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Everything posted by darthbane2k

  1. Way to make a big deal over an off the cuff comment. Its irrelevant, so lets move on, okay? I seriously question this. Again, there is NO EXCLUSIVITY contract that ties Metal Gear Solid to the Playstation at all, to my knowledge. Secondly, Nintendo have wads of cash - way more than Sony (who are in the Red) - you think they havent approached Kojima Studios? Well theres no need for insults, but MGS is consider THE DEFINITIVE Kojima series from a mainstream point of view. And its this mainstream gratification that will seriously push units and could help the Wii greatly.
  2. I agree - however the thing that irks me, and causes me to say "go to hell" is that I have seen NO PROOF of this what so ever.Just what is it that we/I am supposed to be 'grateful' for? Grateful that he acknowledges the Wii exists? How about some games?, some AAA games and not a half assed effort. Kojima seems to be Sony's bitch (I know that sounds really fanboyish) and I dont expect anything substantial from him on Wii. without arguing, you dont get my point. Im not bitching because games are not being made for Nintendo or that I want to buy a certain game so bad - if it was that simple, I could simply buy a PS3 and be content with MGS4. Im bitching because its a case of 'if you scratch my back i'll scratch yours. Nintendo have allowed this man to include his iconic character within a NINTENDO game - so what do Nintendo get in return - yet another snub?
  3. I agree about MGS4's hardware requirements. However it doesnt mean that Metal Gear Solid could not appear on wii in one form or another (as opposed to 'another' game). Its not impossible - especially considering that MGS3 was developed for PS2 - an inferior piece of hardware to even the GameCube. I'll say it again, as far as im aware there is no exculsivity deal tieing MGS to playstation. Its just Kojima studios CHOOSES to snub all things Nintendo, and that is what angers me, especially since Nintendo have been so accomodating to include Snake within one of THEIR games, simply because its a playful fantasy of Kojimas.
  4. Okay im being the fanboy here eh? - Even though I wasnt the one executing the old PS defence force in a pathetic attempt to justify a $600 price tag for a games console. ("but it wont be $600 forever!"... etc etc) So basicly you think Nintendo are getting a good deal here? - why so? Its a reasonable enough question I asked, I have been thinking about it over the past few days. Just what do Nintendo get out of this 'deal'? - I merely asked that expecting mature responses, maybe I should not have used the phrase 'go to hell' as it seems to have upset quite a few playstation loyalists who have responded with venom. Dont get me wrong, I could not care less if there was a metal gear on wii or not. I have no love for the games, but millions of other Nintendo fans DO, which is why I questioned whether the inclusion of Snake in a NINTENDO beat-em-up was fair.
  5. spoken like a true PS fanboy. You are ASSUMING the PS3 price will become more mainstream over time, but after how long? If you /Kojima/ whoever bases its potential success on this assumption then you CANNOT assume that the Wii will not have a substantial userbase. Just like you ASSUME the PS3 will become more affordable and popular at a quick enough rate to save its ass from falling into 2nd/3rd place, then I can ASSUME the Wii will establish a massive user base of DS proportions over that same period of time. Changing the arguement slightly - what about Metal Gear Acid - you telling me that that game CANNOT be produced on Nintendo DS? Fact remains that Konami, or rather Kojima productions choose to snub Nintendo formats. Thats well and good because it is their progertive who to develop for. However if Snake is getting 'free publicity and exposure' as a gaming icon in a NINTENDO game, then I at least expect the favor to be returned. Surely thats not too much to ask, is it? Your MSX arguement is totally irrelevant by the way. Im specifically talking about Snake's historical roots on Nintendo Vs Playstation. Im sure the NES versions of Metal Gear and Snakes Revenge sold far more than the MSX version anyway. Yeah there are typos galore in this post - cant be bothered to review it as im at work - thought id get that defence in before you retort!
