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About BowserBasher

  • Birthday 10/15/1979

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  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    NES, SNES, Virtual Boy, Gameboy/colour/pocket/Advance/SP, NDS, DSLite, N64, GC, Wii, 3DS
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  • BlueSky
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    MSCF - 4639-5888-0893

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  1. Found out today that WWE now has a NXT YouTube Channel Looks like they are uploading full episodes (older NXT not current but that’s no bad thing) and even full NXT TakeOvers.
  2. OK, one highlight from me (sorry no more Twitter links, I'm sure people know why) https://bsky.app/profile/bowserbasher.bsky.social/post/3lgl5ldeds22x https://mastodon.social/@BowserBasher/113889533646584551 Take your pick on where to view
  3. This is the only reason I still keep Twitter. I mentioned/asked about Mastodon integration here in the suggestions thread once but it seemed to be an issue with the forum software and since it doesn't seem to be happening I may have to get Blue Sky if that is being added to the forum. I don't and have never used any social media really. I've never got the show the world what you're doing every second of the day mentality.
  4. Glad to have helped? That's fair points on the rest. I didn't think of the cape or sheet there. I knew the Pokémon expert would come through. I did wonder if it may have anything to do with the final Smashes after I had typed it all. I guess the last match is just gonna be everyone asking if everyone is is "ok"..
  5. Ooh interesting theme. Query though. Why is Dark Samus allowed but not Samus? Aren’t they the same in terms of moves? Isn’t the arm cannon a gun anyway? Ok I get Mario (Fludd is a tool) but shouldn’t Dr Mario count? Or are his pills not self made lol? Why only those Pokemon? Do the rest not qualify for some reason I can’t think of. If Pikachu can shoot electric why can’t MewTwo shoot his aura ball thing (wait are you saying his teleporting is a tool). Incineroar doesn’t have weapons does he? His side B maybe doesn’t count? Lucario? Maybe the wrong character image is showing. There’s only 14 to pick from?
  6. Absolutely amazing and insane game. There was a moment I thought I could win. When I had those 22 coins stolen because of the Boo Repellent I knew it was an uphill battle. Still happy with second place though. And yeah, @Dcubed deserved to lose all those coins in the battle game with me, damn trying to leave me with just one coin.
  7. Great racing all round tonight. Lots of close races.
  8. Started on my first game yesterday. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds. I've done what's basically the tutorial level and the first main level. The controls are definitely taking a little bit to get used to, though I feel it's more there's no targeting button. So when you have a number of enemies come at you at once, your left just either taking hits or running away to then turn your character around and come back at them again. Stuff like that has ended my game on more than one occasion. Seems like there a fair bit of puzzle elements to the game, so far none have been too taxing, just needed to go over things and make sure to search everything. It's not always clear when you have to interact with something that you need to, as there's no button icon that appears or way of know that that object needs it. In the first level you are required to find a key to operate a small digger to smash a wall. Well I had the key and was at the digger. Tried selecting the key and it did nothing. Tried pressing loads of buttons whilst standing next to it but it did nothing. It was only when I stood in one particular spot that it worked, even then there was no sign or prompt to let me know I was in the right place to use the item. Other than those, so far it's been a fairly decent outing. I've yet to play as more than just a few characters so will see how things go later.
  9. I loved the game but I think it’s too soon for me to pick up a remaster if there’s not a lot changed. I never thought the game struggled on Switch and I never get all these people that say things like “the game dropped 5fps when I was fighting a group of enemies so it sucks” do people really notice that? I think games that drop considerably more fps then yes. And since you mentioned it, any chance we’d get the Spider-Man games? I can’t justify spending that amount of money on a PS5 for just a few games
  10. Absolutely Disgusting behaviour
  11. @Dcubed that was disgusting and you know it.
  12. (https://mastodon.social/@BowserBasher/113850993127335845) (https://mastodon.social/@BowserBasher/113851000606392801)
  13. With the success of New Horizons I think they may already have something in the works for first year of release. My hope though is that they have changed it up quite a bit. Lets move away from the obvious rolling effect and just have if more flatish. We've had that since Let's Go to the City (or city Folk). Having played all the previous AC games, NH felt the least advancements in the series. I just feel the game needs something new to keep it going and apart from diving and the swimming aspect, NH didn't really add anything excitingly new. As for the Switch 2 itself, I have no issue with it being a more powerful Switch (if there is nothing new to add). Bring on the games and let them sell the console.
  14. And the sudden reversals by all the leakers that 100% told us it would be Thursday. I also want Nintendo to send out a tweet or whatever that just says “we’ll let you see it when we want to not when others tell us we want to”
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