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Everything posted by Sméagol

  1. Yes, but no hurt in asking. I assume they are though (dead for all intents and purposes). So I think we can take everything The Peeps says, with a pinch of salt as well unfortunately. Unless there's another reanimated corpse in his house.
  2. Tales, if you'd divulge this: those controlled people, are they dead for all intents and purposes? Or can do still do some things and / or post on their own behalf? Just out of curiosity, hero, what list of adresses do you have? I assume you've collected these from the targets of your accomplices? Again, just curious, I've got a list myself, and am just wondering how much you know. Perhaps we can complement eachother if needed. And with that said, I'm just going to put it out there: 29 Northbrook Drive is The Peeps address.
  3. Hmm, I've sent Diageo a PM, becauseI think he may have forgotten something. Do I need to divulge who lives on 29 Northbrook Drive? I may wait for that person's response though.
  4. No, he is, go back to page 1 .
  5. There is always time to dance!
  6. The mako is that Hammerhead's (the hovercraft) predecessor. In the first game, you had a thing on good old fashioned wheels. You used it for expeditions on planets with sidemissions. Many people hated the controls, but I personally didn't. The Hammerhead is better yes, but I still like the Mako. I'm not sure, but I believe their still is one in your cargo bay? You just can't get to it / use it. The scanning was one of the things that was absolutely better in ME1. On planets you could land, there was actually exploration involved. Those planets had multiple points of interest, including your sidemission's objective, and minerals you could scan. On planets you could not land on, you simply had to click them to scan. That said, I'd like to see it go away all together. I mean, you are on an important mission for God's sake. "But hey, can you do some mining along the way?" The Normandy is not a fucking mining ship! :p. I wonder where they store all those minerals.. Oh and about the Print Screen, I get a blank screen, as with most games.
  7. That fan-art is epic, although I think the artstyle doesn't work on every character. Especially the triforce trio in the spotlight look like a 70's movieposter like the Star Wars and Indiana Jones ones . Lovely nonetheless, though I wish there was a horizontal version for use as a wallpaper . What's / Who's the source?
  8. Outside of other genres, like puzzle games, yeah, it's kind of hard.. It's because the drama and thriller genres are barely represented in videogame entertainment. With that said, maybe Silent Hill: Shattered Memories is a suggestion, but perhaps a bit of a stretch. Other than that, I'd look for point & clicks.
  9. Good riddance, she was annoying .
  10. Any strategies for tomorrow then, with the new info we have? Is it relevant now if I reveal who the person is on the latest address from the surveillance cameras?
  11. There's just something about the combination of Justin Bieber and ReZ "eating" that.. Disturbs me.
  12. Well, that's a disappointment. I do think we shouldn't blindly accept all he's said in his confession, I believe he's "given up", but there maybe some lies in there to misdirect us. I mean, why tell us the stuff about ReZ? Also, can't ReZ speak at all (for himself that is), i.e. is he written off already? Anyway, I don't know what the count is, but I guess: vote: Tales But something just doesn't feel right about his confession.
  13. Perhaps more people will put some effort into their signatures then .
  14. Haha. So obvious, but I'd totally get that, if I had the money! On my wishlist it is then! Edit: Pro-tip: make one with Dirk Benedict for the old-skool fans.
  15. Play Portal now, and then wait for Portal 2 to come out. Although there are things that shoot at you.
  16. I guess that's the problem then, that's why I'm asking..
  17. That's lovely news, even if expected. I think my femshep is pretty sexy, and I'd love to take some screenshots, but there doesn't seem to be an easy way for either ME1 or ME1 to take those? Maybe I'll go mess with the ini files from ME1 then, I don't want to bother with 3rd party apps.
  18. What's so special about you hero, when you have extra security measures preventing other people from entering your house (allegedly)? Why do you need extra protection from the mafia compared to us?
  19. But wasn't Dazz involved with something at the desterate building? And he died..
  20. Things seem to be too divided.. I don't think anyone has given a very compelling reason to vote for anyone (unless I missed something?), right now I'm inclined to revote for Rummy as that was who I was voting for yesterday, but that also doesn't seem to be useful. For now, I'll just keep watching what others do.
  21. Hmmz. Just found out she's in The Netherlands today.. I would have loved to see her, but I don't have any money, and it's sold out anyway. But anyway, perhaps I can give you people the heads-up as she's performing in the UK in the next few days. [tour dates]
  22. Apart from you, mr-paul and Dannyboy were seen entering that house the night before. Perhaps we should pressure Tales?
  23. Not that it really matters now (probably), but hackers don't need to steal stuff?
  24. Not a console, but if you don't mind alternative portables, then there's a new (and ugly) thing called a [Pandora]. And not a new platform, but a netbook dedicated to gaming.. The [Razer Switchblade]. I can't see myself needing a netbook dedicated to gaming, however, it does look awesome. Edit: I should mention the Switchblade is a concept only for now though.
  25. Genetically engineered fur worms bred for use in fashion industry.
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