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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. I will confirm before time, but I may be out next week. Planning on going to see Captain Marvel with a friend for their birthday. So I’ll let you guys know as early as possible.
  2. Do you mean before the race starts? I backed out cause I messed up the teams.
  3. Just realised that @Glen-i was trolling us all with that last track. Toads freaking Turnpike! So many other courses with shortcuts. Fun times though. Very strategic use of mushrooms.
  4. Need to remeber the teams are bit saved. Sorry guys.
  5. Late set of highlights before tonight’s festivities. that one @martinist
  6. I didn’t understand 97% of that video but I loved it. Never thought of the music li,e that and this was definitely worth the watch.
  7. Well that was a mixed night. Some bad luck and being in the wrong place at the wrong time moments.
  8. I need to start recording the whole night from now on. It’s so easy to forget to save after the match and not allowing us to use the capture button sucks.
  9. Loved the games too. And thanks for the 1v1 games after @Glen-i don’t suppose you saved the reply of the Wario Smash KO did you? That was just awesome.
  10. Ok. Before the highlights for the night I just want to show this. Right. Let’s get down to business.
  11. Well what a night. 3 silver cups but all drew with so one else. Is that a new record? I’ll get a few replays up and I have a replay of that finish @Glen-i from MK TV
  12. Highlights featuring shinnannigans all night long.
  13. Checked out a few before settling on PIA (private internet access) have had no issues and it’s a doddle to set up favourite servers from different countries for quick access.
  14. Remember to try not to pick the same course twice guys.
  15. You are correct. Those are the only animated films ever to be nominated.
  16. i loves that and it had some great LOL moments. Loving the look of the Pokémon too. It just looks perfect. I can’t wait to go see this.
  17. Agreed. I know they are probably doing those for all the new comers and people returning to the game, but what about those have stayed with it and have those mons 10 times over? I have a complete gen 1 dex and only need Heracross now for gen 2. They are drip feeding us gen four but stick these events on that saturate the game with gen 1 again and leave the new mons rarer than a polar bear at the beach.
  18. Smeargle is out! He’s a bit different to catch the others. You have to use the new snapshot feature. Keep taking pics of your Pokémon in this new mode and soon enough Smeargle will show up photobombing when you review the photos. He then spawns on the map for you to catch.
  19. Always wanted that one. That was the one I grew up watching. Great design.
  20. Nice and quick this week. But first, damn you @Glen-i all night long you seemed to target me.
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