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Posts posted by Dufniall

  1. 16 minutes ago, RedShell said:

    Is that it for hat Pikachu now? :hehe: I got 6 in total. 

    Nope, two more to go! One tomorrow and one next week according to serebii.

    Edit: Who here by the way picked up the season pass? The Crown Tundra is dropping tomorrow, and I kind of feel like going back to this but I've barely heard anything about how people value it.

    • Thanks 1
  2. I'm so tempted to get a Quest 2 as I love the VR experience but the price is my biggest gripe. But that mandatory Facebook login is holding me back. I've been thinking about deleting my Facebook, so getting more involved seems like the wrong direction. The fact that they tie your purchases to it means I have to keep it, and their policy makes it risky to set up a fake account.

    But reviews are good and the pricepoint is very fair. Maybe I should hold off a little bit longer for the HP Reverb G2, although that won't work standalone which is a plus for the Quest 2.

  3. As always, the heavy shipping costs apply. However, the Splatoon keychains, Splatoon postcards and Paper Mario notebooks are all still in stock as well. I thought if I combine these then the €7 shipping costs are acceptable. But nope! You can only use one voucher per shipping. Want them all? Four times the shipping costs (plus the platinum coins). FU, Nintendo.

  4. Timestamped at the appropriate time for Pokémon fans. It's funny that the Pokémon theme song got played on the world's largest metal festival, and it sounds awesome too.

    For those wondering, the guy is Leo Moracchioli/Frog Leap Studios, and he runs a YouTube channel where he converts pop and theme songs to metal versions. Some are pretty damn good. Sometimes he goes on tour with a live band, as in the above video.

  5. 48 minutes ago, bob said:

    Anyway, got the sword, spoke to the tree, and also to the large Korok. Spent a long time upgrading inventory space (why can't you do multiple at once?!), and now i'm on my way again with a shiny new sword and plenty of space for others. Incidentally, the map says there is a shop and an inn in the Lost Woods, but i can't find them? Even when I'm standing on top of the icon, there's nothing there...?

    If I recall correct, the shop and inn are both


    inside the Deku Tree.


  6. Someone was selling these games pretty cheap, so I figured what the heck. I'm kind of back into the 3DS anyway with me recently finishing Samus Returns and A Link Between Worlds, so I might as well use that momentum. Plus, Link's birthday is coming up, plus I never played Hyrule Warriors.

    Played the first two missions of Hyrule Warriors Legends, and it plays pretty decent on a 3DS, coming from Fire Emblem Warriors on Switch. Was surprised by the cutscenes and storytelling so far, and it looks like a lot of fun, and seems to be more varied than Fire Emblem Warriors with regards to cast, environments and boss battles.

    And if anyone wants to play Tri Force Heroes in 2020, hook me up. :grin:   

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  7. 30 minutes ago, drahkon said:

    I think I've passed the "high point".
    Still got the sniffles and feel a little weak, but health seems to be improving.

    No taste and smell will be annoying, though, especially since the latter will take approx. 2 months to recover.

    In other news: Still haven't gotten my test result.
    You'd think they'd be fast with the tests given it's a pandemic...

    What a shitshow this has been for me.

    Must have been a weird experience to not have any sense of taste or smell at all. Wish you a fast recovery!

    It's weird to hear you experience the difficulties with the whole test process. Here in the Netherlands the media are praising Germany how well they are handling Covid compared to us. So that does not fair well for NL. And seeing the numbers rise again and the weird and conflicting measures the government is taking I can see how. 

    Last weekend for example a church held 3 masses for 600 people each. No protection, singing allowed. Apparently they could because "religious activities are a fundamental right and should not be hindered". Fucking unbelievable. It got a lot of aftermath and now the church organizations have agreed to go back to 30 people like every other establishment. 

  8. Credits rolled yesterday on Super Mario Sunshine with 59 shines. Despite some frustrating bits (and I haven't even tried the pachinko machine yet!) I still love this game and I prefer it over Mario 64. The camera is a lot better, Mario controls and responds better, and I actually like that the game revolves around an island and it doesn't have the average snow/desert/lava etc. structure (coming back to the discussion from the podcast).

    It amazes me how well the graphics hold up here, the slightly cell-shaded look combined with the vibrant colours make it feel very fresh still. Oh, and I love the a capella Mario theme in the FLUDD-less levels!

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  9. 5 minutes ago, ArtMediocre said:

    And here's the second one! 


