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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Makes sense as to why they removed an extensive chunk of older titles from various storefronts.
  2. I mean, would Nintendo go the route Sony have done and charge £10 for an upgraded version of an already existing game.........or will it be full whack of £50-£70 for a newer Switch 2 version. And more so, would people buy them knowing these games will work on Switch 2.
  3. Smyths are quite good for picking up the console from as well. Amazon, i've had some friends who've had issues with Amazon not delivering pre-ordered games on day of release.
  4. Jeez, there's Dirty Dom heat. Then there's the heat Hogan had during his sporadic appearance. People just didn't want to see him at all.
  5. I had cancelled mine back in July/August for financial reasons, but never closed my account. So getting December for free is a nice bonus (i honestly don't think i should get it, but i'm not complaining). Waiting for the inevitable Netflix price increase next year to pay for this
  6. Shhh, don't tell everyone i scour Era 🤪 It's working very well. Completly forget that my monitor automatically goes on when the PS5 switches on, so the Mrs was wondering why Tetris Effect was playing itself when she walked past my games room/office. Quite like that the Pulse Elite headset works on it without a dongle, thanks to the new wireless settings within. The touchpad is the screen now, one touch pad either side of the left/right sticks. Cloud gaming on it works very well, which is the main reason i got one. Remote play wasn't a selling point, and i said to myself i'd get one if they put Cloud gaming on. My internet is quite fast, so i get a good connection and get little to no latency on it.
  7. Same, got the 30% discount in the sale. Was going to get a cheap ShopTo/CD Keys voucher to purchase a year prior to seeing the 30% discount Makes sense keeping Premium, they added Cloud gaming to the Portal. Comes in use when i'm downstairs.
  8. Just saw something. UK subscribers to the WWE Network get December for free, they've cancelled all subscriptions for this month ready for shutdown in January. Make the most of it i say.
  9. Seems that way. Mystic tested the Cloud features on a video the other day, was some input latency (but the Cloud streaming is in beta stage still, so to be expected). It's powering through now with Xbox now offering more Cloud gaming options for already owned games (50 at the moment). Maybe one of these days, you won't even need a PlayStation console, just a Portal (or a version of it)
  10. Platinums might be a little tough for some people (i know there's some easy as pie plats out there), but certainly number of hours played or a minimum length of time the PSN account has been active might have helped.
  11. Same here. Worst case scenario, i'll wait until they're readily available before purchasing. I'm pretty sure i read somewhere that Nintendo are literally mass producing to prevent such an occurrence. But going back to the topic, the logic Sony had with getting pre-orders live for the 30th Anniversary collection on the same day as pre-orders went live for the PS5 Pro is bizarre. Could have alleviated traffic a bit by doing the Pro last week and the 30th Collection this week
  12. Hour or so wait in a queue, but i also managed to get myself a 30th Anniversary DualSense. Have noticed the usual scalpers trying their luck on eBay with some quite extraordinary pricing strategies. Boy, i hate scalpers.
  13. I think with all these "leaks and rumours" popping up, maybe Nintendo should just come out and say "we'll announce it when we're ready, chill"
  14. And we're done. Platinum earned, with some small challenges along the way (if you know, you know). What an absolute blast that was from start to finish.
  15. I saw that price, and was literally WTF'ng. I get it, things are more expensive. But this console generation alone is one that a standard PS5 is selling for more than it was at launch. A DualSense is now £5-£10 more expensive, and still has the same fiddly parts. PS+ is more expensive, games are now £70. And here we are with a PS5 Pro with 45% more power with an asking price of (depending where you look) up to 50% higher than a PS5 itself. And that's before you add in the stand (why is it not included as it was prior) and a disk drive (add another £80-£100). If this is the future of gaming, jeez. People laughed at me for being a Nintendo-only gamer when i was younger, and i think i might be going that way again.
  16. Didn't i read somewhere that Nintendo has enough in the bank, that they could take 10 years worth of losses. I'd have imagined by now the Switch is either breaking even, or at a loss. And software is making them bank by comparison. It's confusing me a little as to why everything is going up, whereas this time in the PS4 gen, we were looking at cheaper consoles with the Slim. This time, the Slim is the same cost as the standard PS5. And i'm thinking the PS5 Pro will be £100 more than that.
  17. Just a hint of what's to come. I was thinking, maybe they'll release sets of past PlayStation console-themed plates and/or a controller for the 30th anniversary. Want your PS5 to look like a PS2, here you go
  18. Nice touch in Playroom Went digital with this, only because i had £40 of PSN credit lying around. The digital deluxe version didn't seem worth it, especially when most of the stuff you can get through in-game unlocks. Played 2 stages, and i'm believing this is grinningly good.
  19. Didn't think they'd shelve the game this soon after release. Wonder if they will re-release on FTP (PS+) or not bother, even with the beta, it didn't seem people were that interested in the game then.
  20. Hardly a surprise with Concord. It looked good, but comments i read on a State of Play showcasing this turned sour as soon as it was shown as a paid GaaS. Has to be one of, if not the biggest software flop from Sony. Not looking good for Firewalk Studios.
  21. If you've not played Little Nightmares II, good chance as any to give it a pop.
  22. Few essential things for the house New Oven and Hobs New kitchen tap New router and networking plugs (for work, my VM Hub seems to dislike the VPN work uses) New brakes for the car Pretty expensive week, here's hoping nothing else goes wrong.
  23. How much is too much Tetris?. We could find out here, and couple that with the NES Tetris coming to NSO as well.
  24. I had to use a guide for 2 of the 4 hidden Robots (2 and 3). I mean, how the heck would you be able to work out one of them without the guide. Still, can't wait until Friday. Had 2x £20 PSN vouchers i've saved for this (one from GAME's Reward scheme ending, the other i cashed in on the PS Stars program before they change it).
  25. Yeah, the Penta - Adam Copeland match was pretty good overall. The Swerve/Samoa Joe rivalry is getting more and more interesting as time goes on, hopefully Swerve wins the big one as he's pretty hot right now. Started watching RAW/Smackdown again since Wrestlemania (have TNT Sports as part of my EE phone). How many adverts does the show need to have, probably close to an hours worth of ads with about 80 minutes of actual wrestling
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