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Everything posted by Mokong
If they don't give the release date at this and price then they are gonna be cuttin it close if they are gonna get it out befor ethe PS3. I'll be running to make my pre-order as soon as the info is out
Ah, T3C's MK one and Redshells Metriod one are top class
Star Trek style ships will be coming soon.... i get 1st go on the ship that will enevitably be calle "Enterprise"
Indeed they are not Daniel Jackson
Ah i remember that name, i think it was a game that was to introduce a "Mario Sister" named "Marionette"::shrug:
It's an interesting idea, but i don't see whyt don't just put the money into making Wii-sequals of GC games, sure Luigis Mansion (for example) would be awesome with Wii Controls, but wouldn't it make more sense to make a Luigis Mansion 2? I see RE4 was mentioned above, sure that would be GREAT with Wii controls BUT wouldn't RE5 or a new Wii exclusive RE game be better (perferably both)
Well the "I Quit" match sounded good, from whats up there, but the lack of desciption in the other matches leads me to think they weren't that good, kinda glad i didn't spend my 22euro on it so
haha, cheers guys, kinda makes me wish i had taken a film course (and maybe 10 years older... i don't see them given Transformers to a 22year old), if i would direct and write this film and make sure as much stuff is kept as it should be. And if i couldn't make Megatron a gun (cuz of teh shirnking thing) he would be a Canon (ala Galvatron) but under no circumstances would he be a Jet or a Tank, and Prime would be right... also Ultra Magnus would be in the film... but would be killed off in even greater fashion than in the animated film (and wouldn't be brought back) I actually think if they did the "animted films first big fight" at the end of the live action film, maybe it would be a good idea to kill Prime, that way you can introduce "The Matrix of Leadership" and you get to come up with a kickass story for bringing him back in the 2nd film (towards the end), which helps set up the 3rd film. And speaking of Primes resurection, i FOUND IT, yes the episode "The Return of Optimus Prime" i couldn't find it on youtube, but i did find it (by other unspeakable means) i downloaded it, cut it into 10mins sections and uploaded to youtube. Here it is, everyone back to pretending its late 80's early 90's again (which ever period these eps came out in) Part1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_A29ciPuyUU Part2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtl_kXzgjOk Part3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QE-7M9oFrk Part4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-1cU9GGpjc
huh? You didn't miss it, it don't start till 1am tonight, you got another hour or so depending on when you read this post.... unless you read this Monday after 4am in which case you will have missed it, but you could always order the repeats, which go on till wednesday
I've been unable to get a loan of a portable DVD player, so i'm gonna have to give Summerslam a miss, no sense recording it and not seeing it till next Thrusday, plus i should be back home just before RAW starts on Thursday so there won't be time to watch Summerslam and I don't want to watch RAW 1st and then watch SS cuz all the excitement will be gone. Well i guess its better that i save my 22euro
Do my eyes deceive me? Is that Pesten? Wow, haven't seen you in a long time dude. I'll have to try find Conan and watch it just so i can hear it for myself.... Could Link end up becoming a large muscular Arnie-like hero by the end of TP?
Oh yeah that line HAS to be in the film, but if that's in there then the next two lines MUST follow it Prime: One Shall stand one shall fall Megatron: Why throw your life away so wrecklessly Prime: That's a question you should ask yourself Megatron (followed by the two going fist to fist, all with "the touch" in the background...) in fact they should just try to recreate that whole scene, it doesn't need to be the same location, and Prime don't have to die, it could be like the final big fight of film, the Autobots find the Decipticons, Prime shouts out "transformer and roll out", "The Touch" starts to play, then Prime just that great jump and summersault at the perfect moment of the song... you get what i mean
Why do they worry about the "general public" yeah i know they need to get the most buts in seats as they can but when you make a film like this the people you need to impress most first is the fans, if that's prime then WTF? And is anyone else wondering in the "robot mode" where the hell that massive front end went?
Yeah its the first time that he came back...but he came back wrong (oh just realised that sounds like "Pet Semetary") I'm tried looking for the ep when he comes back for real, the that involves spores that turn people evil and gives them a red glow, but i can't find it:mad: Anyway here i made a playlist of most of the vids i just watched so their easy to find, didn't add the "5 faces of darkness" episodes cuz i didn't think of makin a playlist till after i watched them and i'm too lazy to go back http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=1FCE57832ADDDA43
I'm currently in the process of watching all the transformer clips on that youtube profile...just finsihed the "5 faces of darkness" saga, now watching the "Dark Awakening" i'm gonna save them all to a play list for easy access, oh the good times, good memories. I too want to see/hear "The Touch" in the new movie, i just hope the action going on matches the action of the animated film when they first played "the touch" that was a perfect meeting of music and action incidently, i forgot i had this, here's a vid from my youtube profile http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdCCZvghnRU , teh 1st minute is showing off my bike with the Transformers theme as soundtrack due to my awesome Autobot decal on the front, after that comes something i'm sure you'll enjoy ...now back to watching Dark Awakening i go
I just found out yesterday that work is sending me to a training course in Dublin for the week, so i'll just have to record it on DVD and borrow a portable dvd player off my cousin and watch it on the bus/at my free hotel also means i'll miss Jeffs comeback...damnit
I wear pretty ,uch what i want and don't care much what people think I have abour 5 pairs of jeans, 3 black, 1 denim and 1 criminal damage Most of my t-shirt i bought at concerts i've been too then there's the custom videogame/anime character t-shirst i get made in the philippines Shoes: I have two pairs, a pair of 3 year old Vans (black) that are looking really old.. i recently had to super glue some of the rubber back on i plan to keep them for a few years yet cuz i think the cost of shoes these days is a joke, then there's a pair of "office" shoes i have for work. For work (travel agent) i wear "office" pants, a shirt (either black, blue, light green is what i have) and if i feel like it/can be bothered to put it on i might wear a tie.
"Me Grimlok, me king"
huh? When i said Dinobots i meant the group of 5 dinosaur like autobots that were in the orginal show and animated movie. They were made on Earth by i think the autobot who turns into a mircoscope (Protractor i think was his name?) but were a bit dumb and hard to control so they were shut down and locked away, untill one ep where Prime and Co. needed help someone woke up the Dinobots and they came to the rescue. I had a toy of the "long neck dinobot" but i broke him cuz i kept transformering him to see how fast i could do it till one day SNAP:cry: ah if they did that then i'd have no problem with him being in the film, the nerve of him to think he could open the Matrix:mad: And to call that "their" darkest hour. haha, he just wanted to save his own hide... was very upset though when those damned junkions rebuilt him:mad:
That's the one, your turn
Ah but the Dinobots can fly
ok, thanks ok try this one "Excuse me do you know how we can get off real quick" "try the hole in one room" "I'm starting to think that's not a golfing range Gerry"
hahaha, i can actually imagine megatrons voice saying that:laughing: But sure it came to close range he'd just use "robot mode", he could use the canon mode for better accuracy of long range attacks and don't forget he can still use the "barrel" as an "arm gun" when in robot mode, and he can still fly also anyway
hey, if i got it right i'm supposed to have the next one
I think we can all agree we can do without Ultra Magnus, I still don't like the idea of Megatron as a jet, and doubt i ever will, ok i'll accept the shriking issue, but they could still go for Galvatron and a canon which would make MUCH more sense