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Everything posted by DiemetriX

  1. tnx alot I'm seeing it soon Btw. Love your live avatar rokhed00
  2. Hitman 2 was amazing. I can only hope Blood money is as good.
  3. [spoiler= Guess what game I'm holding in my hand] Hitman blood money on the 360 To bad I'm not going home to day... I'll play it tomorow.
  4. http://cgi.ebay.com/Tomy-Toys-Razor-Ramon-Hard-Gay-HG-Narrow-Squeak-Game_W0QQitemZ8813880165QQcategoryZ234QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Me wants :shock:
  5. Since it's opera it will most likely be an open network.
  6. Imo most Wii games need atleast 4more months of development.
  7. I also had a blast with MI I think I played trough it 3times
  8. Awsome movies I hadn't seen the Spider boss before. I hope you keep posting threads Tarantino. You post a lot of good interesting threads before they become news. But the official thread is there for a reason. http://www.revo-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6244&page=10 So this will be locked
  9. Straight from Matt: I've seen some third party game release schedules and all of them indicate the same thing, which is that they are planning to launch their respective Wii games this October. Nintendo, meanwhile, has only said that Wii will launch "in the fourth quarter," which includes October. I think it's planning to go earlier than expected in order to get the jump on Sony. Source: IGN
  10. I loooove it Tnx My life has now reach a new point of "fun"
  11. Thers sooo many. (halo2 live,Zelda,Goldeneye,phoenix,Goof troop, manymany more) But one that really sticks out is Metroid Prime Coming to the planet and going to the Artifact building. I remember looking upp at it's beauty. Rain splashing on my visor. I actually cried a tear of joy. It was the best looking game I had played at that time.
  12. I also love Wave Racer Blue storm. I have spendt many hours on that game. It came free with my Import cube . I remember having a cube before everyone else. It was worth the money.
  13. hehe, The exact same think happens to me.
  14. for a small while... -- The guys at Xbox-Scene did a little digging around and found that Darkfly had already released a diagram for the alternative points of the TS-H943 firmware chip. -- The 42" version of TV i have can be bought here if you live in the UK
  15. I loved Glover :| I don't buy crap games... so i can't regrett buying any :P
  16. Imo the 360 controller is waaaaaaaay better than the Dualshock2.
  17. Ahhh. ok. Well. I don't live with my parents I have a house for myself. So if anyone is taking a trip to Trondheim you are welcome to come stay at my place
  18. :shock: And that rumor was started by you? Anywayz. I payed 15000Norwegian kroner for it. Thats about 1300 pounds. I'm paying it down in small instalments.
  19. I have a HDTV and it has amazing quality. Better than the Samsungs (which we have at work) . It's not that expensive. Not sure where they sell them tough.
  20. I have a Dlink wireless adapter and it's way better than the official one (imo) costs about the same but it supplies 2 360s and 2 xbox's with Internet:)
  21. Exlusive Launch games: Fatal Inertia Resistance: Fall of Man Ridge Racer 7 SongStar Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom Warhawk So... I'll not be buying a PS3 at launch. And the Wii launch looks way better.
  22. that sums it up. This was one of my top wanted PS3 games.
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