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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. I would like GP 3 stricken from the record books. I was unprepared for the order in which we raced. 😋 I had prepared for the correct order which didn’t happen. My worst GP by far.
  2. woohoo. Don’t know when I’ll build it though as I need to find a place for it first.
  3. My guess is that they are introducing these as they are forms of Pokemon already in the game. And it’s a good way to introduce a few more without the need to introduce a whole new gen already.
  4. @Iun Here's a few more pics of the rooms.
  5. I’ll take some pics for you later. I would say they are a fair size but not really that big. You could probably fit 3 or 4 mini figs in them with not much room to spare.
  6. Bad bike! That was a horrid setup especially for 200cc. Let’s not speak of it ever again. And i I did badly tonight too.
  7. Just finished building The Simpsons Lego House last night. Amazing build, much fun. did it over two evenings.
  8. I recently bought myself three sets that I have been wanting for ages, The Lonely Mountain from The Hobbit and the two Simpsons sets. (Pics coming when I’ve made them) And I still want that rollercoaster set too.
  9. I think it would be funny if none of us got it. My 3rd place lead looks good though.
  10. That was a poor night for me. Just kept getting annihilated whenever I got anywhere near the front of the pack.
  11. This is up on the Nintendo store for preorder with a cool Triforce lamp as a gift never played it so I’ve gone for this version.
  12. This is up for preorder on the Nintendo store, Preorder bonus of either Mario or Luigi visor. £50. Decided to put mine in there as I like Nintendo stuff I most likely never use but look cool.
  13. Got another tweet added to the Nintendo VS Uk moment again this week. Much better than the last one too. It was my one from Tick Tock Clock.
  14. had fun building this one. I think I like building them more than anything. Can’t wait to get a few people around as I feel they could be good party games.
  15. I pretty much had one good race then one bad race throughout the night. Some great fun though. If anyone noticed the guy that went really far behind on Shy Guy Falls that was me. I had a call that I had to answer and stupidly tried to answer it on the first corner. Amazingling I came back to get second place. Anyway, highlight time. Enjoy
  16. Thanks @londragon and @Julius Caesar I had heard the title of that but never looked into it.
  17. Just seen Infinty War. Loved it. Amazing film. I actually didn’t realise the way this and the next one had been set out so I was going in blind. Made for a great viewing though. Can’t wait for the next one.
  18. Just finished building the fishing rod. Not sure how long it too but I didn't find it awkward or had, a couple fiddly bits but nothing to make me annoyed. Though I imagine the piano is going to be a task to build. Loved playing the fishing game too, kept turning the reel the wrong way at first and losing the fish but soon had it going. Now I just want to go deeper and catch better fish. I can see this as a good party game.
  19. Yes, Yes it was. I'm fine with splitting the league up and I'm fine with it remaining the same, Highlight time
  20. Wow. I knew it was too good to be true. I just ran out of luck on the last GP. Got stuck in the pack and only saved some points on the last race with a second. Got some good highlights, @RedShell was the main target this week I think. 😋
  21. OMG. We’re gonna be famous. One of my highlights from last weeks league night was featured in the Nintendo VS UK Twitter moment. It’s the 13th one along in there.
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