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About BowserBasher

  • Birthday 10/15/1979

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  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    NES, SNES, Virtual Boy, Gameboy/colour/pocket/Advance/SP, NDS, DSLite, N64, GC, Wii, 3DS
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  • BlueSky
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    MSCF - 4639-5888-0893

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  1. Just incase anyone feels like a Lego Mario set, Lego Store are holding a Mar10 Day event from 05/03 - 11/03 All Mario sets include x2 Insider points and a free small gift set as part of any order. I may pick up a few Mario Karts sets in this.
  2. Think they were released 1st March. I’ll be picking up a couple of these I think.
  3. Yeah, Vs Robin was the one I was thinking. That MinMin v Byleth was great too. I clinched that with a last second Assist Trophy KO.
  4. Thanks for the games. @Ike favourite match was WiiFit trainer (me)vs robin (or Byleth?) you. I can't remember who you were but it was the closest match of our 1v1. SD too.
  5. Thanks @Helmsly. Interesting seeing them just before interviews actual start asking "am I looking here or there" type stuff. Really shows how it's all done. On tonights Chamber. Really can't call either one. Mens I think is going to be down to three. Cena, Punk or Drew. Just because each of those has a story going into Mania. Cena, Last chance. Punk, want to headline it. Drew, still obsessed with the title and bloodline stuff. Womens I can't call. I think it's open to anyone. I'd love to see Roxanne win it just because it's something that has never been done before (NXT winner). She's shown she's ready for the main roster, had a great Rumble showing and even not winning the title at WM, it'll give her a huge boost when she is a mainstay of the main roster.
  6. Right a few from me. Also great races. Some very close ones. There was no need for that @Dcubed Just incase. @lostmario fell off the ledge because of the lightning. When Lakitu put him back on track at the bottom, him being bigger, squished me. Got you back good Dean OK, this was such a close finish that I had to look just how close. Two different views in MK TV and a screenshot.
  7. Right then. Timed matches tonight 7:30 Custom stages 8pm normal.
  8. Calling @Dcubed and @Glen-i. How is Smash working tonight? Dean are you around to host. You mentioned after MK that you'd be around. will you be there from 7:30 for custom stages?
  9. You don’t own anything we’re just letting you play/watch/listen until we say so.
  10. Hope is here. I’ll host and if any stragglers want to turn up then they can join.
  11. Game two done and dusted. I had heard it was short so I went and did this one next. And yes, it was done in just under 7 hours. But was it worth it, yes. It's not a taxing game, it's not going to rack your brain, but sometimes you just need a game that you can put on and enjoy for what it is. I likened it a lot to games like Limbo, Little Nightmares. It's a fairly simple point to point game with a few open areas in-between. You start out with a group of other cats and start to wonder off across the very simple "tutorial stage". And then after trying to follow the rest of them over a larger gap, the pipe you are on breaks and you fall into down into the dark of the sewers. From there you are going from point to point really traversing the ground and rooftops, railings and other assortment of stuff on the sides of buildings. You eventually get to the first main area where you get your first idea on what the story is about and why things are the way they are in the underground world. You meet a little robot buddy that helps you talk to the inhabitants and helps you collect stuff along the way. There weren't a lot in the way of side quests or alternate stuff to do outside of the main story, collecting memories of the robot buddy is pretty much it but this didn't bother me. You can still spend time finding all the memories in each chapter by exploring every little side street or house and room. There's a nice little twist halfway through which has you do some stuff without the robot buddy. I nice change of pace but nothing taxing. It's fun to just walk around as a cat jumping up on things and knocking stuff off. As cats do. The ending seems to creep up a bit quicker than I thought whilst playing. I knew I was at the point where the end was in view, but it seemed to just end when you did that one thing you had to do. Little disappointed there. Was hoping you'd get to see a bit more. there are many spots on the game that just allow you to lay down and go to sleep as the cat. Adds nothing to the game and doesn't move things along but is just quite cute. It wasn't all great though. This may just be the Switch but I on a few occasions the game started to stutter along like it was chugging at 5fps. It just seemed to crawl. At one point the game just straight up froze. I wasn't even doing a lot in the game at the point it did it. It just stopped. I also came across a number of glitches and visual glitches that whilst were funny (one shown below) didn't harper the game. I did have to reset when I got stuck inside some tires though. Overall a lovely little game, I got 21/27 memories as shown on the game select screen, so it maybe worth another play through in the future. 8/10 I got stuck Visual Glitchiness fun. Updated pledge
  12. I'm a man of many talents.
  13. Racing made a change from all the shooting. So this goes for me as well as @Glen-i how can we be so good at one F-Zero game, but so bad at others? I just can’t seem to GBA F-Zero yet F-Zero X well, yeah I think I won more than you three combined. Glen is the opposite. Terrible at X, yet does well on the GBA games.
  14. I didn't know Animal Forrest didn't have the museum. How did they ever cope? I would love to be able to enjoy this version on AC again. Please Nintendo, make some big changes to what we have now and take it back to this. we've had too many of the same scrolling world with just a few changes.
  15. Just the one. (https://mastodon.social/@BowserBasher/114041354859301770)
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