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Zechs Merquise

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Everything posted by Zechs Merquise

  1. Yeah, you're spot on, Wii is 'leaps and bounds' on from the Gamecube. That's why all the games look soooo much better. I mean, damn, why is anyone complaining at all? [sarcasm]
  2. Well, Nintendo are doing one thing right, timing their publicity well. If they went overboard with the publicity now it would do no good as consumers still can't get their hands on it for a while. Best to leave it to about a month before release. As I've alredy stated though, one of my big worries is the lack of in store demo units due to the Wii-mote.
  3. I can understand people's gripes about MGS:TTS, especially the fact that it focused so heavily on cinematics, but I loved it. I would like Konami to have another crack (no pun intended) at a 3D Castlevania, I can just imagine the feeling of swinging the whip to graple onto beams or to take down enemies. If they could make it as good looking and atmospheric as Capcom did RE4, then i'd love it.
  4. I think there is a need for both innovation like the Wii-mote and for better graphics. Why do so many on these boards act like good graphics and good gameplay are mutually exclusive? The same point will keep arising until the Wii has either been a success or a failure. Will the comparatively poor graphics hurt the system? I think yes, in the west. Some seem to think that selling last generation hadware with a new controller is a sound business plan, I hope for Nintendo that it is.
  5. Die Hard Vendetta was a exclusive for a time, then it went multi-platform. It was however, less than brilliant. I had it for a short while before trading it. I loved MGS:TTS, it was probably one fo my favourite games on the Gamecube. I do like MGS games, and I do think they sell systems. I think GTA would always help sell Wii, but I don't think we'll see it. Personally, I've never played a GTA game, they've never interested me. But I would love to see GTA on Wii as it has many many fans. I wasn't comparing Elebits to MGS4, I was just making the comparison between the support Wii is recieving and th support other platforms get. Imagine what we could have had, how about a 3-D Castlevania with the Wii mote acting as the handle for the whip? Instead we get this.
  6. I do;t think HMV will be selling the Wii for £280, it'll be less than £200, I thought it was £180?
  7. Will you be able to use Gamecube memory cards and controllers?
  8. Yeah, but MGS4 is a AAA title that'll sell systems. That's what we need on the Wii. This game isn't gonna create any buzz. Thank heavens for Zelda.
  9. hmmm PS3 gets MSG4 and we get this. Well, it looks OK. But it won;t be top of my shopping list.
  10. well, that's far less of a visual improvement than I was hoping for, originally people were saying it was like XBOX 1.5 graphics, a halfway house between the current gen games and next gen games, but these look almost identical. A bit disappointing.
  11. Well Killer 7 arrived yesterday, and didn't really get to try it out until this morning, but it's really weird! I quite like it, and the graphical style is great. After you get used to the style it plays well, I also like the 7 different personalities, they're great. The puzzles remind me a bit of Resident Evil.
  12. To be honest, I'm not all that bothered to whether all the Ubi Soft launch titles are AAA efforts. At the end of the day Ubi Soft are giving the Wii tremendous support and that makes me happy. Where as with a lot of other developers we're getting shocking looking ports of current gen games or down graded 'cheap and nasty' spin offs, Ubi Soft are giving the Wii the kind of support it needs to survive. Plus I love Ubi Soft as they make the Tom Clancy games, I love Rainbow Six and have ever since I first played it on the N64, I currently playing lockdown at the mo and that's really good.
  13. Well, don't I stand corrected lol. I've only seen it running from video captures. Anyway, I was talking about the kind of graphical leap I would have liked to have seen, ie major. I feel, from what I've seen, it looks pretty much the same with just bigger environments and a few extra effects. To be honest, it doesn't look much different from a Gamecube game.
  14. I think this is pretty accurate for Japan, and I think that Wii will be a success in Japan. I have a feeling that the Wii mote and the whole 'interactive' nature of the console is very 'Japanese'. I think the Wii could even do for the home console market what the DS did in the handheld market. I think that will be the case in Japan. However, as people can tell from my other posts elsewhere, I'm concerned that this may not be the case in other territories.
  15. I think Ubi Soft have been great with their support for Nintendo, but hell, no one's gonna beat EA. All EA seem to do is just release last year's games with a few 'refinements', a bit more graphical polish, the real change is the team sheets and player stats. Their licenses have really paid off, and the only time they'll lose ground is when people are no longer interested in playing licensed sports sims (never).
