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Everything posted by darthbane2k

  1. Smyths toy stores have loads in stock. At least every London branch has some in stock. Their website operates a reserve and collect service like Argos. http://www.smythstoys.com/WII-FIT-WII-!F00674-prod.aspx
  2. Seems like great fun. Just got my arse kicked online, although that was BEFORE I completed the tutorial Anyway, my VIP points for this game arent working, keep getting invalid PIN error. Anyone else having probs?
  3. got this yesterday. On stage 3. I seem to be a bit crap, C rankings on both levels and none of the pink eledees found...
  4. Massive YAWN from me apart from Little Big Planet. Sure the other titles look pretty (esp Unchartered) but all generic games that we've already played many many times before.
  5. I hope you are right and this is a case of Square being caught with their trousers down. One thing puzzles me about that logic, how come they made the decision long in advance to support the xbox360 then?.. but I suppose this could be a case of doing a quick and dirty port using the unreal3 engine.
  6. Listen asshole, I never brought the DS into it. I specifically said WII was being snubbed. You talk about limited resources - well thats my point! why waste money and resources developing for a system that has already proven a flop, has a laughable userbase and whose sales are dropping lower and lower, month after month. Yes folks, I AM talking about the PS3. Furthermore you claim I am trolling? Do you really put Chocobo's mysterious dungeon up there with the likes of final fantasy or that new epic RPG the last remnant? Crystal Cronicles might be of some hope, but judging from the GC game, I doubt it. Even a main final fantasy spin off such as FF13 Versus would have done.. but no. That dragons quest sword game is irrelevant too. Why? Because it is based on a TV plug in and play game, the likes you see in toys r us for a tenner... yep deep gameplay indeed, or just sword swinging crap. Fact is that Nintendo have proven themselves with the wii, month after month its sales go through the roof, demand is NOT going down - yet square would rather support the flagging PS3. And considering it costs a great deal more to develop on the PS3, I'd say they are snubbing the wii right now.
  7. http://www.amazon.co.uk/4Gamers-Wireless-Sensor-Bar-Wii/dp/B000OKRS60/ref=sr_1_2/026-8288507-4174800?ie=UTF8&s=videogames&qid=1179070797&sr=1-2
  8. And thats our point. Usually this decision is based on USERBASE. Have you taken a recent look at how PS3 is performing against Wii? Wii is slaughtering it , so Wii rightfully should see the support.
  9. Yeah, silly me. I didnt realise those were Wii games.
  10. The DS could have done with Star Ocean 1 and 2. Im a bit pissed that the games have been remade for the 'flagging' PSP
  11. On-rails sword swinging game based on basic electronic plug and play tv sword game. Not a 'real' final fantasy game. simplified, low budget adventure. Yet the PS3 and 360 get this.. and yes I believe the Wii could have handled this, albeit not in HD.
  12. so you have not played the original Chocobo's Mysterious Dungeon game? I just want decent third party support on Wii. Nintendo need not prove anything else, the Wii is destroying the PS3 worldwide, yet wheres our support?
  13. Even though the Wii outsells the PS3 10 to one in Japan, and outsells it world wide with higher software sales, Square enix have still decided to snub the Wii... This is a bit of a cut and paste from Other's comments in other forums, but I wholeheartedly agree... Announcements ● Star Ocean 1 and 2 remakes for PSP ● Chocobo Mysterious Dungeon for Wii *CRAP* ● Last Remnant 360/PS3 ● Star Ocean 4 (PS3) ● Final Fantasy Cristal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers ● Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Rings of Fate ● Final Fantasy XII Intl. (w/ Zodiac Job System) http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3159370 Square either.. 1) Arent in the business of making any money 2) Actually want a monopoly in the industry and will back Sony to the bitter end, irrespective of the success of any competitor. I truly hope their 'support' of PS3 will bite them in the ass financially as much as that waste of time 'Spirits Within' movie did.
  14. SCEA will receive this distinguished honor at an awards presentation being held tonight at the International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2007 in Las Vegas.
  15. PS3 controller picks up prestigious gong at CES http://www.gamesindustry.biz/content_page.php?aid=22052 The PlayStation 3's Sixaxis controller has been honoured with an award from the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. The Technology and Engineering Emmy Award comes as the console manufacturer also revealed it has shipped one million units of its PlayStation 3 to North American retailers. "The overwhelming consumer demand and critical acclaim for PS3 is testament of the platform's strength and the industry's desire for a true next-generation entertainment system," commented Jack Tretton, CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment America. "The full potential of this powerful machine has yet to be realised. What you've seen so far is just a taste of what will be on the table for 2007 and years to come," he added. The Sixaxis controller has added motion sensing technology to re-define the original Dual Shock controller, detecting natural, real-time movements, along with input via pressure sensitive buttons, analogue sticks and triggers. Sony's PlayStation 3 has also picked up the CES Best of Innovations Award for 2007, PC World's 20 Most Innovative Products Award, Sound and Vision's Editor's Choice Award and a Digital Innovation Award from the Digital Entertainment Group.
  16. Thats what I have heard. Then again, I think you HAVE to use the DS dont you? Im not sure at all..
  17. Worth the extra £4.99 it cost me over the wii remote, however to be quite honest, we never touched Wiiplay since obtaining the medals. Wiisports sees all of the multiplayer action and has way better replay value.
  18. Actually this is due to the DS content of the game. The DS has to connect via the normal Nintendo WIFI route (friend code) but for future online Wii games that do not rely on DS WIFI content, it will be the one universal friendcode per console
  19. The issue here isnt, why did the newspaper run the story? - most did. The issue is, why did the Newspaper run the item as the main story on the front page, with the words WII MESSED UP, warning the public (who so far are embrasing wii quite positively) that the wii is "FAULTY" There is obviously an agenda behind this. Remember this is coming from a newspaper/journalist who judged all 3 next gen consoles a couple months back and advised people to "wait for PS3" and who also claimed that Nintendo "followed Sony's path of a motion controller"
  20. Yep! http://www.wiidamage.com/wp-content/uploads/2006/12/wii_in_tv__1.jpg was the very same picture printed in the newspaper!
  21. Funny you should mention this, because that is the one thing the UK mainstream press fails to mention, when weighing up these 'next gen' consoles - the PRICE of the PS3. I know it sounds ridiclious, but if you look up some of Mark Prigg's article in the past, he clearly has a bias for Playstation and I would go so far to say an affiliation with SCEE (hinted through things he has said)
  22. Im at work, so I have no scanner but i'll send a picture message to my blog and link there..
  23. Forgive me for being a conspiracy theorist, but with all of the wars and politics going on in the world, and especially with the Princess Diana inquest, why oh why does the FRONT PAGE, MAIN HEADLINE of London Lite read "WII MESSED UP - GAMES GIANT ADMITS BEST-SELLER IS FAULTY" This obviously refers to the wrist strap issues of the Wii. I noticed the article was written by technology correspondent Mark Prigg (a playstation fanboy based on previous partisan articles) and im wondering whether Sony have had a hand in this bad press. Furthermore, they have printed that FAKE photoshopped picture of a wii mote actually embedded into a CRT TV.
  24. I just hope the RGB scart leads come through. I have already got myself component cables last week, but my brother (who lives with my parents) got a Wii and we are all going there for xmas day, so I promised to run around town looking for a RGB cable for him.
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