    I have gotten an insane offer for the second one too, so I'm actually going to sell them off, and buy a new one with the money I make of both cards next year. I'll even have around £100 to spend on a new 2K screen :p 

    On the one hand nice haul, and if people are willing to buy them above new price well, good for you and good for them. But on the other hand this is the exact kind of practice I hate about market scarcity and the scalping it generates. 

    • Like 4
  10. Finished a couple of books. First one is The President Is Missing, by James Patterson and Bill Clinton. Actually it is credited as Bill Clinton's first novel, but I have a strong feeling most writing is done by Patterson. It gets praised because it gives insight in the way of working of an American president that only a former president can know. But to me it was just a generic political thriller and the Clinton influence wasn't very apparent. 

    Also finished Japan in 100 kleine stukjes (Japan in 100 small pieces), a Dutch book which gives a good insight in Japanese culture and how it is to be a foreigner in Japan. Told in 100 small chapters filled with anecdotes, a fast but fun read. 

    And because of this thread I've now started His Dark Materials #1: The Golden Compass (so I guess I have the US version because of the title). 

    • Thanks 1
  11. Just now, bob said:

    I more surprised at the hate for Minecraft itself here to be honest. I don't understand what makes it different from all the other games that people on here regularly enjoy. It's a fantastic game.

    I think it's the graphics that puts most people of. The way I see it is that it is basically virtual Lego with an added story. I never played Minecraft myself (only the "2D Minecraft" Terraria), but if anything this reveal makes me want to try out Minecraft.

  12. 10 minutes ago, Sméagol said:

    I guess we we were all a bit less enthousiastic about this one huh? :p (though I miss @Vileplume2000's entry :( )

    Yeah I was flooded in that week with work, and that weekend I left for a week of holiday so didn't have any time to cook something up unfortunately.

    Funny thing is because of Mario Bros. 35 I remembered that I should play the posted levels as I still want to vote. Noticed it was pretty quiet here so I wanted to play the levels tonight and revive the thread, but you beat me to it! 

    • Like 1
  13. Gave it a short whirl but I'm not too enthusiastic. The Battle Royale part isn't as obvious as with Tetris 99, and for the rest you are just playing Mario levels with more enemies and a stricter time limit. With 20 coins you can also activate a random item (can be a POW block, mushroom, fire flower) so you can power up in the heat of battle.

    I haven't made it past 1-3 yet, but that's mostly because I keep falling in pits because the controls feel a bit more unresponsive than I'm used to in Mario Bros. Might be the online part or just my sucky skills.

    • Like 1
  14. I’ve been neglecting this thread for 2 months now so I guess it’s time for an update. In my defense, I haven’t finished that many games, although I’ve been playing my fair share of titles like A Short Hike, Kotodama, Super Mario 3D All Stars, Resident Evil 6 and replaying Starcraft II.

    For now just some titles I have finished in the last months. 

    The Legend Of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (Nintendo 3DS)


    I never got around to playing this during the 3DS days, which is weird because A Link To The Past is still one of my favourite Zelda titles and I’ve always been curious about this sequel. 

    Since it is part of the Nintendo Selects series and therefore is cheap I decided to finally pick it up (with the less appealing cover…) and return to ALTTP Hyrule. I had some trouble with going back to 3DS graphics when I played Metroid: Samus Returns earlier this year. But ALBW was spot-on from the beginning. Lovely aesthetics and great use of 3D here.

    The whole item rental system is interesting at first, but I never was short on rupees so I ended up renting everything and only once lost a couple of items. After being able to buy stuff instead of renting I just gathered a couple of items after every dungeon. I did like the upgrades though, it’s fun to find out just how an upgrade affects an item.

    The new mechanism that was impressive though was the wall merging. Damn, it’s brilliant! Always being on the lookout for possible 2D paths never got old during the game, and with the draining magic meter I had some tense moments if I was going to make a certain walk yes or no. Very clever.

    It is interesting to play a new Zelda game while you already roughly know the map, as you kind of know where to go and what to expect. On the other hand it is fun to find the differences.

    Storywise I wasn’t that impressed, although the term Lorule is clever and the. I also didn’t find the game hard, I kind of breezed through it. Even the Battle Tower on hardest difficulty was very doable with plenty of upgraded items and some potions. Haven’t finished it 100% but I did do a little sweep after completion and I’m going to leave it at that. Glad to have played it!