  6. erm, its not a matter of 'go cry' its a matter of fair's fair. If you choose to snub Nintendo by not releasing your games for its formats, then you should not be allowed to include your character in smash bros, its as simple as. Smash Bros Brawl would sell regardless of whether snake is in it or not. This has nothing do with business as such, it is to do with a personal request by Kojima and a personal favor. He WANTED snake in the game, snakes in it, so what do WE get? As far as im aware MGS is NOT an exclusive series to Playstation, so there is no reason why the wii should be snubbed. Snake's roots were on the NES, at least Kojima could regonise this. You say why sell half a million copies vs 3 million? Well, at $600 per console, I dont think the PS3 will exactly be 'mainstream' - and also, why not sell 3.5 million. Profits from both formats.
  7. That's right - all that begging for Snake to appear in Smash Brothers on Wii and the fact that Hideo Kojima is allowed to design a stage for him means absolutely nothing. Kojima gets his fantasy and Nintendo (and nintendo fans alike) are left with NOTHING. What I mean is a decent Metal Gear for Wii. It IS possible. I mean why not? MGS3 looked pretty good n PS2 and Wii is more powerful than xbox1 - sure it wont be up to MGS4 quality in terms of the visuals, but who cares? PS3 fans are jerking off to MGS4 and we get nothing yet again from Konami and Kojima productions. Dont get me wrong, Im not a PS fan, I have no desire to get the PS3 and understand that MGS is largely a PS series, however I dont like the idea that Nintendo are getting fuck all from this Kojima Smash Bros dealeo.
  8. what about Toys R Us folks, anyone heard anything from them? They normally do the best bundles and plus, theres one virtually on my doorstep. I'd much rather walk three minutes up the road to get my Wii than take the car/bus/train.
  9. in reality - excitetruck graphicly looks a lot better than any of those screenshots or choppy videos on the net. HOWEVER the main problem with excittruck, which I noticed when playing it at the uk event at ExCel, is that the controls are too damn sensitive, to the point of it being unplayable. This is not a prob with the wiimote, but rather the game, as warioware had a boss stage where you had to drive/chaffeur a car by steering the wiimote, and that had the sensitivity locked down perfect.
  10. anyone actually going to the european event tomorrow? if so PM me..
  11. Its not overheating, its a faulty power supply or your existing supply is not sufficent to power all of your devices (have you added any new devices recently?) You'll need a new one, set you back around £20. I had the same problem with restarting on my MAME Arcade cabinet PC.
  12. who needs SNES or X Box live arcade when you can play SF2 Hyper Fighting and thousands of other arcade games on your very own MAME arcade cabinet like myself! http://img159.imageshack.us/my.php?image=arcade9ns.jpg
  13. As much as I hate sony and agree with the crux of your point, Apple did NOT invent the MP3 player, in actual fact iPods are some of the most uninnovative and underspeced players on the market, devoid of basic commonplace features such as FM radio and voice memo. Ipods are mainly popular with people who like to exhibit them as some sort of fashion statement.
  14. Not on the PSP it aint. Its near UNPLAYABLE with that awful D-Pad. I have SF alpha 3 on my mame cabinet, and it was an INSULT to play the PSP version. Stretched 4:3 screen (it ISNT 16:9) and dodgy controls = lazy port.
  15. why? all of what I stated was FACT. But seeing how you list FF VII as one of your top all time games (in your sig), I can presume that you have never experienced or finished any pre VII final fantasys.
  16. NOOB ALERT! Thats right, this thread is FULL of noobs! Final fantasy VII one of the best RPGs of all time? Final Fantasy VII first game of its kind? Final Fantasy VII first game to contain emotional music/memorable scenes??!! WAKE UP PS-NOOBS, THE FINAL FANTASY SERIES DID NOT BEGIN WITH PART 7. you need to look at the older final fantasy games, such as FF4, FF5 and FF6. FF6 IS the greatest RPG of all time possibly, but certainly is the greatest FF game of all time. Those were the days before the FF games became nothing more than interactive movies. Infact (having played and finished ALL final fntasys)_ id go so far to say that FF7 was the EASIEST FF of the series - the games have been simplified for the Playstation generation. Now its all fmv. Even random battles have been disposed of now!
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