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My Buttons are Magic!

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Everything posted by My Buttons are Magic!

  1. in russia while watching some ballet lol
  2. i was just joking ... .. (i do like that one - i laughed )
  3. yeh.. everytime anyone calls me "mbam" i always think of bambam from flintstones hehe
  4. here - quit the talk about bambam-ing anything buttons is not amused :
  5. i think that the dll files are part of it too cause i found something about them on another website
  6. arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh day was going great - was meant to be going to gregs to have my dinner cooked for me but a virus has hijacked my internet and my perfect evening bah humbug
  7. i honestly dont know... i dont know how we got it :| easiest way is to go onto the internet if you automatically go to their page u have it heres the printscreens : edit: the printscreens will be coming in ONE MOMENTS stupid thing has my computer running slow FINALLY -
  8. i have internet explorer (meh) i have mcafee virus scan and its currently scanning the computer for the last hour but no luck is there a way to get rid of it?
  9. what is http://puresafetyhere.com/? DONT CLICK ON IT - could harm your computer is it a virus?/spyware?/adware? it seems to have infected itself on my computer since last sunday night to t onight.. (i havent been on it.. my dad was and its him that discovered it) it keeps saying i have viruses on my computer and i need to download such and such.. (obviously i havent cause im not stupid) but it seems to have hijaccked my internet homepage (which was google) to their website.. anyhelp on gettin rid of it would be helpful my virus scan isnt brining up anything
  10. gregs coming up to visit me and we are eating pizza thats about it
  11. passed every single one of my exams HELL YEH did really well in the practical one which is good as its the thing i want to concentrate on aftert uni
  12. but still *high five for non drinking?*
  13. dr pepper *high five*
  14. oh go away yeh but the people that know me properly know why i dont drink dr pepper/bpm/red bull is all i need
  15. well barratts has already stole my soul so theres none left for GAME to take
  16. it payts more than barratts so im happy enough :P
  17. ffecking hell i was posting dammit only need a couple more minutes! bah
  18. just found out a guy quit GAME (part time staff) may have to have a wee dander in to see if theres a job going
  19. reveal your role then it will help eliminate our suspicions
  20. mums just told me she cant wait for me to go to uni so she doesnt have to look at me joy of joys
  21. as ive said me and him are working together on this (partners) and he cant target during the night - his power works when people target him
  22. i am sure you can.. i dunno i do love them.. i want more
  23. im afraid your wrong there sprout cant target so your theory is all wrong!
  24. shino couldnt have been the silencer as he targeted strider the night someone was silenced..and dynasty girl was doing her business that night also so that logically leaves mr paul and calza .. i can reveal that the person that has been silenced is sprout and that me and him are working together on this - and that we are good.. sprout is the guy with the red text
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