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  • Birthday 04/04/1986

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  • Interests
    Painting, drawing, gaming.


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    Wii U, Wii, 3/DS, Gamecube, N64, GBA
  • Other Systems Owned
    PC, PS3, Xbox360
  • Favourite Game?
    A Link To The Past [Anyone who loves Ocarina of Time doesn't understand how unoriginal it is]
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
    That being said above. Probably Link.
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  • Nintendo Wi-Fi Friend Codes
    MK: 189045280434

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  1. Because Arceus was set in the past, I was expecting something similar here, like some scandal while the Eiffel Tower was being built or something, or even further back than that. Helping out and watching Jubilife Village grow was most satisfying. But this appears to be set after X and Y(?), unless AZ was a hotelier before he got into the war business. I was looking forward to checking out pre-gameworld landscapes like Arceus and doing the random shit they wanted - except to evolve, the stuff they made you do with Basculegion was bollocks. Instead we have small wild zones which you know will be small and if they have themed ones in this city, like a small active volcano area where the fire types are and everyone just walks on the pavement outside as if poses no danger, s'gonna look stupid. Instead it seems they're doing the usual thing of adding small extra mechanics as if it was something people had asked for, going on roofs of buildings, wow... I always thought something was lacking in previous entries, not just the top floor of buildings. The Onix looked a bit tiny too.
  2. I'll watch the Pokemon Day direct thing when the wife gets home, but looking at the still in that video, Mega Lucario evolving from Riolu?! Knock that shit off.
  3. Maybe you've missed a few other tracks on the other games then?
  4. Were you looking at the "top tracks" bit which only shows you some of the soundtrack?
  5. I guess so?? Hoping Lost Age OST comes soon, make the collection complete.
  6. It's called Trial Road on the app. Worry not, it was the first thing I looked for, because it's such a banger.
  7. I managed to figure it out, was a bad reference from my previous manager. Which I tried to appeal and gave other staff members who could attest to my greatness which was escalated to HR. Their response was to ignore everything I gave them and just go back to the person who gave the reference to begin with, who apparently gave further examples of non-value behaviour, because apparently they only use the names/contacts of those I put on the application portal. I made a data request for all my files, including leave and more importantly, disciplinary files, of which there were none, so I had proof of either innocence on my part, or negligence on theirs. So I applied for another position using a previous manager, got an offer and have made my triumphant return to the NHS, which I am keeping secret from many former coworkers at the moment just on the off chance a certain manager hears and plans some sabotage.
  8. Now being a bit more serious, or attempting to be, with the music, I've now invested in a tenor sax from eBay. Needs a new mouthpiece but apparently a good deal
  9. Urgh, Wallbridge, I think I took less time than I did first time, and was brought to my attention afterwards I forgot to turn the objective tracking back on. Would've saved me much time. I don't know what it is that sets this apart for me, maybe the characters (love Pascal), or the story (albeit a lil samey to other Tales), but the battle system does require more thinking and strategy than just hammering attack constantly. I think I'm not doing as much as the moment because the jobs are trickling through now, I've managed to hit level 5 on quite a few. I feel the dualizing, if not for requests at inns and upgrading weapons, tis a nice form of cooking, although I don't think I've come across a book with a list of the actual recipes of stuff I've been able to make, not just a list of items made. Never bring Ratatosk up again, that game never happened. NEVER I TELL YOU. What could've made it better would be a proper overworld to explore, which Zesteria did an alright job with. I'm only bout 25-30 hours in, sorting out the gun so I can get to Fodra
  10. Since Christmas I've been getting into the cross stitch lark... Got a few designs from Etsy, and looking at more but resisting. My most recent project https://www.instagram.com/p/DFlKbYuiWH8NCNkUxyvXGdbiF3LFZQ2udIgGtM0/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
  11. I'm taking my time going through this, working on getting the most out of the titles, something I neglected/didn't understand properly back in t'day. I was surprised by the extras it offered straight away, give yourself x5 EXP from the off... over 1 million gald... ah'mazin. I only took 300,000 gald and spending as crazy as I could. And increasing inventory size I know right? Very tactical, much more strategy to think about than mindless button bashing.
  12. Phone messing me about so can't find the thread, but Mario RPG £20 at Amazon at the moment. Don't think I'll get it myself, but savings for others!
  13. It's that time again, more live than Jools Holland and his false shenanigans... Last year's to see how we did https://forum.n-europe.com/topic/39929-eevils-new-year-resolution-thread-2024-edition/#comment-1909129 My trees are still there... So the challenge continues. Games Workshop reset the game systems which has held back my previous more-gamings resolution because the enthusiasm had gone a little because I have to reprogramme my memory. The YouTube channel still exists but has nothing on it, but one of my main resolutions is to focus on this, and try and get one video a month. I got a Keylab for Christmas which gives me access to a wealth of instruments which is making me feel more confident and don't have to fear about reaching out for collabs. But I am working on trying to teach myself piano (Duolingo helping a bit here, but I think it's done all it can on a mobile screen) I'm also trying to be more careful with my money, I usually put about £100 in a second account each payday, and then I spend willy-nilly and often have to dip into the second account to make sure I don't overdrawn before next payday. For the past couple of months I've been recording my post-expenses spending and trying to stay within £100 a week and put £200 in my second account Your turn!
  14. Just gone through the Winter Wonder level. Missing the last bot, and surprised the bots were not there in the core game
  15. They arrived this morning, very pleased that they have the heavy duty backs to stop them falling out. Similar to these: https://www.fangamer.com/products/locking-pin-backs?srsltid=AfmBOoog2Ub0Jb4gERg4hMvqlKTVajqKjmOuQjSQ6BIVDHf6G_2JASkH
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