    Castlevania Anniversary Collection: Super Castlevania IV (Nintendo Switch)


    I got the Castlevania Anniversary Collection recently in a sale mostly for two reasons: Kid Dracula and Super Castlevania IV. The first I never played, and the latter I have played a long time ago but never finished it. 

    It was an interesting experience playing this, and I’m not sure if I loved it or hated it. First of all: save states were used quite a bit. The vibe is great and the soundtrack as well. But it suffers from the early Castlevania nuisances such as enemies like the Medusa heads flying in, the disability to change direction in a jump and the weird way stairs work. 

    Still, I love the character and the settings, but I think after Kid Dracula I will look into the GBA games as I loved the DS trilogy. Just out of wonder, are there any good 3D Castlevania games? Is Lords of Shadows worth checking out?

    Jotun: Valhalla Edition (Nintendo Switch)


    After reading American Gods and Norse Mythology my interest in the Scandinavian mythology rekindled. Jotun was on sale so I picked it up on a whim.

    The artstyle appealed to me as well as the theme, but I didn’t really know what to expect gameplay-wise. The story revolves around the fallen warrior Thora, but she drowned which isn’t considered a worthy death so no Valhalla for her. You get a chance to redeem yourself though by slaying the Jotun (mythological giants).

    The gameplay is simple enough. You wield a hammer, and that gives you a quick swing or a heavy hit which costs some time to perform. For evasion you can do a dodge roll. Later on you will pick up some special skills like healing, increasing speed or attack or throwing a spear.

    You then battle your way through a number of locations from the Norse mythology, like the tree Yggdrasil. Each level (accessed through a hub) consists of 2 areas and a battle with the Jotun. The levels themself are quite empty, as in there are almost no enemies in them (with a few exceptions). It is mostly about exploration, solving puzzles and finding the rune to unlock the next area and the skill and health upgrades. 

    The level ends with a Jotun though, a screen-filling giant that usually can take you out in a couple of hits. Suddenly the game changes from an exploration game to a bossfight game, and you need to learn patterns in order to tackle the behemoths. This is a strange transition, coming from bare levels to an intense fight.

    These fights can become quite frustrating and sometimes feel unfair, but after finding out the patterns and a little bit of luck they are doable.

    The game looks gorgeous though with its hand-drawn graphics, and it isn’t overstaying its welcome with about 5 hours of playtime. For me it was worth the couple of euros just for that and for the setting. But it’s a tricky one to fully recommend.

    Bomb Chicken (Nintendo Switch)

    *Usually I start with my "I finished the game" tweet but Bomb Chicken somehow doesn’t allow captures.

    Another indie title that was on my wishlist for a while now was Bomb Chicken, and since it was on sale recently I finally went ahead and got it (and also because @markderoos kept praising it :grin:).

    In this 2D puzzle platformer you take on the roll of a mutated chicken who lays bombs instead of eggs. The whole mechanism revolves around this. You can lay a bomb and kick it to the side, or you can lay multiple eggs as a stack in order to reach higher places. Just get off it before they explode.

    This leads to quite some clever puzzles and mechanics, all set in a charming 2D pixel world. The game does get pretty brutal later on though, and I cursed quite a bit during it. Later levels are chaotic, and there are also a couple of bosses which are tricky. One hit means KO which especially in the boss levels is pretty hardcore.

    It is a pretty short game, you can go through it in just a couple of hours. I would recommend it though, as despite the shortness and the frustrating bits, it is a great little and charming title. I can see a lot of potential in the mechanism, so I’m hoping we’ll see a Bomb Chicken 2 which refines it a bit.

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  15. Fun games, thanks for playing all!

    I can definitely see the appeal in it. It's easy to learn and there's not much skill needed to play it. I was surprised that there is stuff to do like the task minigames, which keeps it interesting when you are not arguing in the meetings.

    I can't see this being fun with random people though. Voice chat also feels like a must, as tone and hesitation and stuff like that is a big part of picking out potential impostors.

    I played it on mobile (spend the 2 euros for the no ads version), and it works surprisingly well. Touch controls are good, and great to see you can easily cross-play with PC. And shout-out to Discord, I was running the Discord voice chat on my phone as well and it worked perfect. I even had a little Discord bubble in the side of my screen while playing showing who was talking at the moment.

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  16. 90% of 9gag is Among Us memes nowadays, so I might as well give it a go! You guys still playing tomorrow? What time (I'm in CEST myself)?

    I'm going in blind but I've played Mafia and Werewolves before so I think I should be able to manage.

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