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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. As everyone has said, that was insane! Really makes you play differently, learn the tracks again. Corners which you could take with ease are now a complete different matter. Loved it. I was very pleased with my 2 4th places on the last 2 F-Zero tracks. I think we should do it again. I'm thinking we make it a special on certain nights, and then from next year, it's 200cc or nothing.
  2. I don't think it is gonna matter what group you are in this week. Everyone is gonna be falling off tracks.
  3. Took me about 30 minutes to get the update and DLC. Can't wait! This is gonna be fun, mayhem, annoying. Baby Park is insane on 200cc.
  4. Played 200cc on Mushroom cup and did great. Then tried the new Crossing Cup. This is gonna take some learning.
  5. Got my first wave 4 through today, Pac Man. I have Robin on the way from Nintendo Store, Wario and Charizard from Amazon on the way. And I should have Ness and Lucina from CoolShop coming too. First time I've (hopefully) got all of a wave on release.
  6. Downloading now (the add-on content at least). I can't see if it is the update too. I can't wait to try the 200cc mode. It seems like MK was waiting for this.
  7. A couple moments from Thursday. The difference between being out in front and getting caught up in the mix.
  8. I think having a 15-20 grace period is a good idea to let those download and install it that can't get it during the day. Can't wait for this, we really will all be on a level playing field.
  9. Mario, Peach, Bowser, Link, Pikachu. They seem to be the ones I see in shops. You can find the majority of the others online. No idea on Dedede. I'm still waiting on hom, Meta Knight and Shulk.
  10. I think sticking to Thursday is a good call. We all seem to have this as the best time for us. This is going to be insane for anyone that wont get any practice in, we just need everyone to see that this is what we are doing and make sure we all have the update in time.
  11. Have to say I quite enjoyed it. My places reflected how much it depends on driver mistake. I got 100% win rate in GP 1. Then on the first corner of GP2 I put a wheel on the grass and it shows for the next two GP's. I don't mind at all if that is a once in a year league thing. Great hectic races when in the middle of the pack too.
  12. I got my Jiggs and Greninja in before the official 3pm time, so hope I'm OK, haven't got a cancellation yet. Got all four of the new ones too, only ordered one of each. I now have preordered at Nintendo, Game and Shopto. Lets see who holds up. Oh and Wario and Charizard from Amazon.
  13. They are live now for preorder. I'm thinking of putting one in even though I have them at Game too. Just being cautious if one gets cancelled.
  14. Same. Can't really see why you wouldn't.
  15. This was my best part of the night. DK Jungle, going into the last lap in 8th. Sped up 3x to get it all shown.
  16. I think it depends on your position on when you get the Bullet Bill. the further back you are, the longer it will last. That's just my take on it, but it does seem to be that way for me.
  17. My final point standings do not reflect my overall performance. It was awful! I didn't get used to the setup, got bashed about all over the course, and just didn't get the items. I had like one or two good races per GP that bumped me up. I even somehow managed to win the last race in GP 1, came back from way back with about half a lap left. I have no idea how I did it. Great racing though.
  18. Looking forward to this one, I don't think I've ever used that Kart. And I'm in group 1, there goes my average.
  19. Gonna nip into my local GAME store to see if I can preorder there, if not I'll get them all online. I've already placed preorders on ShopTo, but am just keeping options open. I really don't mind paying that small extra amount. Now if I could only find Dedede, MK and Shulk.
  20. Here you go. I thought the best way to show it all was to show each persons racer as they go around the corner. I've included the names of each of us at the start of each ones clip.
  21. This sounds good. Last Thursday of every other month. Keeps it special but not too rare. Theme nights should be common, I think they really even the field. Now, this was possibly the most mayhem-ish part of group 2 on Thursday. This happened at the end of lap one of DK Jungle. Out in front was @Emerald Emblem, I was just behind. Then Emerald's brother played the final part in the carnage. Some others maybe got caught up in it all tool. I was just gonna gify this but I couldn't get a decent shot of it all, so I went with the video. Apologies if the slow-mo is too much, it's the only way you really get to see it all.
  22. Thanks guys. I've re-added the smaller sized ones.
  23. A couple of moments from last night. Fun with the horn. Green shell on the last corner of Ice Ice Outpost. I'll be doing a few more over the weekend as there were some more I loved. Edited for smaller files.
  24. Group two results incoming. I've had to include all the races in GP1 as two got disconnected and joined the last race. Emerald Emblem and brother. GP1 GP2 GP3
  25. That was actually really fun. Crazy set up caused some mayhem on some corners. Rainbow Road especially. Anyone that was asking for replays, let us know what you want and I'll try to get them. I'll get the scores up soon.
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