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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. It's not going well, don't worry it will be worth the wait believe me.
  2. Votes (as they stand) No Lynch - Dedede, Yvonne, Magnus Peterson, The Peeps (4) Sheikah - DuD, Esequeil (2) Esequiel - EEVILMURRAY (1) Majority is 7 (12 players), Day ends 8pm Friday
  3. Vote Count (as it stands) No Lynch - Dedede, Yvonne, Magnus Peterson (3) Sheikah - DuD, Esequeil (2) Majority is 7 (12 players), Day ends 8pm Friday
  4. From the mind of me. Anything is possible.
  5. Sorry for the delay The war between Assassins and Templars is still reigning strong after all these years. Abstergo vs Desmond is still happening, after all they want the Pieces of Eden to bring together a new order to the world. The Assassins wanted to being piece to the already existing world. Modern Era Rebecca and Shaun, 2 of the remaining Assassins from years gone by created a new Animus. One that could give Desmond complete control over his actions, the only problem is that this is only a prototype and isn't guaranteed to work. Desmond volunteered as usual to test it, after all this could be the device that allows Desmond to bring the images of the past to life in the modern times which could allow him to overcome Abstergo and recover the Eden Pieces for the Assassins. Just as Rebecca asked Desmond to sit in the Animus, Abstergo agents invaded the complex they were hiding in. Amongst them was Dr Vidic, the scientist responsible for kidnapping Desmond and trying to recover the Eden from the Crusades era. He gave Desmond 1 last chance to turn himself over for the better good, but he refused. His reasons remained the same, he wanted to protect the Eden and the past from the likes of the Templars. After much debate, Dr Vidic left. Heading back to the Animus ready to investigate a new ancestor, Desmond was strapped in and was ready to go. Unbeknown to anyone, the Animus was rigged with a mysterious device which was set to go off the moment the Animus was activated. Which it did with some dire consequences. Desmond Miles is dead Desmond was a normal go happy chappy until he was kidnapped by Abstergo back in September 2012. The reason, he was to be a puppet to allow them to access the Eden and it's location. He was soon freed by Lucy, a Templar/Assassin Spy who showed him the way wasn't with helping the evil but with helping the good. With the debris clearing, the body of Desmond was removed from the remnants of the Animus. Along with what was left of the mysterious item. No idea what this item exactly was, Shaun was adamant it was a Piece of Eden used to charge the explosion. Rebecca not so sure, but before the debate was to begin, something started to happen. The remains of the Animus started to glow a white light, the room was shaking like an earthquake was happening. Then a flash of light. By the time the room was clear of dust, 9 figures wearing various attires appeared out of the dust and vanished. According to records, they were from the memories of Desmond after his Animus adventures. And with these characters, various objects came with them. Standard rules apply No quoting PMs unless specified by GM. You may paraphrase. No modifying posts Days last at least 48 hours, at most 96 depending on activity in-game. If majority votes are reached, day will end. Nights last around 24 - 36 hours If you are killed, you can post a quick "Sorry i'm dead, great game" style post. Nothing that will affect the game for the rest 12 players, Majority votes are 7 @Mr\-Paul @Esequiel You have until 8pm Friday
  6. Roles are being sent out, the game thread will be up as soon as possible. Edit: Will be up in 2 hours, something came up. Sorry chaps, any questions with the roles feel free to ask.
  7. If memory serves me correct, you need to get all the other figurines (except Knuckle) to get the King of Red Lions figurine built. I managed to snag a swift sail last night for 220 rupees in the auction last night, filled the entire map within an hour. I can't go back to the normal sail anymore. Quick question, with the pictographer in Windfall, when is it likely you'll start getting the legendary pictures to buy?
  8. 15 puzzle pieces from completing all current puzzles, which i should get by weeks end.
  9. Have to wait and see, my mind is wierd when put into use.
  10. No problem, it's now corrected. Sign-ups will close 8:30pm tonight. This will give me the time to send out the PM's to everyone.
  11. Well, it would seem the Final Fantasy Mafia is over. I plan to get this going either tomorrow night (Wednesday) or Thursday night. So basically, anyone else wishing to play get that sign-up in.
  12. What, is that it. Short game indeed, but some interesting concepts indeed. A good effort indeed, and i commend you for the game. Creating mafia games is a tricky situation, and i thought you did well indeed. Well done chap.
  13. I'm off to Windfall tonight to acquire it :awesome:
  14. Sorry chap, added you to the list.
  15. I seem to be ahead of you @Mokong X-C with the Pearls. I havn't got the Speedy Sail yet, but is it true you don't need to use the Wind song whilst equipping that sail. Majority of my map is uncovered, just the outside squares to join up, the rest is done. Filled the entire Forest room in the Gallery, just need a Faro statue which i can get from the photo guy in Windfall.
  16. Thread updated with players. I can go with a minimum of 12 players, 4 roles i have are just fillers based on characters that have featured in the series one way or another.
  17. I'm making some adjustments to the roles, balancing things out. I believe this could be my best one yet.
  18. It's time again, another Jimbob mafia-run game. I'm keeping the plot of the game a secret until the game thread, but it will be a good one. Sign-ups welcome. The game will start soon after the end of the Final Fantasy Mafia game. Players (Maximum 16, Minimum 12) - 12 players so far Sheikah DuD Dedede Magnus Peterson Yvonne Rez Peeps Diageo EEVILMURRAY Cube Mr-Paul Esequiel
  19. I've acquired all 3 pearls, heading to the various spots to plant them ready for the Tower of Gods and acquisition of the Master Sword. I've got to remember to empty my camera at the Gallery before heading in as well, 12 snaps at once certainly saves time in collecting the figurines. Anyone else noticed that the wallet now has a maxium 500 rupees.
  20. Why should i give a complete reveal, oh very well. The spell i used was Aero, it deals wind damage. I used the wind basically to block the way.
  21. As a geomancer, i cast a spell which causes objects of sorts (could be anything from rocks to trees to monsters) to either spawn or fall in front of characters blocking them from reaching target.
  22. My role as a geomancer is simple, i'm a roleblocker. Whomever i targetted would be blocked from completing said action for the night.
  23. Ok, i'll reveal. I'm the Geomancer who watched from afar.
  24. What i like as a new addition, you can put multiple pictures into the Nintendo Gallery at once.
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