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Everything posted by Aperson

  1. Now officially completed the Spyro Trilogy. Although hardly flawlessly as this race clip shows: But yeah, the entire trilogy has finished and here are all my attempts at the boss battles from all three games:
  2. Perfect. Probably didn't need to pre-order in the end. Oh well... Now seems like the best time to get some more Switch controllers or a Gamecube adapter. Though for local multiplayer on the go the latter wouldn't really work.
  3. Going back to play past Smash Bros games in anticipation for the release of this game. Ultimately (pun not intended) I won't be getting this on launch day because the pre-order I took means that it arrives a day late. Hopefully this will allow me to get the Piranha Plant in the game.
  4. Yeah, Toys for Bob's reprogramming of the original games isn't fullproof. I've encountered a few game breaking glitches during the course of the playthrough. Including - The duck in Mystic Marsh not spitting the turnip whenever I bring the rubber duck over - The lap counter stopped working on the Lost Fleet skateboarding race and the positions dropped all the way down - One other instance in Spyro 3. Getting towards the end of the trilogy now and was about to take on the final boss when I read that the actual requirement for unlocking the Sparx levels was simply to beat the area's boss. I had 140/149 eggs and went back to do the Sparx levels thinking there would be two eggs in each world. But there was only one. So, where are the other eggs? Turns out I completely missed a speedway in the very first world. I should have known, it was a bit odd that there were Speedway levels in the second, third and fourth worlds but not the first, turns out there was and I completely missed three eggs altogether. Whoops. Spyro 3's probably my favourite of the three games actually, though not without it's faults I feel like there's a lot more variety in here in what you do compared to the other games and this is a strength of the 3D platformer as a whole. Overall though, A Hat in Time still is the best 3D platformer I've played this year but I don't regret going through these classics in their remade form.
  5. Spyro jumped up three places in the charts? That's curious. Battlefield V seems to have hit number four in the charts in spite of "poor sales". I wonder what all the people who are trading in Fallout 76 are buying instead? Smash Bros out for the next charts, should be interesting to see how that fares. Then 2018 will have played it's hand in terms of big releases.
  6. Getting towards the end of Spyro 3 now. I'm on the final world in the game, Midnight Mountain. Just three levels plus the Speedway to go until 100% but I already have over 100 eggs and enough to finish the game. I also found a Sonic reference:
  7. Moved on to Spyro 3 now. Ripto took a few goes but eventually got an attempt where everything went well enough: As far as Spyro 3 goes I have done all I can on the first world including the boss. There's one section of a level which I can't access withouit Sgt. Byrd but aside from that I have collected over 20 Dragon Eggs and all the treasure I could find. Now on Midday Gardens I'm going to leave this here too...
  8. Note to Toys for Bob, WHY DID YOU THINK THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA? Nearing the end of the game, just got Metropolis, the last Speedway and Ripto to go until I've beaten Spyro 2.
  9. Pokemon alone imo is why Nintendo's handhelds have constantly been more successful than their consoles (especially on 3DS which had a really bad start but it doesn't seem so bad now). There are people who don't primarily play Nintendo consoles that still end up buying the handhelds just for Pokemon games. Moving the main series to the Switch therefore can only be a good thing for Nintendo.
  10. A Hat in Time is better though >.> Still on Colossus in Spyro 2 as I haven't played in a few days, but I wanted to share something which happened in my playthrough of Spyro 1:
  11. More than just the mini-games to be honest. Moneybags was the start of a trend for Insomniac I think, until this moment right here. https://youtu.be/bgKiKGdL4TU?t=153 I love the Ratchet and Clank series by the way, some of my favourite games on PS2. Moneybags in Spyro 2 seems to be a parody on capitalism... which ends up playing a much larger role on R&C. It's funny really because Moneybags IS basically Activision. I'm glad they don't actually charge you real world money for his services... at least I hope they don't, I'll have to check my bank statement when they next come around.
  12. Guys you completely forgot that Fallout 76 came out this week. I wouldn't rule that game out of the equation, though it's been getting a lot of negative reviews so that might impact sales... or not.
  13. I'm still on Spyro 1 lol. Had a manic day where I ended up doing a variety of things but got done with most of Magic Crafters today. Can definitely see the level design getting more complex with the introduction of super moves. I probably should mention that I did actually play a GBA Spyro game by the name of Season of Flame which did have this same mechanic, so I was surprised to learn that such a mechanic was something that was included in the very first game as, I said before, I never played much beyond World 1. A lot of Superchange based puzzles in the third world although since I'm aiming to 100% each level on first visit, the same way I ended up playing the Crash Bandicoot games, I already had enough Dragon Eggs to leave the Magic Crafters world before even starting Alpine Ridge. Speaking of Alpine Ridge, those gems on the firecrackers on the mountains cost me so many lives trying to figure out exactly how to glide over there... and then do it again after I did it without really knowing how I did it, something that happened again in Wizard's Peak when I had to Supercharge back from the initial pad in order to jump up to a narrow ledge with a wizard and two gems.
