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About YouCaughtALurker

  • Birthday 12/10/1984

Personal Information

  • Location
    Kent, UK
  • Interests
    Warcrafts taking a lot of my time atm, gana quit on the Wii release :) other than that, clubbing! :D


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    NES, N64, DS Lite
  • Other Systems Owned
    Sega Saturn, woo!
  • Favourite Game?
    Zelda OOT, Mario Kart
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
    Link, duh!
  • Gender

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  1. Which gets turned into a jousting car on Scrapheap Challenge
  2. I bet Westwood could pimp that
  3. The nuclear radiation from the blast creates Giant Mutant Pirate Boy! Arrr
  4. Is it sad that the Pepsi speech gave me goosebumps? â€But if all you want is next generation, you are in the wrong place because what you see from Nintendo is not just what’s next. Instead, it is what’s absolutely new. What we’re unveiling is the next leap in gaming to a place where gaming is no longer about the looks, it is about the feel. Where it is no longer confined to a few, it is for everyone. And most of all, the next leap is not about what you see, because what you see is not always what you get.†“The next step is about playing because playing is believing.†Reggie Fils’Aime at Nintendo’s Media Briefing E3 2006 Get in there Reggie my son!!
  5. He looks a bit chilly Central heating...
  6. Duck Hunt / Super Mario Bros. on the NES I can still remember going to Dixons with my folks on my 6th birthday, the shop assistant kept trying to sell me a Master System but I fell in love with the light gun The NES had some awesome games, anyone play Bionic Commando? OMG I remeber this!
  7. Pop music killed Slim's career... probably
  8. This ^ Eternal Darkness was the first game I got with my Cube, loved every minute. Just started playing Resi 4 aswell, that has some really awesome moments. Getting your head sawn off with a chainsaw for the first time is brilliant! Ahh and also the 'wrestling' level on Paper Mario, haha, good times. I need to get out more
  9. I hope this exaggeration, if not you're going to wet yourself when the Wii comes out. Also, I loved OOT to bits & didn't really enjoy WW all that much (the sailing was so dull) but I think that it had to be played at the time. I remember all the hype before it came out & playing Zelda in 3D was amazing. I would imagine anyone playing it for the first time now would be starting waiting for the greatness whereas back in our day (do I sound old?) it was all about savouring the experience. Walking through Link's village for the first time being amazed at the fairies flying around and seeing Navi fly through at the start. Magic experiences which I couldn't imagine feeling if I'd played WW first or even not played the game on the N64. Hopefully we'll all get the same feeling playing Twilight Princess on the Wii, I'm so excited
  10. Shadowman on the N64, I loved that game but just remember the never-ending loading screens which I thought wern't meant to exist on a cartridge. Body Harvest was sweet, you guys are bringing back some old memories I loved this game, remember Duck Tails aswell? Saw some screenies of it the other day, can't belive how long I spent on that game.
  11. Pretty sure it was on the N64, Iggy's Wrecking Balls, utter utter tripe. Probably the worst game I've ever played!
  12. Religion is bad. It was probably a good way to control people back in the day (anyone played Civilisation?) but it seems to me that nothing good comes of it these days. Don't get me wrong I still have my beliefs but there's so many scrotes out there doing horrible shit "in the name of God" that it makes you doubt whether there is a God.
  13. Teh Hoff for me, loving the Dodgeball cameo, btw who plays John Doe in Se7en? Is that Kevin Spacey?
  14. Resi 4 & Lego Star Wars 2 on my Cube NWMB on the DS & Final Fantasy Tactics for GBA Finally managed to break free of WoW and cancel my subscription, congratulate me :P Rez is awesome
  15. Pre-ordered mine from Chips yesterday I made a vow many moons ago to never pre-order from GAME after I pre-ordered Perfect Dark then they sold it to some one else the swines!
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