  16. Great news, it's one thing planning and designing a super powered machine like the PS3, it's another thing actually producing it. Nintendo has really got this part of it's plan spot on. Producing enough to satisfy both it's own demand, and the demand created by a lack of PS3s.
  17. It's was pretty cool, and I miss those birds from bits, I can't remember which one I fancied the most?
  18. Ben: See the flight, feel the fight! Heatseeker is larger-than-life, in-your-face, pyromaniac rollercoaster that brings explosive arcade close-quarters missile combat to your console. The best explosions, the sexiest planes, the most spectacular weapons, all with the unique tactile control of the Wii. MMM, nothing like the gushing comments of an over excited promoter when discussing his lack lustre project!
  19. I never owned a Megadrive either! Infact my school was defo a SNES school as only one mate of mine had a Megadrive, everyone else was heavily into Streetfighter 2, and yes I know it came out on the Megadrive but it looked crap compared to the SNES version and the Megadrive pads were poo as well! Oh the glory days, I liked it better when it was Nintendo and Sega, the gloves were off back then!
  20. Two things: Firstly, gypos are total scum! Try living in an area they choose to 'camp', they're just very dirty and are like a travelling crime wave. Secondly, I brought this up a couple of days ago and started a thread on whether Wii kiosks would be feasible due to the nature of the Wii mote - it seems they are not, or at least they will be very unusable to many. Luckily I have a credit card and will happily pop it in as insurance to prove I'm not a thieving gypo, but I can't see anyone under 18 testing a Wii if this is the case.
  21. I'd love to see Nintendo go back to their old ways! I remember back in the good old days when the SNES was the machine of the day, Nintendo loved to ram it home at every available opporunity that it was far superior than the Megadrive. I lvoed the advert which used to be about the hundreds of thousands of colours the SNES could disply, which was obviously a huge mocking of the Megadrive's muddy pallette which displayed far far less. Anyone else remember the days of great Nintendo adverts before the days of the little girl in the tower lol?
  22. Just ordered this from Game online today, it's the only place i could find it new, I'm looking forward to playing this. I think the sytle looks great, but some people have expressed concerns about the gameplay. Looking forward to getting it!
  23. lol, yeah it was a bit angry, as I wasn't in the best of moods yesterday. But my point still stands, Nintendo are losing the support of developers, and we seem to be looking at ports of last gen games with new controls, or cut down spin off games with poor graphics. Certain big name franchises won't be gracing the Wii in their proper incarnations. This is worrying. And I think some people are burying their heads in the sand. Some are almost justifying (or trying to) why we don't want these developers working on the Wii. It's all well and good, but my worry is that this won't be the stance taken by the public, or even the gaming community as a whole, which may well lead to the Wii lacking the support it will need to survive. I never said a game is better simply because it's graphics are better, I've been playing Nintendo games for over 18 years now, they're the only consoles I've owned. The reason being that I believe Nintendo games ARE better, and better where it counts - in terms of their deep immersive gameplay. But that's always in the past been coupled with great graphics which have often led the way in that generation. My worries are that Nintendo will be left behind this generation because of the choices they have made. Great games from Nintendo themselves will not sell the Wii alone. We've seen this in the past, third party support is crucial to the survival of a console. And it looks at the moment, that because of the fact that Nintendo has gone down the raod that it has that many developers are not bringing big franchises to the Wii. Some are of course, but it's in a cut down and graphically degraded form or as what will be seen as weak spin offs. I don't want the Wii to be some massive flop that gets ignored by the public or worse still goes on to spell the death of Nintendo in the home console market - that's the last thing I want. I've always supported Nintendo, and I will be with the Wii, but I'm not going to blindly praise Nintendo. I have praised their innovations many times, but I will criticse their short comings too, and after seeing the screens for certain games and seeing developers shy away from Nintendo I think there are reasons for concern. Sorry if this ruffles some feathers.
  24. I agree wholeheartedly, and was attacked for saying something very similar over on another thread. However, you'll probably see massive posts now saying why the Wii doesn't need 'Project 8' - Project 8 can be substituted for the next true Resident Evil game, anything by Factor 5, Silicon Knights, the next TimeSplitters game etc.
  25. http://msnbc.msn.com/id/15046911/ I reckon this is an interesting article, one that's quite favourable to the Wii, and especially critical of the PS3, I found it rather interesting. In a nut shell it suggests an increased market share for Nintendo due to a mixture of innovation and price. Thoughts?
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