not accounting for you at all.. the computer cheats come on now.. best level in the game by far is koopa town... playing that 4 players is crazy
  24. So today i was playing 2v2.. and u know how u get team names depending on what 2 people are put together.. exp. mario and luigi's team name is mario bro. ... anyways if u put dry bones and birdo toghther their team name is bone chockers... and the girl toad and luigi togther make a team name of cha cha chasers.. ok so its not mature at all but i was lmao...haha when those were the team names for the game
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