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Everything posted by chairdriver

  1. : D I wanna ---- a gov'ment hooker / stop ----ing me gov'ment hooker.
  2. (Except that using gay to mean lame is unacceptable, really, and anyone who uses it should be made aware that they're a lesser person.)
  3. You will die in 7 years from this day.
  4. My account is @JWilliamJames. Feel free to follow and unfollow me as you please. I'd prefer people unfollowed me if they weren't into my tweets rather than feeling they were obliged to keep following me, but hating me/the feeling.
  5. I dare you to look at Louise Mensch's face and tell me it's not the face of an evil woman.
  6. London w/ my Mum (first time she'd been in like 10 years, so showed her round). We Found Love
  7. Ellmeister has targeted me the past two nights, rudely.
  8. I'm hoping for a paradigm shift at some point when people realise the lows and highs of the economy in a capitalist are only going to get more and more extreme, and that people start making structural changes to the way we organise ourselves with regards to economics. We're only ever 5 meals away from Civil/Class War.
  9. http://feministryangosling.tumblr.com/
  10. I just enjoy how Lady GaGa continually takes the piss out of her own fanbase, and her own celebrity. I really love the Born This Way cover -- was my desktop picture for about 3 months. How better to laugh at "OMG GaGa is such a gay rights activist!!" than to take the lyric "I'm on the right track baby" literally, and metamorphise yourself into a motorbike?
  11. Was Skarmory even in Gold/Silver? I thought it was Ruby/Sapphire.
  12. I make a bit of an effort to dress well/interestingly, and often I do feel "Looking so good going find me a hunny"/"looking so good, feeling so fine, got my middle finger up I don't really give a --". I do however a quite limited wardrobe. Mainly the same pair of jeans with varying tops / short shorts + vest / random things + hi-tops (always hi-tops). Hey Rude Boy: The majority of my clothes are American Apparel, which is strange, given I've been in an AA shop like 4 times in my life and I hate it in theory/concept. Most of my band t-shirts are AA, and I've eBayed quite a lot of AA things in the past (my see-thru vest, my Pokemon trainer vest, my trousers that look like they should be pajamas but are really tight fitting so just look like weird cotton tights, my beige bomber-jacket wannabe thing etc etc). Joke formal wear me: I'm progressively moving into more vintagey/fashionista-y things, though. But then, not really, since it's really hard to buy any clothes I actually like. Paj did lend/give me his army overalls, which I'm looking forward to converting into a catsuit and strutting the streets. Also have my Dad's army PT shorts, which look standardly plain, but only have one pocket, and when you realise this fact they stun. Of course, I had a phase when I spent an unnecessary amount of money on underwear, which made no sense because I barely had an audience. But then, (branded) underwear is unnecessarily expensive anyway, so I guess it had to be done. Saw some Armani pants for £28. Literally "lolwut" situation. Life is a cabaret:
  13. Action Comics Lex could be similar to New X-Men's Magneto, where he wrote the character really annoyingly/badly on purpose. (But then, he had like 3 lines of dialogue, I'm not even sure he's badly written..) I was thinking about Magneto in New X-Men. It feels really weirdly done, considering every other character in the series feels really solid and explored, and Magneto should be the one character that's easy to write well / give the readers an interesting perspective with. It's almost like he wanted the readers to wish Magneto had stayed dead, and Xorn was a new stand-alone character; as one of the New Brotherhood says: "I preferred Magneto when he was dead."
  14. So whilst sexually impersonating Adele, in return for heroine and the thrill of seeing myself on film, I was introduced through a friend to the fusion from the future of Kamal Shahin and Caroline Flack [probably made possible by this whole neutrino-traveling-faster-than-light business]. Amongst spiralling tales of transicons and super-super injunctions/Here Comes Tomorrow Realised, this character warned me to remember to create this very post, or through a series of related events we'd all realise that we're actually figments of a 4-D storyverse, comprised completely out of fictionality, a 4-D piece of matter spawned from PajMeenAh's hivemind. Then we'd find ourselves speaking in cliche and script and we'd lose the ability to freewill and our lives would become discontinuous and chapterised, and ultimately, whilst it's actually not that bad an existence once you learn to deal, we'd all prefer to just not. So, I ask of you, Jolene, don't take us just because u can.
  15. Not necessarily. Lots of instances where silence is a better strategy. [Possibly more so in games where all the roles are known beforehand] --- I'm vote: Heroicjanitor --- I'm vote: Heroicjanitor --- I'm vote: Heroicjanitor {Not thrice on purpose, my computer is just tricking me}
  16. "God, I'm talking in clichés! That proves we're not characters in a story -- no one would write such terrible dialogue."
  17. Why not make her from a place that you know more about, so more stunning detail can be added?
  18. I've met two good friends through Grindr, and 3 people I've had sex with that have genuinely added to my life; I think it's a great thing. I'm not sure this Blendr will work as well, mostly because the gay sex culture is quite different to straight sex culture.
  19. #5 is the most stunning thing. Highlighting the absurdity of violence in the entertainment world. Had a prostitute and a unstereotypical gay man as the protagonists. So much imagery. Wile E dying on a cross, challenging God. Vultures eating his innards, Prometheus style. Just feels so stunning.
  20. Just starting Grant Morrison's Animal Man. It's shaping up to be good, despite the first bit feeling slightly dated.
  21. Great campaign. Kinda wish it had been about 10 years ago for my sake! We filmed one of these videos last year at uni, but I don't think it ever emerged from production stages.
  22. Oh hai. Not much 2 say.
  23. Yes. Feels stunning. There's so much going on with Batman's character that's rarely dwelt upon -- he has an unhealthy obsession with justice / crime&punishment.
  24. Batwing feels the most stunning thing. Never judge a cover, because I'm so held under. The art. The ambiance. The unexplored territory. Yes. --- OMAC is the worst comic book I've ever read. I don't understand how that passed the editorial team... Just awful awful artwork, felt like it was written by a 12 year old, or thought up in the 60s. --- Static Shock is meh/boring. He annoyed me. Not worth going out your way to read really. --- Christ, read the first 3 pages of Green Arrow and had to stop because it was so bad.
  25. Do you mean "I'm your worst nightmare"? I thought the point of that is that it's so cliché it's funny / gives the feeling he's a n00b.
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