  14. If anything becomes popular and there is money to be made, then often companies will home in on the one thing that sells and what the general public know something for to the detriment of what made it great in the first place. It's sad to see the industry go this way, but there are still plenty of developers out there who still want to make great games above all else. Granted, many of them are indie developers but even so. The cost of details required for HD Gaming and the larger more prominent role shareholders are playing in publishers has had a negative effect on gaming
  15. I'm taking a bit more time with the game, just got done with the Night Flight level after several attempts, the flying levels have been the hardest part of the game so far. I did play the original Spyro on Playstation but it wasn't my copy and I only really played the first world. Naturally the entire first set of levels I went through very quickly as I remembered them all from being a child, but the levels in Peace Keepers aside from the hubworld I didn't remember too well. Dry Canyon took a few goes for one particular glide to complete, Cliff Town was the one where I spent ages trying to find all the missing gems to the point of leaving to do Ice Cavern before coming back. Something I've noticed about this game compared to other 3D platformers is that the main collectable and equivalent to Stars or Jiggies is that getting to the Dragons isn't usually much of a challenge as they are just out there scattered around each area without needing to do some specific task to earn them. At least, that's how I see it. Some are well hidden and require you to complete a certain section of the level but they've never really felt like long stretches (I am only on World 2 that being said) so this is more about exploring everywhere. The levels feel kind of small to me actually and they go by very quickly even for 100% completing the game, but I have been spoiled by the size of levels in A Hat in Time and Super Mario Odyssey so it's harsh to criticise a game that was originally on the PS1 for it's level size with games made on far more powerful hardware. Taking a bit more of a break but I only have Doctor Shemp to go now until I've 100% completed Peace Keepers and then it's on to Magic Crafters.
  16. How can anyone do a "Every song goes with" meme for the Smash Ultimate trailer and not do THIS?:
  17. I guess for most people, they only really remember one tune from any video game. So if there's one really prominent theme that they keep hearing that's good, instantly considered a good soundtrack, I would hope Spider-Man doesn't take the best soundtrack award but it probably will do because if people are voting based on what they played then it's one of the games on the list that they will have most likely played over the games that may actually have much better soundtracks all around like Ni No Kuni II and Octopath Traveller.
  18. I have one major problem with the Game Award nominations... Soul Calibur VI has not been considered for the Best Soundtrack award. OK, this is a personal opinion but Soul Calibur VI had the best soundtrack from a game I've played this year. Like, how can a game with this kind of music not win Game of the Year? Actually, I think I know why. Because it's a fighting game. At least the game has one nomination (for best Fighter which is about as much as I could expect at least and even then I think Dragon Ball FighterZ is a shoe-in for that award. Marvel's Spider-Man has a great main theme and the sound design overall is good so I can see why it got a nomination but apart from the main theme there's very little if any stand out themes in that game other than remixes of said main theme. I can't really comment on the other nominees because I haven't really heard much of their soundtracks, but indie games and RPGs usually have great music so I can't really deny their prescence in there. I'll have to ask anyone else if they thought if RDR2 and God of War have great soundtracks.
  19. Really? I tried to play the first game before installing the update and the game crashed :/ I had to wait FOUR hours after getting back home from buying this game to even get the chance to play the first game. Mind you I did have to clear out several videos saved on the PS4's Hard Drive in order to have a lot of room for the game itself. Lesson learned, if you're going to be saving regular videos on the PS4 always delete them after they've been uploaded to Youtube/Twitter.... Speaking of videos, this dragon sound like one of those text to speech programs to me...
  20. Well, the cutscenes I've seen for this and for the N.Sane Trilogy are very "modern kids animated movie" style. The developers Toys for Bob did actually make the movie tie-in games for the Madagascar films, aka Dreamworks movies, so that film and having to work on the movie tie in probably influenced their animation style and decision making, they've made the Spyro trilogy look like an animated movie in a way. To be honest, I'm going to say that I think the original Spyro game is REALLY badly written. Understandable since it was Insomniac's second game but the opening cutscene I find it hard to really take seriously, the dragons are just giving a TV interview (for some reason) and that triggers Gnasty Gnorg to turn them all into crystals? I didn't question it when I first played the original Spyro (never owned but did play a friend's) but watching it again it really hasn't aged well. It's clear Insomniac had a certain style that they were aiming for though and they did go on to make a series which pretty much embraced that kind of dialogue from the get-go in Ratchet & Clank.
  21. Let's look at the Pros and Cons of the Spyro reignited trilogy. Pros: - Graphical overhaul for all three games - Opportunity to replay Spyro in it's prime - These games would launch the company who would go on to make Spiderman on PS4. Cons: - Enforcing a large digital download on consumers because fitting all three games on one disc turned out to be impossible. - Buying this game involves giving Activision money.
  22. Blimey, haven't updated since September! OK, time for an update, during October and most of November I've primarily been playing two games. The first being Earthbound (SNES) which I've already been playing in the previous month... and I've beaten the game now. Here are the seventh and eight sanctuary bosses: I also recorded the "Ness' Nightmare" boss battle. And finally, the highlight of the game and what it's been building up towards, the final boss battle: The other game I've been playing for nearly a month now is Soul Calibur VI (PS4), a game I didn't think would ever happen and it turned out to be a much more substantial game that I had initially anticipated, at least on the single player side of things. Two full story modes, an arcade mode and, best of all, a character creator that lets you create anything. I know Fighting games are something of a niche genre due to the complex button inputs for the best moves and expectations from their players, but I still highly recommend this one as it's more accessible than other fighting games are. Plus, one of the single player modes is an RPG mode so you have leeway to level up and make yourself stronger if you are finding any problems. Arcade Mode: Soul Chronicle Story: That not appealing? What if I told you that this game has a character creator which has enough options to allow you to create ANYONE? There's a lot of potential in what you can make (someone even made a Magikarp) and I did a video of some of the possibilities you can do: I've created at least 11 more since recording this video mind as the following video shows: I also reacquired F-Zero GX (GCN) recently. I borrowed the game a few years back but left it unfinished (that said, the game is really hard so that's not too surprising. I still haven't finished Chapter 3 of Story mode). Still need to pick up the Deltarune demo but the next game I'm looking towards is the Spyro: Reignited Trilogy. That will be my main purchase this month. Yes, even over Fallout 76 and Pokemon Let's Go...
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