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Lens of Truth

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Everything posted by Lens of Truth

  1. I'm slightly shocked by this decision. There are loads of games with merciless killing and violence as their premise. I don't see how it's really an issue of 'oh well this game's gone a shade too far'! It just seems a little disproportionate. Personally though, I wasn't at all interested in this title. It looks pretty grim and styless, and the whole thing just reeks of ps2.
  2. All good points there Retro. I totally agree - developers need to get out of the mindset of pigeon-holing the wii. Personally, I think that the greater feeling of interactivity with the wiimote, and the potential variations on the 'point and click' dynamic, could really bring the survival horror genre to life, as it were. It's not all about the granny-waggle ffs!
  3. They haven't credited Nobuo Uematsu. I thought he composed that choral theme that was heard in the E3 trailer..
  4. The guy that did the music for NiGHTS is contributing!! I'm sure that list contains a few deliberate hints at new characters/areas. Yasunori Mitsuda (PROCYON STUDIO CO., LTD.) CHRONO TRIGGER / XENOGEARS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. That's a bit raunchy for this forum, don't you think.. *adjusts suspenders*
  6. This just goes to show how desperately starved we are of any scrap of info at the moment (let alone actual releases!). It had better be good. If it's something low key surely they wouldn't be so perverse as to do a countdown.. Here's hoping!
  7. I'm quite the nocturnal beast at the moment, so I may as well . I hope all this expectation doesn't lead to disappointment tho. Would love to see some new characters unveiled.. actually, wouldn't it be amazing if Midna was an unlockable.. Been looking at various 'Top 100 Games of All Time' lists recently, and seeing how consistently Melee gets a high ranking got me to thinking how incredible this game could be if it tops it! I've got a good feeling..
  8. It's so much fun to go back to the temples and get all the heart pieces etc (I tend to have tunnel vision towards to boss on my first attempt). There are some really crafty ones on Snowpeak.. one in particular involving some pendulum-type swinging and perfect timing just made me realise how much in a league of its own the big Z is.
  9. Damn you all! I'd decided not to get this, but now I can't resist!!
  10. Well said Teppo. I hope Nintendo don't become even more paranoid about this sort of thing.. I seem to remember Miyamoto or someone or other saying that TP was designed with western audiences in mind, so this turn of events shouldn't be a major surprise or sticking-point for them.
  11. Lay off motion2000. He's as entitled to his opinion as anyone else, and what's more, he gives perfectly respectable reasons for his discontents. I can't believe how censorious this forum gets sometimes.. If you think what he says is inherently wrong, unacceptable, or unduly repetitious, then why not counter by saying what you love about the 'Temple of Time' or how incredible the 'City in the Sky' was.. surely that's what forums are all about.. On another note altogether, I'd be interested to to hear what everyone fav temple is.. I know it's a tad on the easy side, but I'd have to say that the atmosphere of the Snowpeak ruins captivated me! Or maybe the Lakebed Temple as a close 2nd - great sense of interconnection to the puzzles, and brilliant boss and mini-boss.
  12. Where can you trade in consoles as well as games? Will GAME accept them?
  13. This looks lush. And I actually think that the cartoony style of the game is great. It's like a return to the charm and character of earlier days! Having not played Elebits (..I mean 'dees *ahem*) I'm quite eager to sample what looks to be something of a Konami renaissance..
  14. Huzzah! That is good news. I was so worried that the art-style and trippy music of the game might be bastardised for a new generation of 'hip' gamers. I really can't wait now!!
  15. The Mario Strikers boxart 'almost' makes me want to buy the game.
  16. Ah. So you've come round. I trust you're finding the ubers ok now. They're only as hard as they should be in my view, and it feels so much better than the button bashing of previous iterations. Unlocked peak 2 today and it's amazing! Happiness is one of the best tracks ever - so much freedom. I love the way the game encourages you to explore too.
  17. Can't wait for King of Fighters!! Yay! (+.. *holds breath for LYLAT WARS tomorrow*)
  18. Having recently acquired this game, I have to recommend it strongly to anyone here who doesn’t already own it! It’s fantastic! I’d say the only other game I’ve played that’s given me the same ‘Wii’ feeling is Excite Truck. It’s very polished in its presentation and there’s loads more depth than most recent efforts. The controls feel great (carving and jumping especially), and I make the ET comparison because it often leaves you with the same sense of exhilaration. The ubertricks aren’t hard at all btw - I can’t imagine how uncoordinated the moaners must be if even I can pull them off! The only thing that seems unbalanced so far are the slalom events; they’re incredibly annoying at first (..think the most counterintuitive sections of Sonic and you’re there). But otherwise the difficulty curve is perfectly judged. If you’re looking for that genuine Wii factor to carry you over until Paper Mario, then ignore the whiny naysayers and give it a go. You won’t regret it.
  19. Returning to a dungeon after a long time can be disorientating. The Lakebed Temple's great tho. You must soldier on! (the boss and mini-boss are 2 of my favs!)
  20. I hope this doesn't end up knocking Mario Galaxy off the 2007 schedule. I don't know how I can face the Q2 drought..
  21. Aside from Nights and Samba, which other Sega franchises would work like a dream with the wiimote? A 3d Ecco would be lovely (I'm really hankering after a lush underwater game of any sort since seeing the screen of Forever Blue with the whale shark!). Panzer Dragoon could beat Starfox at it's own game if it was done properly.. I'd love to see an rpg (Shing Force?) that takes the genre a stage further with the controls and interface too. The wiimote's point and click capability could really streamline things, and then you could have variations on the 'waggle' for different attacks/spells etc.
  22. Oooo, yes. Takes me back to the day of Captain N! Hopefully if he is included it might be an indication of a forthcoming 'Vania.. bit of wiimote whipping would really do the job.
  23. I'm having a love/hate relationship with this game, and I'm currently back to love! On my second playthrough I still don't think it hangs together quite as well as it should, but some sections of the game are just amazing. I still say that the better dungeons are some of the best designed in the series. Agatha is just brilliant too, hilarious, one of my fav characters. Altogether TP feels very eclectic stylistically (everything from the surreal Victoriana of Agatha's bug ball to the spaghetti west, from Tolkien-inspired atmospherics to the standard Zelda imagery associated with Gorons and Zoras). I think this is both its strength and its weakness in a way. On a side note, I would absolutely love a Wind Waker Wii Redux, with the missing dungeons and some extra side quests (not to mention the new controls). Resi4Wii has got my hopes up.
  24. This is all very exciting. 'Sonic Rush Adventure'!! Potential 'Samba' too. What I wouldn't give for Skies of Arcadia Wii! I didn't know it was already in development. Was it an unfinished Dreamcast project or intended for one of last gen's bunch?
  25. Yes! ActRaiser's fab! We'll get Lylat Wars next week, I'm sure..
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