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Everything posted by Haden

  1. Omg that game is my childhood was indeed superb. Monkey Island and Grim Fandango rules for funniness though.
  2. You dont have 5 million? Godamnit I need you to hit Dyson every week with dirty tricks!
  3. Ok just quick thoughts. I support Mcain just for the descion to troop surge in Iraq I think it will be a long term good descion. At the same time I guess a democrat being in office would be good to save relations with Europe even though Europes opinion is pretty irellevent at the moment. I dont want Obama as he made some very stupid comments about Pakistan so I want either a Clinton/Edwards or a Mcain/Huckabee ticket. Both the Presidents in this case I belive would hae foriegn policy benifits and both the deputys would be commited to helping domestic welfare. I think Hillary will just get it with Mcain getting the Rep nomination and Clinton winning overall.
  4. Oh sweet jesus everything is going wrong in this league. DAMNN YOUUU XPERTTTT! Downs more Gin.
  5. Damnyou! Damn you godamnit I cant even get a goal? Also what the hell my goalie is a 5 his form is 17 his performance was a 3 what the crap. I bascially have 3 must win games coming up if I lose one im going downtown to the 1st league. Oh well im sure its fun down there
  6. Can a request be made for everyone to chill a bit? Ending posts with Brilliant in sarcasm and Christians are stupid is not contructive and not a mature proffesional way of arguing your point. I realise not being a mod I have no formal powers but just appealing to your objective morality!!!! Ok this is no place for jokes its the religion thread but if everyone could detach themselves and be a little politer it would be nice of course I realise to Haver im a outcast from his utopia now but outcasts like politness to!
  7. Wowzar loads of stuff haha I better do an essay soon but I enjoy this more damn N europe. Havers points first. I believe your the one who subscried to moral subjectivity somewhere along the line? I certianly wouldnt disrespect the graves of French WW1 or WW2 soliders. On the abortion thing if it isnt certian thats kinda scary no I mean what if it changes would all ones before this change now be considered murder? I asked was it ok for the dad to murder is that a no? It is his natural instincts telling him to beat the hell out of the guy raping his kid. To Chris the Great. The Good Samaritan story is self sacrifice but in the complete opposite of the circumstances you talk about. It would be like a lion defending the wilderbeast! On the hitler thing. So if he didnt go to war or imprison people his morals would be ok? Lastly the slave thing Christianity follows two rules love your neighbour and love god it isnt for slavery in Britian the abolishionist movement had a huge christian influence as did the opposition to child labour at the time. You do have to make some claims though that nature is either infinite or somehow self creating.
  8. I return to you now at the turn of the tide! No Moria bullied me to come back he said he wouldn't stop reminding me of how much better scotland are at everything unless I returned.
  9. Er oh watch out DS playing lonley guys are coming after you with fake manchester accents right now! I bet they are playing phoniex wright just to get practice in court if it all goes wrong those sickos!
  10. Perfect Circle? I dont get it sorry im pretty slow sometimes lol
  11. Ah shit that didnt work damnit Sorry I tried to answer some of this stuff I will bold my points later its basically only the first three points I answer as they are mine and the last bit is as well. So when would abortion be bad or is it always ok? I mean time periods. So are you a pacifist I still dont know your issue on war? On the human feeling part good human feelings are gained from some people by wanking over 10 year old girls or worse. Whats wrong with this if anything its none of your buisness or do you stop it just because it makes you feel bad? I mean surely at the end of the day if morality is just an impulse of bad and good feelings its just you being selfish anyway. You see something that makes you sad thats been programmed into you for your survival so you do something about it for your need.
  12. Thats a lot of PMs maybe miss out all the gay and bi people so most of the board then! High five! Im sorry I jest I mean one third.
  13. Arcade Fires new album was fun for me oh and Blur songs. Damn I miss sex and music! I also just miss sex damn you sex!
  14. Do you believe in abortion then? Also you didnt answer my question about war. Was the guy who murdered someone who he saw raping his 8 year old kid in russia recently wrong does he deserve the death penalty? He was acting on natural impulses against someone doing something horrific. lol at the I will know your character bit you seem very quick to make objective statements about people youve never even met me and because I oppose your viewpoint your not going to talk to me?
  15. This is the important bit I think.
  16. But what right do you have if someone disagrees with you? Also theres so many tricky areas right to life so is war bad? Also you have made a big theological error compassion in christian theology doesnt get you eternal life if you mean judaism or islam then maybe your correct. You dont want to know me if I dont agree with you? lol ok
  17. I completley agree with this it loses any legitimacy it just becomes what people like and dont like. Just because most people dont like slavery now doesnt mean its morally wrong if its a construct.
  18. man alive where does the aggression come from atheists haver every other discussion your quite mellow now your like a lion on speed. Interesting mental image. Anyway yep love your neighbour its the good samaritian story and love doesnt mean sit down and take abuse from suicide bombers. It means trying to help people even if they arent your freinds if its someone you hate its against natural morality. But if it were used in say the palestine israel conflict there would be no conflict. And better morality before and after I completley disagree morality before jesus's time thought slavery was ok and afterwards it made it ok. The whole love your enemy thing links directly into this. If you have the political social concept of the "other" say as blacks were viewed in the slave trade. You make them a non human and justify what you are doing to them. Jesus preached dignity to all men and love to everyone.
  19. rofl what the hell is that shit a rocket to the face???? Damn wish I hadnt left looks like epic fun was had by all.
  20. Archelogical evidence for events in the bible conenciding historically with events is pretty strong not that this proves it but also a load of prophicies from the old testemant went on to be fulfilled like a silly amount. I would argue again first cause the uniqueness of humans morality and logic the insight and revolutionary nature of jesus's outlook give the bible a strong case. Its not a religion that has to hide behind mis or non understandings in my opinion. Christianity in my view and I realise this is gonna sound really contriversal. But historically speaking as thats the shizzle im into is ideologically so far ahead of the game in the way humans treat each other that it is extrodoniary. I mean liberalism which is our current system only goes half way to what christianity ultimetly offers, it preaches dont do anything bad to anyone else wheras christianity asks you to love your enemy.
  21. I think the tradtional christian idea of the razor thing and god is. And I know your gonna be like how convininant when I say this but its a theological belief in christianty not just for this but other stuff. That god is supernature and therefore is outside nature and doesnt have to be created wheras I really dont understand how anyone can firmly be an atheist becuase you have to say nature spawned itself or its been here for an infinite amount of time. I find that really hard to swallow. As for the scientist thing I mean it kinda doesnt matter really I was just making a point that historically a lot of great scientists have been theists and some today are some arent. My point really was science doesnt mean atheism.
  22. I agree with pretty much all of that and it was put better than I could have done. Science vs Religion is such a human thing to do putting to things against each other like that into teams. So many great scientists were and are today religous its amazing how its even an issue.
  23. Oh shit dude... This is intense wow i dont know what to say you need to tell her how you feel but remain refrained and not make any desicions that she may try and get you to make.
  24. In my opinion its a real toughie I think whats happened is shes gorwn towards you cause you guys spend so much time together and your feeligns have become quite intense on both sides. I would just think of your feelings and more importantly concerns in a objective manner and then appraoch her with them. Whatever you do wait until she has seen her bf again that will reveal a lot. Has she seen him since all this happened?
  25. Ah god flinky dont do it thats well bad If she breaks up with him thats different but if she still likes him then ah god.
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